Took pics wasn't pretty.



  • IHaveMyActTogether
    IHaveMyActTogether Posts: 945 Member
    SuzOh wrote: »
    I decided to take some mirror pics today wearing just a sports bra and underwear. I needed to photographic document so I can track my progress each month. I have lost 15 or so lbs since Jan, but have fluctuated with my consistency with food and exercise. The pics show the lack of consistency and my body looks worse than I thought it would (clothing sure does hide a lot). It was a rude awakening, but one I really needed. I hope this shock will get me motivated to work harder. Right now I just want to curl up in a ball and hide under the covers.

    May I suggest looking at your body naked in a full length mirror on a regular basis and focusing on what you LIKE about it?

    Because, truly, how you feel about your body has very little to do with what it looks like. I used to have flat abs, with a line down the middle and one across - a 4 pack if you will. I thought I was fat back then. I felt self-conscious about my stomach because it wasn't a 6 pack. Never mind my jawbone was very sharp looking and I was vascular.

    Fast forward some kids and a lot of McDonalds later, my belly is not even close to what it used to look like, and I like my body more than I ever did when I was smaller, even though, objectively, I looked a lot better before. The takeway is that if you can't love you at whatever size you are, getting smaller isn't going to do as much as you think. If you are hypercritical of your body, you will also be that way when you are at goal weight. Instead, be appreciative of your body, you will appreciate it even more when you get there.

    Best wishes.
  • amyjoan1
    amyjoan1 Posts: 47 Member
    My friend had just sent me a before and after pic! The after was her in a bikini and toned bc she goes to the gym everyday. She said was I really fat? I thought ok either she just wants me to see what her body looks like after all she’s put a lot of work into it or does she want a wow you look awesome. Either way my feeling is if someone is looking outside themselves for approval or to validate them and their happiness then there will be no real inner peace, happiness. It’s an inside job and I can be 189 pounds and happy and a fit 125 and miserable. I understand the pics as a personal thing I’ve done it but found myself obsessing over negative things bout my body. I am glad I don’t have those pics anymore and am learning to accept myself and eating clean and healthy and it’s alright today!!!!!!!