How do you control yourself?



  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    edited August 2018
    If I go over, I go over. My life is an ocean of opportunity that is not torpedoed by a single swell caused by poor decisions.

    It's just food. I try to make sure I only go over 1-2 days a week (if I go over at all), but there are some weeks that's not true, though my habits are such that it's rarer than it once was. I have built strong, healthy habits around how and when I eat and recognizing what's hunger and what's boredom or what's dehydration (I'm terrible about drinking liquids). So if I'm tempted by something, I stop and ask myself, "Are you REALLY hungry? Or are you thirsty? Or are you bored?" 9 times out of 10, I'm thirsty or bored. And if I'm really hungry? Well, I've surrounded myself with tasty treats that fit within my day's calories, but every single time I open a package, I tell myself.

    "Okay, self. You feel hungry so we're going to eat this, but this means less dinner. And the husband is going to make THE THING. THE DELICIOUS THING. ARE YOU GOING TO BE OKAY WITH LESS OF THE DELICIOUSNESS?"

    I like bigger dinners, so this usually derails me and suddenly, I'm not so hungry! Sometimes not, lol. Sometimes, if I've gone over and had more dinner than I should have, I'll tell the husband.

    "We're going for a walk." He'll look at me like I'm a crazy person, and I'll add, "YOU OVER FED ME WITH YOUR TEMPTATION OF DELICIOUSNESS. QUICK! WE GOTTA WALK OR THE WIFE-BEAST WILL BE LIKE GIZMO AND TURN INTO SOMETHING GROUCHY!" That gets him going. XD (And me too, with a laugh!) Which means mitigation with exercise.

    But... the next day, I have an opportunity to make better choices, and 95% of the time, I do.

    The other 5% I chalk up to enjoying life!
  • TotalFoodEase
    TotalFoodEase Posts: 4 Member
    During any moment of weakness or doubt ask yourself:

    ‘How will I feel if?’

    And consider both options. E.g.

    ‘How will I feel if I eat this pizza’ vs ‘how will I feel if I have a healthy dinner’

    Your options are so I want to feel sluggish and disappointed in myself or light, healthy and proud of my choices?

    The ‘feeling’ relates to both physical feelings about something. I do it when I’m talking myself out of an early night or when I was struggling for motivation to go to the gym.
  • TotalFoodEase
    TotalFoodEase Posts: 4 Member
    There’s also a difference between Motivation and Discipline. Motivation relies on the state of emotions and often hormones whilst discipline will see you through those moments of weakness.

    Create a routine and do not see the options of doing something or not. Treat it like getting dressed or brushing your teeth, it’s just routine so get on with it.

    The mind will naturally talk itself out of doing even the things it wants to do. So remove the thought process and get on.
  • TotalFoodEase
    TotalFoodEase Posts: 4 Member

    Be realistic about what you will achieve with the effort you’re willing to put in.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    During any moment of weakness or doubt ask yourself:

    ‘How will I feel if?’

    And consider both options. E.g.

    ‘How will I feel if I eat this pizza’ vs ‘how will I feel if I have a healthy dinner’

    Your options are so I want to feel sluggish and disappointed in myself or light, healthy and proud of my choices?

    The ‘feeling’ relates to both physical feelings about something. I do it when I’m talking myself out of an early night or when I was struggling for motivation to go to the gym.

    I do that too, but my conclusions are a bit different. I don't feel sluggish when I eat pizza, but I do feel like it could hog up calories for something else. Sometimes I decide that pizza isn't worth it because I will feel bad later if today is a hungry day (if 3 slices won't cut it), other times I decide that it's worth it because I would feel deprived if I don't have it. The key is to plan the food and be 100% aware that you are choosing to eat it, regardless of what it is. Impulse eating was the hardest and most rewarding thing to overcome.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I've decided that I'm going to exercise off any overeating. eating perfectly all the time is simply not realistic. But I can burn the calories off if I do. Somehow, I find comfort in that.. because if that wasn't the case.. I'd regain.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Great advice has been given! My biggest help is to track everything I plan to eat that day first thing in the morning. I can always go back and tweak later on but I at least have a true game plan. I also make sure that my calorie deficit is realistic and I exercise to be able to eat more. If I don't exercise then I don't eat more. ;)
  • Millicent3015
    Millicent3015 Posts: 374 Member
    I don't restrict anything, I have what I want, but I want different things now, and my cravings have adjusted. So now I'll have a couple bowls of muesli or granola, 3 or 4 sugar free sweets, a low carb protein bar or shake, or occasionally one of those low calorie cake thingies as a last resort. It's taken a long time for my tastes to change, and settle down to a preference for more nutritious food. I had a cheeseburger and fries two days in a row this week. The first time was okay. After the second, it was no longer appealing. I want more nutritious stuff than that. But that behavioural change has been a long time in the making, and it's hard work, but changing the way you think about food is half the battle. It will settle for you the more you keep at it, until you can better control the overeating, and gravitate towards more nutritious food on the occasions when you do overeat.
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    I don't :neutral: Was going great for the last few weeks then had a massive day-long binge today. It wasn't even a one-off as I went out at lunchtime, bought more food and then carried on eating! Have easily eaten an extra 3000 calories in the last few hours (on top of maintenance calories). What a PITA!!
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member

    This would be very bad for me. I have many foods that need to be prepared, but I also need to have foods that I can just grab or toss together in seconds and eat, or else I'll be tempted to order in more often than I would like or to pick up a candy bar at the nearby corner store if I'm too busy or too tired to deal with food preparation.

    I always keep canned things, instant ramen, instant grains, pudding cups, boiled eggs, various sandwich spreads...etc for busy/stressful/lazy days.

    Same here. Having hard to cook things means they don't get cooked. I have 3 little kids. Stuff has to be easy. Snacks need to be prepared. String cheese is fab, yogurt in cups. Oh yes.