Losing 40 pounds but looking the same?

Hello, I'm making a post on here because I have lost 40 pounds but yet I still look exactly the same as before. The only difference I can see is that my legs are slimmer, and when I told my friends, they could only tell my face 'thinned out' (?) a little bit. My parents can't tell at all. I still have at least 40 more pounds to lose. I haven't even really gone down a size, maybe half a size at most, and I still feel fat. I don't know what to do or where to go from here. I'm starting a new workout regimen soon that is supposed to flatten out your stomach but my stomach hasn't gotten any smaller/flatter at ALL! I'm feeling really hopeless even with all this weight loss in a short amount of time. (Also: I had about 70/80 pounds to lose before my goal weight when I started, and the goal weight would be the maximum of the average, so the limit right before you count as overweight)


  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Did you take any measurements, or do your clothes fit better? I'm in the same position, I've lost the same but proportionally so I still look the same as I'm still big but I've actually lost 4" off my hips and gone down 2 dress sizes.
    Just keep at it, it's all good and you'll see the difference soon.
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    You need to run into some people that haven't seen you in a while and they will notice it. If you are exercising, have you noticed a change in the way they are fitting? You are doing great - feel proud that you set a goal for yourself and you are half way there! Feel proud of your will power - it's not easy to make a major change in the way you eat! Remember you aren't doing this for other people, you are doing this for you! I'll bet you look beautiful!
  • MHarper522
    MHarper522 Posts: 108 Member
    As others have mentioned, people that see you every day (including yourself!) are not going to notice. It's a really good idea to take pictures and measurements so you can compare. I bet you would really see a difference!
  • Trnava
    Trnava Posts: 30 Member
    Are you still wearing the same clothes as before? And are they baggy at all? If so, I imagine wearing new, more form-fitting clothes will make it obvious to all but the most oblivious of your family and friends.
  • AKTipsyCat
    AKTipsyCat Posts: 240 Member
    Feel the same way! I've lost 30 and don't really see it. I am down from a 16W to a 12 - But I still need the big loose shirts to cover the belly that just doesn't want to go away. I've always had a long, thin face as well so while it helped me hide my weight gain; not so much the other way around.
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