Summer Weight Loss Weekly Challenge



  • auntmosmail
    auntmosmail Posts: 70 Member
    edited July 2018
    My weigh-in dates are kind of all over the place because I will be going out of town three times between now and the end of this challenge. But these are the dates I will commit to weighing in and tracking my weight! Here we go!

    Starting weight for challenge: 207.2
    June 17: 207.2
    June 24: 203.6
    July 1: 202.0
    July 8: 201.4
    July 14: 198.6
    July 21: 199.4
    July 29: 199.8 :/
    August 5:
    August 9:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 3:
    September 9:
    September 16:
    September 23:
    Goal weight for challenge: 182.0 (25.2 lb lost)
    Loss so far in challenge: 7.4 lbs

    I'm not sure what has been going on these past couple of weeks, but hopefully it will come to an end and I can get some energy back and start losing weight again!
  • torismith001
    torismith001 Posts: 80 Member
    June 21: 172.4
    June 28: 172.1
    July 5: 173.8
    July 12: 171.1
    July 19: 167.2
    July 26: 168
    Aug 2: 165.5
    Aug 9:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Goal for challenge: -13
    Loss so far in challenge: 6.9lbs
    Loss overall: 34.5lbs

    So close to mini goal of 35 lbs down!
  • MsBeverleyH
    MsBeverleyH Posts: 99 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 169.4
    June 28: 169.4
    July 5: 168.6
    July 12: 168.1
    July 19: 167.6
    July 26: 166.5
    Aug 2: 165.7
    Aug 9:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Goal for challenge: -10lbs
    Loss so far in challenge: 3.7 lbs
  • malpat1315
    malpat1315 Posts: 19 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 153.2
    June 21: 153.2
    June 28: 151.1 B)
    July 5: 149.7 (1.7 pounds away from being in the normal BMI range!)
    July 12: 148.7 ....considering we had our wedding cake tasting last night, this is okay!
    July 19: 146.9 YAASSSS! hopefully I can keep it together this weekend on vacation!
    July 26: 146.6 spoiler alert, I did not keep it together on vacation :D worked so hard the last 3 days to net a loss from last week!
    Aug 2: 145.4 Happy dance :)
    Aug 9:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Goal for challenge: -10lbs
    Loss so far in challenge: -7.8lbs
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,624 Member
    edited August 2018
    Original starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    Challenge starting weight June 21 - 151.2
    Ultimate goal - 145.0 (range between 142-148)

    June 21: 151.2
    June 28: 151.2
    July 5: TRAVELING -- off to row the Wild & Scenic Rogue River
    July 8: Back home -- 146.6
    July 12: 144.8 -- I have hit my final goal, and as of today will start maintenance.
    July 19: TRAVELING -- off to row the Wild & Scenic Rogue River (lap two of three)
    July 23: Back home -- 148.8 -- How did THAT happen?
    July 26: 147.0 -- Still in my goal range, but by the tiniest amount. I guess I enjoyed all the food and drink on the river trip!
    Aug 2: 145.4
    Aug 9:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:

    Goal for challenge: -6.2 pounds
    Loss so far in challenge: -5.8 pounds
    Loss overall: - 22.8 pounds

  • Tracergirl
    Tracergirl Posts: 20 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 216
    June 21: 216
    June 28: 213.2
    July 5: 211.1
    July 12: 209.8
    July 19: 209.8 :neutral:
    July 26: 209.5 :neutral:
    Aug 2: 207.7
    Aug 9:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Goal for challenge: -20lbs
    Loss so far in challenge: - 8.3
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 249lbs
    July 19: 249
    July 26: 245 (-4)
    Aug 2: 244 (-1)
    Aug 9:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Goal for challenge: -10lbs
    Loss so far in challenge: -5
    Loss overall:

    Only 1lb? Boo! Stayed on point all week. Hopefully it will come thru this week
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    ahelgers10 wrote: »
    Starting weight for challenge: 213
    June 21: 213
    June 28: 211
    July 5: 207.2
    July 12: 207.4
    July 19: 203.6
    July 26: 202.2
    Aug 2: 199.8
    Aug 9:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Goal for challenge: -30lbs
    Loss so far in challenge: -13.2
    Loss overall: -24.2

    @ahelgers10 - Great job getting into the One's !!
  • auntmosmail
    auntmosmail Posts: 70 Member
    My weigh-in dates are kind of all over the place because I will be going out of town three times between now and the end of this challenge. But these are the dates I will commit to weighing in and tracking my weight! Here we go!

