Fast food cravings

Help!! I never know how to kick fast food cravings. Even when I prepare my meals and have them ready with foods that I like, I will want to drop everything and just go get McDonald's. Or ice cream. Or anything unhealthy!! I know that I'm allowed to give myself a "treat" every now and then but what are some tips y'all have on avoiding a full on fast food and or sugar binge?


  • arnnanz
    arnnanz Posts: 34 Member
    Wondering how often you’re feeling this? 1-2x a month I wouldn’t worry so much and just work it into your plan. 3-4 times a week? I would check what is happening with your emotions. Can I recommend Brooke Castillo’s Life Coach School podcast series? It’s amazing for identifying how you’re feeling and how that causes overeating! I know I always want to “treat” myself when I’m feeling stressed.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,480 Member
    You keep a food diary? Use a food scale at home? Plan a menu for the week?

    I’m another person who doesn’t find healthy/unhealthy food a very useful concept. But sometimes I do think of different food as helpful or unhelpful. One thing I do is plan a daily treat. It’s how I fight feeling deprived. Conversely, many of my meals are rather plain. But they fill me up for few calories, leaving calories in the bank for a treat. In that sense those foods are helpful.

    If you plan well enough, you can probably get in a trip to McDs if you really want it. Can you keep yourself in check if you go? Is it worth it to try to limit your McD picks? Big difference between a Big Mac, large fry, and a large milkshake and a burger, small fry and diet soda. Is that worth it?

    All that said, almost all of what I eat everyday would make most people’s healthy food list. It’s the way I get enough to eat and still get a daily treat. The good news is that after eating this way for awhile my tastes changed. Last time I had McDs French fries, about 2 years ago, I threw them away. Thought they were awful. I used to eat fast food for lunch every single weekday. Things change.

  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    People crave mcdonalds?
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I went on the websites of my fave spots and made myself a list of meals that I could work into my calorie goals. And if I really really wanted fast food, I got it with no guilt. After awhile I found I was only going around once a week, which I really don't think is a big deal. Often, feeling deprived makes you crave something more!

    Other than that, I think the most important thing I do is pre-log my meals. So if you want McDonalds, first log what you are going to get and look at the numbers. Then make a conscious decision to go get it, or back that meal out and log something that will work better. I think it's really important to make the mindset change that you are an adult and are in control. If there is a voice in your head telling you to do something that will move you backwards instead of forwards, tell that voice to shut the *kitten* up.

    Also I have a weighed out portion of ice cream several times a week, I usually have a couple of flavors in the freezer. Other nights I have a couple of Oreos or a bowl of cold cereal in milk. Still lost weight and now maintaining just fine, still have great numbers at my check up and fitness goals progressing as expected.

    Good luck!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    People crave mcdonalds?

    I do sometimes. And it doesn't help (or it does I suppose) that the burger I usually crave is one of their highest calories ones (Angus Swiss mushroom burger). When I want it, I have to carve out a minimum of 1000 calories out of my daily budget. Sometimes it feels like it's worth it, other times I think "*kitten* that, too much work, I'll go for something else" and my desire for it diminishes.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I make fast food fit into my calories. Does that mean I go there all the time? No. I limit it to once a week at most...I had Taco Bell on Sunday, so now I won't go elsewhere until next week...if it sounds appealing, which it doesn't at the moment.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I still eat fast food, just less often and smaller portions. I order kids meals with a diet soda. I get the added bonus of being a 5 year old in a 41 year old body as I actually enjoy the toys.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    I still have fast food but plan for it and research what I can have for that day. I have my fast food standby's......2 bean tostadas from bakers......subway (whatever sandwich will fit my calorie account)...protein burger from Burger King or Carl's jr (burger wrapped in lettuce instead of bun).
    There is no I cannot have BUT what I can have.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    My friend who has lost 55lbs thru this site orders kids meals from fast foods.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    I crave it every night on my way home and I have so far avoided it by just reminding myself that I have already spent time/money on the food I have at home so I shouldn't spend more on the fast food. I always just want to get home after a long day, so as long as I stay strong and drive past it I know I won't double back for it. I'm also only craving certain brands, so I don't have to stay strong for every single intersection. I think I pass 4 fast food/takeout places each day that I wish I could eat, but so far I have yet to stop once.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    PS - I also tell myself mentally that it is a special treat for when I've had an awesome or terrible workday. So a second part of the mental willpower is to just tell myself "My day was not that bad/great, you don't need it today. Maybe tomorrow" and then rinse and repeat each day
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    I avoid binges by letting myself have these things within my calorie allowance. I use a weekly deficit and balance lower days with higher days so if I want to eat a higher calorie meal of whatever, it works out over the week. As for ice cream and general desserts (none of which I consider unhealthy), I pre-log calories for every evening and weigh out what fits.

