New to this

Hello I am proud to start a new chapter in my life! I am a ex smoker of 33 years, enoughs enough right? I started working out and set some goals for myself.
1 get a six pac
2 drop down to 175 lbs 9 more to reach that
3 run a mile with out dying lol
I try to follow my favorite quote
"Today I will do what you won't, So tomorrow i will do what you can't"
It motivates me to keep going, even when i really don't feel like it.
My biggest down fall is eating healthy, if anyone can help advise on good tasting healthy foods please let me know. Also i could use a few accountability friends so please feel free to add me.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Welcome! Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for yourself (the next best after not starting).

    I don't have any specific exercise goals, so I suggest you head over to the Fitness and Exercise and Gaining Weight and Body Building boards.

    But I am passionate about food. I used to struggle a lot with weight because I belived that "healthy eating" was the opposite of "good food", and that there were indeed good foods and bad foods. Learning that a healthy DIET is balanced and varied, and that I can eat anything I want in moderation, that every food decision is mine, made finding good tasting healthy foods damn easy. I realised I already liked a lot of foods that can contribute to a healthy diet. Eating a little less (often) of some foods, and a little more (frequently) of other foods, and all of a sudden, I'm eating healthily, and enjoying it too.
  • Kryogen316
    Kryogen316 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, i will check the other chats out.