    Starting weight for challenge: 207.2
    June 17: 207.2
    June 24: 203.6
    July 1: 202.0
    July 8: 201.4
    July 14: 198.6
    July 21: 199.4
    July 29: 199.8
    August 4: 197.6
    August 9:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 3:
    September 9:
    September 16:
    September 23:
    Goal weight for challenge: 182.0 (25.2 lb lost)
    Loss so far in challenge: 9.6 lbs
  • Stud47
    Stud47 Posts: 389 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi guys
    I'm Adam, i'm joining this challenge late but better late thn never :)
    Starting weight for challenge: 188 lbs
    June 17:
    June 24:
    July 1:
    July 8:
    July 14:
    July 21:
    July 29:
    August 4: 188 lbs
    August 9:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 3:
    September 9:
    September 16:
    September 23:
    Goal weight for challenge: 154 lbs
    Loss so far in challenge:

    See you
  • 2025191514
    2025191514 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. My name is Jennifer.
    I'm hoping that joining in on this will help keep me motivated and positive.
    Most people will think that my goal weight looks rather low, but for my height it is still within normal range 😊

    Starting weight for challenge: 150.8 lbs
    Goal Weight: 100 lbs
    Aug 2: 150.8
    Aug 9:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:

    Goal for challenge: -15 lbs
    Loss so far in challenge: 0
    Loss overall: 4.4 lbs
  • hanidesign
    hanidesign Posts: 2 Member
    I am in
  • malpat1315
    malpat1315 Posts: 19 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 153.2
    June 21: 153.2
    June 28: 151.1 B)
    July 5: 149.7 (1.7 pounds away from being in the normal BMI range!)
    July 12: 148.7 ....considering we had our wedding cake tasting last night, this is okay!
    July 19: 146.9 YAASSSS! hopefully I can keep it together this weekend on vacation!
    July 26: 146.6 spoiler alert, I did not keep it together on vacation :D worked so hard the last 3 days to net a loss from last week!
    Aug 2: 145.4 Happy dance :)
    Aug 9: 144.5 Was hoping for a bigger drop since I have my 5 year class reunion this weekend but I will take what I can get!
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Goal for challenge: -10lbs
    Loss so far in challenge: -8.7lbs
  • thisPGHlife
    thisPGHlife Posts: 440 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 268.6 lbs
    June 24: 268.6 lbs.
    June 28: 265.0
    July 5:. 264.2
    July 12: 259.6
    July 19: 258.2
    July 26: 253.6
    Aug 2: 253.6
    Aug 9: 249.8😁 Had another woosh, made it to over 20 lbs lost, and made it into the 240s. I needed this. The last week and a half I have been on an emotional roller coaster that too it's too in me and my husband (I am super grateful for his patience). Who knew adjusting your calories could screw with you so bad!!! Lol. Working to never see the 50s, 60s, our 70s ever again!!
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Goal for challenge: 25 pounds
    Loss so far in challenge: 18.8
    Loss overall: 22.7 lbs
  • Tracergirl
    Tracergirl Posts: 20 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 216
    June 21: 216
    June 28: 213.2
    July 5: 211.1
    July 12: 209.8
    July 19: 209.8 :neutral:
    July 26: 209.5 :neutral:
    Aug 2: 207.7
    Aug 9: 208.5
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Goal for challenge: -20lbs
    Loss so far in challenge: - 7.5
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 249lbs
    July 19: 249
    July 26: 245 (-4)
    Aug 2: 244 (-1)
    Aug 9: 246 (+2)
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Goal for challenge: -10lbs
    Loss so far in challenge: -3

    Really disappointing. I can only hope my measurements will show improving if my weight can't.
  • GorditoTerronillo
    GorditoTerronillo Posts: 20 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 269lbs
    Goal Weight: 220lbs
    July 19: 266.6 lbs
    July 26: 264.6 lbs
    Aug 2: 259.6 lbs
    Aug 9: 258 lbs (had tons of bad choices this past long weekend so I’m still very proud of myself for losing anything this week lol!)

    Goal for challenge: -30lbs
    Loss so far in challenge: 11lbs
    Loss overall: 11lbs

    Good job everyone! Keep it up! 👊🏼