I feel like I have zero time to exercise, also I frickin hate it

Walking outside is wonderful, but I just can't fathom purposeful exercise. I think my attitude is mostly coming from being exhausted after work, and wanting to save my evenings and weekends for fun activities (alone or with friends).

I guess I should think of ways to work activity into my regular day, but I'm so reluctant to start. Do you guys have success adding in physical activity to your day, besides going to the gym?


  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    edited August 2018
    If you like walking...start walking. Could you start with a 20-minute walk once per day? I'm a huge podcast fan so I go for walks and listen to podcasts, but music and audiobooks are good too.

    ETA: I love purposeful exercise but I'm really bad at incorporating activity into my day. The bulk of my non-exercise activity comes from one or two outdoor walks each day (usually with my dog, but sometimes without).
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I enjoy biking and running, so those are the things I make time for. There are lots of "purposeful exercises" that don't involve going to the gym.

    Also, if you hate it, you probably don't *have* to do it. What are you trying to accomplish with it? Maybe there's an alternative?
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    you don't need to exercise to lose weight but it is good for fitness.
    walking is exercise.
    you might be able to find things you like to do. latin dancing, hiking, hula hooping, yoga, climbing trees.

    i like to run, or hike with my dogs. and to fly thru the air with barely a care. it feels like exercise but it feels enjoyable too
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,116 Member
    For me walking outside is exercise. When I started on mfp in 2015 the only exercise I did was walking with my dog. I eventually added in yoga and after I lost my weight I started running, but I have never gone to a gym and the only time I have ever run on a treadmill was at the running store when I had my gait analyzed to get fitted for running shoes. If you enjoy walking then do that.