Ive fallen off the wagon & I'm scared...



  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    GeauxL wrote: »
    Thanks for all the insight & support. I’m basically taking the stance that “today is a new day”! I woke up, hit the gym, then actually went for a pretty rigorous walk. I’m gonna try & forget about the past 2 weeks & look forward to feeling better about making good choices & staying healthy.

    That's what it should be about......your health and cutting weight induced disease and meds!
    You would end up feeling awful about yourself if you went on a bender and screwed up your hard work!
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Some of the things that have helped me to endure is to eat my maintenance calories (while losing weight). This gives me a bit more wiggle room (in terms of calories) and helps me to feel as if I am not depriving myself.

    Also, I try to incorporate something unusual (not in the typical American diet) into what I eat to help this whole way of eating thing not be boring. Sometimes I center my weekly meals around Paleo, Keto, low carb, high fat, gluten free -- just to mix the tastes up while staying within maintenance calories. I also add a lot of different spices to my food (Penzeys has a great selection) and I look at international cuisine ideas to help break up the monotony. I like stir "fried" veggies, drunken spaghetti (more sauce less spaghetti), various mushrooms in place of carbs.

    Overall, I keep my carbs around 100 g and my sugar around 50 g and that seems to help me stay on track. I keep meat protein snacks (they range in calories from around 80 to 150) on hand and flavored seltzer water to keep me from wanting to gnaw off my fingers.

    It's all a process to distract me and help me control my intake.

    Also, I allow my self some treats. I use a melon ball scoop of ice cream between 2 mini cookies and make mini ice cream sandwiches. 3 mini sandwiches are under 200 calories.
  • yolohunter
    yolohunter Posts: 79 Member
    please please please don't give up now! i just did this and it sucks soooo bad! oh and its not the first time and it has been for way more weight before, but at least before there were like almost decades between gaining it back, anyways, the current is that i lost 40 pounds and was at 201, and my intermediary HUGE goal was to get under 200. And i totally freaked out, and lost it. like slow motion watched myself destroy all my hardwork from afar.. and what sucks is I probably did get under 200 and into onderland, but i had just ran a marathon and was sore and retaining water and just didn't weigh myself at the right time...bleh.... so yeah. i totally was so close i could taste it and just made small bad decision after small bad decision after small bad decision, etcccccc and here i am now starting completely over AGAIN just 5 months later. so yeah! please learn from my bs and just stick with it, you got goals to make dude! you got this! just get back to basics one day at a time. just do what works and makes you feel good and you will get to your goal before you know it ! yeahhh!