GOALS for turning 60- 39 weeks to get there!

Hey everyone! I hear that goals are met by writing them down - so HERE WE GO!!
I am sick & tired of feeling sick & tired! Ya, I have been down this road many times.... it's all so familiar. This time IS DIFFERENT! Blood work says this is not only necessary for my clothes to fit again, breathe easier while walking.... but to live. They say you don't see any old people with diabetes.... I am pre-diabetic with the opportunity to turn it around. So I've kissed my beer & chicken wings goodbye for now. I'm not setting unrealistc goals.... 1 lb per week. I've hired a personal trainer (hubby going too)I'm food prepping..... Did I say this time is different?! WINNING-
Thanks for allowing my little rant.


  • Ethan1929
    Ethan1929 Posts: 2 Member
    Doing great already 🙏🏻
  • belovedlynda
    belovedlynda Posts: 2 Member
    I haven't been on My Fitness Pal for over year, but I must start again as the weight keeps creeping up. I will be 58 this month and would love to get to my goal weight by the time 60 rolls around, so Carol, you are my inspiration!