  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited August 2018
    hesn92 wrote: »
    People crave mcdonalds?

    I do sometimes. And it doesn't help (or it does I suppose) that the burger I usually crave is one of their highest calories ones (Angus Swiss mushroom burger). When I want it, I have to carve out a minimum of 1000 calories out of my daily budget. Sometimes it feels like it's worth it, other times I think "*kitten* that, too much work, I'll go for something else" and my desire for it diminishes.

    I will sometimes crave chick fil a or Freddy's but McDonalds to me is like, a last resort, if I'm on a road trip and there are no other options. I think it's so gross. Unless I'm getting chocolate chip cookies or a McFlurry, those are pretty good. Lol.

    Anyway, There are a lot of lower calorie fast food options. There was a thread on here in the past of low calorie fast food options, you could probably find it if you looked hard enough. There were a lot of good ideas in there. Taco bell actually has a lot of low calorie items if you like that.
  • emcclure013
    emcclure013 Posts: 231 Member
    This may be controversial, but instead of trying to kick the food cravings, have you tried giving into them no strings attached except calories? Forget nutrition for now (temporarily) and give yourself unlimited permission to have whatever you want as long as it's within your calories.

    This is what I do, and I've lost over 70lbs. We eat out every Friday night (I refuse to cook on Fridays!) and quite often once or twice over the weekend as well. If we go to Taco Bell, I know that the combo I like is 740 calories, and I make it fit into my calorie allowance. If we go somewhere without calories on the menu, I make my best guess at an entry and log it anyways. You'll learn to look for better options on the menu and pick accordingly so you still get your "fix" without going overboard and blowing the calorie bank.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    edited August 2018
    hesn92 wrote: »
    People crave mcdonalds?

    Agreed. Only thing I get at McDonald's is a black iced coffee. I have not really eaten fast food in years until a few months ago. The burger tasted like cardboard and gave me heart burn from Hades.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    hesn92 wrote: »
    People crave mcdonalds?

    I do sometimes. And it doesn't help (or it does I suppose) that the burger I usually crave is one of their highest calories ones (Angus Swiss mushroom burger). When I want it, I have to carve out a minimum of 1000 calories out of my daily budget. Sometimes it feels like it's worth it, other times I think "*kitten* that, too much work, I'll go for something else" and my desire for it diminishes.

    I will sometimes crave chick fil a or Freddy's but McDonalds to me is like, a last resort, if I'm on a road trip and there are no other options. I think it's so gross. Unless I'm getting chocolate chip cookies or a McFlurry, those are pretty good. Lol.

    Anyway, There are a lot of lower calorie fast food options. There was a thread on here in the past of low calorie fast food options, you could probably find it if you looked hard enough. There were a lot of good ideas in there. Taco bell actually has a lot of low calorie items if you like that.

    I know this works well for many people, but not me. When I crave something, it's usually a specific item from a specific place, not "fast food" as a category. Settling for less makes me feel like I've wasted my calories, so I basically end up having them less often, not because I'm "trying to eat less fast food", but because it isn't always worth it or I'm not willing to go through the process of fitting them in.