Morning ♥️

Hi there

I'm about to embark on another weight loss journey. I imagine some of you will have the same experience - get to goal, put it all back on (and then some), repeat.

I'm looking for a way to lose weight sensibly but also work on my self esteem and head space, since I think a lot of this comes down to being an emotional eater.

Anybody else here doing the same? I'd love to speak to anyone who struggles with their head, and consequently, their weight!

Happy losses everyone

Tangledtwine x


  • rebeccaos76
    rebeccaos76 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I have just started today and I too have struggled with staying motivated and emotional eating. I am now at my heaviest so need to get it sorted.
  • jenimo
    jenimo Posts: 1 Member
    Happy Monday All, it's the start of a new week and fresh opportunities to make good choices. I'm hoping to step up my workout schedule this week and keep making healthy food choices.
  • Mallyycatt
    Mallyycatt Posts: 118 Member
    joemac1988 wrote: »
    Part of your problem is your mindset. You're not going on "another" journey, you're still on the same one. I've been victim to that and what it does is you have a bad period and you give up entirely for a while because you "failed". Ups and downs are all part of it and you need to accept that. When you "fall off the wagon", climb back up on that beyotch cause you only have one wagon.

    I mean this constructively :)

    This ^^ is so true.

    Good luck!! You've got this! And this group of people here are excellent for support!
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited August 2018
    As @kommodevaran and others have said, this takes discipline not "motivation".
    It also is not another "journey". It is your responsibility to take care of yourself, your body, your fitness.

    If you are an "emotional eater" then find better things to do with your time and better outlets for your "emotions" so you are being more active at least.

    Also, don't think in terms of losing weight.
    You want to lose FAT and add (or at least maintain) MUSCLE.
  • lcmr
    lcmr Posts: 2 Member
    I'm no expert, but here is my 2 cents. Come up with a plan. If the plan does not work, come up with another plan. Seek therapy to get to the heart of what is stopping you (mentally) from reaching your goal. Don't give up and remember, you are not alone. All the best.
  • LisaD0803
    LisaD0803 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm right there with you. I can be doing great but don't let my world start falling apart (trouble with kids/boyfriend/work... ugh. #SugarCravings #CarbCravings #EatToFeel)... I get it. So... I try not to keep snacky things in close reach... I'll grab something small (Hershey's nuggets w/ Almonds are great) to curb the feeling...
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    joemac1988 wrote: »
    Part of your problem is your mindset. You're not going on "another" journey, you're still on the same one. I've been victim to that and what it does is you have a bad period and you give up entirely for a while because you "failed". Ups and downs are all part of it and you need to accept that. When you "fall off the wagon", climb back up on that beyotch cause you only have one wagon.

    I mean this constructively :)

    SO much this! I have definitely been where you are @tangledtwine with regard to regain, and still have emotional eating as a feature of my weight-maintenance landscape. MFP has helped me realize that I don't have to be perfect, don't have to start over, don't have to quit or make it worse when I make decisions that don't serve me... I just have to start where I am and make different choices. Best of luck to you here.
  • annettefinsterbusch
    Have you considered what, other than the obvious (eating more than you move) has gotten you to this point? You mention tendencies to eat for support or comfort but why? Sometimes our first step to a healthy lifestyle begins with a grander assessment. Dieting, exercise, discipline, modification of habits - all awesome ways to change the outside but it's not a permanent change if it's not lead by dealing with the issues that create the problem in the first place. Just a thought.
  • wendyj1957
    wendyj1957 Posts: 1 Member
    Sunna-W and other members, You have given me some really excellent ideas to consider. My plan is to start out with 2 days of meals and snacks that fall within my calorie range and rotate them for a week while I figure out 2 more days for the following week. I think I will do better with limited choices in the beginning until I get the discipline for myself in check. I am also using a modified higher protein and fat ratio for macros. My exercise will be stationary rowing, "modified" yoga stretches and walking during the day on my breaks.

    My goal for this change is better health and strength as I enter my 60's. Ugh, where did the time go! Life is full and I think my mind/emotions would be better as I learn to take care of myself. So many days are wasted on thinking "when I get time I'll do it." Well here I am. Slow, steady, mindful.
  • YHWHKid
    YHWHKid Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone!,

    Names Jay and I'm just getting started on this website as well as taking my fitness to new heights. I am on a 90 day program so I'm including the gym with my martial arts. I was falling off after snowboarding in February and hitting my head. My body felt destroyed after so much falling! I took a month off to recover and found it hard to get back on the grind. Now this is my first week and I want to know for those who are working out, what do you use to keep yourself going? Is it the thoughts of the goal? Perhaps that desire to have the body you want? Noticeable progress? I welcome all thoughts :)
  • jondspen
    jondspen Posts: 253 Member
    What do you do for fun, hobbies, to de-stress? I am not greatly over-weight, but am broke from my time in the Marines, and get down/bummed out eating rabbit food and not being able to be as active as I would like. Some things that I do to help myself:

    1 - Try and eat sensible, but if I have a craving for a cheeseburger, I indulge it once in the week and then get back on track the rest. Hardly no one can be perfect 100% of the time, so instead of beating myself up, I just enjoy life. Most days that's enjoying myself for the good diet I follow; on occasion, it's enjoying a meal that I crave.

    2 - I've started meditating and just taking some down time for my brain. It helps me step out of the occasional funk I get in emotionally, if just for a few min a day, and grounds me to appreciate the moment. Also, another trick is to take 5-10 min a day and imagine yourself being the person you want. Really use your imagination and put yourself into that place (sights, sounds, smells). The more you see yourself at or past your goal, the more your mind gets wired into that 'reality' and it starts working with you to accomplish it.

    3 - I use to play in HS band, and a few metal bands back in the day also, but haven't played anything in years. Recently picked up a cheap guitar to pluck around on, and also a banjo that I'm teaching myself to play. No delusions of being famous, but it's something I like and again, helps me to get away from negative thoughts. Painting, knitting, gardening, woodworking...whatever it is that you like, take that time to enjoy it and try to maintain a positive (or at least neutral) outlook during.

    I realize many people have a busy life. Taking time like this can be hard, but I am a firm believer that you make time for the things that are important to you. If you're too busy to allow yourself to be the most important thing for even 15 min a day, you will most likely suffer emotionally and physically. I would suggest take a step back and evaluate if all the stuff you have going on is really...and I mean important to do/get done as you think.
  • TheHawk007
    TheHawk007 Posts: 270 Member
    As you can see, you are not alone. There are many avenues to follow. Find the posts that speak to you, that you think you could see yourself doing. But above all, GRADUALLY. Don't just think "I'm going to start counting calories, do cardio, the start weight training" That is a weight that will certainly collapse you! Ease into it. Start by looking at the calories that are the highest you ingest. Maybe try to only eat 1/2 of that or a substitute like it. Running program? NO! You gotta WALK before you can run. Treadmill or actually going outside, start with 20 minutes, and build to a 1/2 hour. Weights? Start with the LIGHTEST ones you can. Nobody is expecting you to clean and jerk the transmission of a 1989 Mustang starting out, okay?