Looking to lose 8 kg, 17 lbs, in 8 weeks.



  • fruitily
    fruitily Posts: 75 Member
    @bikecheryl The water weight is draining away? Down 6 lbs. Eating around 1400 cal, drinking just one can of red bull a day, and it's a small one. I'm working way to much to exercise, but bike too (2 km) and from (13 km) work. Crossing my fingers that my bum will look nice, if nothing else.
  • fruitily
    fruitily Posts: 75 Member
    @RAinWA I'll see if I've got time to go get a photo this weekend.
  • fruitily
    fruitily Posts: 75 Member
    edited August 2018
    @RAinWA Never mind, I have a photo that doesn't do the dress justice. The colour makes me look like a corpse, and the belt is too high and makes me look pregnant, and I can't zip it up in the back. That, and my *kitten* looks massive. But it doesn't really show in pictures, but my sister confirmed that it wasn't just in my head, I really did look that bad. cc28pqfpehoa.jpg

    Edit: mfp censoring the word I used for buttocks makes the sentence look...dirty.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    Yeah, MFP substitutes "kitten" for words it doesn't like - makes for interesting sentences sometimes.

    And I would not be "fond" of that dress either.
  • bikecheryl
    bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good news is it will make a nice table cloth after.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    fruitily wrote: »
    @RAinWA Never mind, I have a photo that doesn't do the dress justice. The colour makes me look like a corpse, and the belt is too high and makes me look pregnant, and I can't zip it up in the back. That, and my *kitten* looks massive. But it doesn't really show in pictures, but my sister confirmed that it wasn't just in my head, I really did look that bad. cc28pqfpehoa.jpg

    Edit: mfp censoring the word I used for buttocks makes the sentence look...dirty.

    But it's not your wedding, so suck it up
  • fruitily
    fruitily Posts: 75 Member
    edited August 2018
    @TavistockToad Exactly. I'll wear the dress, smile, and gush over the bride, all the while telling old aunts that no, I'm not expecting. I'm investing in some good spanks.

    I managed to get out of wearing the shoes the bride wanted us all to wear, the broken ankle was a good excuse not to wear the heels.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,497 Member
    In the almost six years I have been on MFP, I have never felt the urge to follow the journey of someone who put a deadline on her weightloss goals.

    Following. This is awesome. And that dress is... Um... Lacy.
  • fruitily
    fruitily Posts: 75 Member
    @Mouse_Potato I aim to please.
  • fruitily
    fruitily Posts: 75 Member
    DAY 3: I didn't weigh myself this morning. After work I clocked in at 67,3 so a good 0,5 kg more then yesterday. I'm not crying into my porridge.

    My biggest problem meal of the day have been porridge for lunch at work. There is no food scale at work, and I'm not packing lunch every day just so I can measure out my 40 grams of oats,10 grams of protein powder, and 10 grams of butter. For one I'll never remember it and end up with nothing to eat. Thinking about just buying a cheap scale to stash at work.

    Also, drinking Red Bull from a glass makes it taste not so good any more. Maybe it's seeing the not found in nature colour.

    My workout for the day was carrying my lazy niece a good 3 km. Not sure how much she weighs, but my arms are killing me since she refused to walk, refused to sit on my shoulders and instead demanded to be cuddled the entire way.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,497 Member
    I have a cheap food scale at my desk. I use it for food I've brought from home and also for office treats. No more "that slice of birthday cake couldn't have been more than 100 calories."
  • fruitily
    fruitily Posts: 75 Member
    DAY 4 and no, daily updates will not be a thing.

    So I was going to take some photos of me in the dress, and couldn't make it work since I don't have a full length mirror.

    So to show how much my backside have grown, I present these pictures instead.
  • SabAteNine
    SabAteNine Posts: 1,866 Member
    This is a good thread. So I'm just gonna follow you silently here, hoping that daily updates WILL be a thing.

    Rooting for you. Fugly up there doesn't deserve more monies on fitting.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    fruitily wrote: »
    DAY 3: I didn't weigh myself this morning. After work I clocked in at 67,3 so a good 0,5 kg more then yesterday. I'm not crying into my porridge.

    My biggest problem meal of the day have been porridge for lunch at work. There is no food scale at work, and I'm not packing lunch every day just so I can measure out my 40 grams of oats,10 grams of protein powder, and 10 grams of butter. For one I'll never remember it and end up with nothing to eat. Thinking about just buying a cheap scale to stash at work.

    Also, drinking Red Bull from a glass makes it taste not so good any more. Maybe it's seeing the not found in nature colour.

    My workout for the day was carrying my lazy niece a good 3 km. Not sure how much she weighs, but my arms are killing me since she refused to walk, refused to sit on my shoulders and instead demanded to be cuddled the entire way.

    of course you weighed more in the evening than the morning. that's totally normal and not fat gain.
  • smolmaus
    smolmaus Posts: 442 Member
    I like the dress #unpopularopinion
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    I hope you meet your goal. I rather know how you feel - I spent a year with the worst fibro flares I have ever had. So I sat around and gained a lot of weight. It happens to fast. But please promise that you won't fall into a depression or a panic if you don't get there for the wedding. The price to pay for refitting the dress is not worth your health. Just do your best to work out and eat right and I bet the pounds will melt off.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    smolmaus wrote: »
    I like the dress #unpopularopinion

    I do too.
  • fruitily
    fruitily Posts: 75 Member
    @smolmaus It's not a bad dress on the hanger. But the colour does nothing for me, and the shape, like all A-shape dresses, is actively making me look bad, double so with the extra fat in my stomach and, as mfp says it, kitten.
  • fruitily
    fruitily Posts: 75 Member
    @elsie6hickman I hear you. I've already talked to someone about having it altered, but big internet hug to you for thinking about it.
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    Well, if the bride truly does make you a corpse, the dress will look.......fitting....