Any success pics from girls that have PCOS ?



  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I have wondered if I have PCOS in the past one Dr was going to look into it and refer me out but he basically listed that PCOS was more determined by waist to hip ration and since mine is proportional(albeit HUGE for both) and my thyroid checked out good that was as far as he went. GYN never really did much but want to prescribe pill to regulate. Now my primary care dr does my annual Pap and well woman exam. I may ask her if we could work in a referral to specialist.

    I never really gained while on BCPs a few maybe in relation to my cycle. I even lost a good 40 lbs doing Weight Watchers while on them many many years ago before I had my daughter. Of course gained them back plus a few while pregnant and haven't lost them permanently yet. :( I did lose a good 40 lbs in 2009 really quickly just a lot of stress and no appetite but it also killed my gallbladder(had 5 large stones and opt'd for removal).
    I also have PCOS. I'm insulin resistant. I was never given BCP as a "treatment" but I was put on it to regulate my cycle for a while but I cannot stand to be on the pill - and we want to have a baby so I didn't want to be on any form of BCP on the off chance that I ovulated and we might get pregnant. I actually DID ovulate 7 times (that I'm aware of) on my own and got pregnant each of those times - but unfortunately miscarried every one of them - the last one being this past January. So I'm sticking with the weight loss and my meds.

    You may try going on for a few months then dropping off and see if you ovulate around 14 days later. My little girl is the result of BCP stop inducing ovulation on time for once. Otherwise I never know when I'd ovulate or get a period.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I also have PCOS and never had any regular period my whole life. I had been struggling with weight since I was 15 and my weight almost goes yo-yo. But now finally I was able to set it straight. I have my recent photos but I don't know how to upload it here. Anyway you can also see my progress in my ticker below though my "after" shots were taken 3 mos. ago when I was still 140 lbs.
  • cjwalker81
    cjwalker81 Posts: 189 Member
    I also have PCOS. I'm insulin resistant. I was never given BCP as a "treatment" but I was put on it to regulate my cycle for a while but I cannot stand to be on the pill - and we want to have a baby so I didn't want to be on any form of BCP on the off chance that I ovulated and we might get pregnant. I actually DID ovulate 7 times (that I'm aware of) on my own and got pregnant each of those times - but unfortunately miscarried every one of them - the last one being this past January. So I'm sticking with the weight loss and my meds.

    What my doctor has me on for "treatment" is a pill called Glucophage (I take the generic Metformin) This is typically a med given to those who are diabetic - I am not, but it is also very commonly used for women with PCOS.

    I notice a vast difference in how I lose weight when I am taking the metformin rather than when I am not. It works wonders with the insulin resistance and helps to shed the pounds. Maybe consult your doctor about this if you have a hard time shedding any weight.

    I do agree with everyone else though - you absolutely CAN lose weight while having PCOS - it's just harder.

    My biggest beef with the syndrome is that is firstly and mostly causes excessive weight gain, but also acne, hair growth, lack of ovulation and normal cycles etc - and the only way to really get all of that in control is to lose the weight....SO frustrating!!

    Same here...I take 2000mg of metformin a day for insulin resistance and to control cysts (we are ttc #2, 3+ years). I am not sure if its the change in my diet and exercise or what but I have not ovulated in the last 4 months and had 2 progesterone induced cycles :( They were both 57 days long.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I have PCOS.

    They say so much about it that it's scary! As far as the weight goes, it takes hard work. Maybe harder than normal but you can do it. When I was heavier, I hated going to the doctor and them mentioning my PCOS and my weight as if I was excused for being fat. PCOS isn't an excuse. It's a condition that I will not let beat me down any longer. I suffered alot in my 20's because of it (weight, infertility, self esteem) but no longer! There might not be a cure for it but I won't be an unhealthy PCOS'er.

    As of now, I'm not on Metformin. I am on Loestrin birth control. It's a very low estrogen BCP and so far I love it. I didn't gain anything.
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    I was diagnose with PCOS about 3 years ago and I refuesed to go on BCP due to getting bad headache from it so my Dr put me on another pill that has worked so far and i noticed before when I lost weight i no longer need the pill mother nature did it thing normally. I am just scared now that if i dont get this weight off me i will mess myself and not be able to have childern, this is going to be a journey for all of us but we will all finish it!
  • emilymorrisfoster
    emilymorrisfoster Posts: 22 Member
    I have wondered if I have PCOS in the past one Dr was going to look into it and refer me out but he basically listed that PCOS was more determined by waist to hip ration and since mine is proportional(albeit HUGE for both)

    Having been diagnosed with PCOS and going through 3 rounds of IVF I can call myself an expert in PCOS (in fact I studied women's health in my studies to become a Nurse practitioner). What your doctor told you is COMPLETELY untrue. I've never heard a doctor be that wrong or oblivious about PCOS. Definitely worth talking to your Ob/GYN or an endocrinologist about though. Good luck!
  • Shan80
    Shan80 Posts: 47
    It's so crazy to see how common something is sometimes. I joined a fertility website 6 years ago and was amazed at just how many women faced infertility issues - I joined this site and see so many that are after the same goal and even so many that have PCOS.

    I strongly urge everyone that is not on Metformin to please consult your doc and ask about it as a form of treatment. It really does help. I take 1500mgs a day.

    BCP is a total No go for me. I can't deal with the hormonal crap that comes with it - even the low doses. I got pregnant with my son while I was on BCP's at 16 years old. He is actually celebrating his 14th birthday today. :smile: :sad:

    Just know that weight loss IS possible no matter what condition or syndrome you have - you just have to work for it! :wink:
  • LiberatedHealth
    I'm not on BC anymore but I will be back on it soon for a lil doctor isnt all "take the pill you'll be fixed", she told me that BC pills are like a bandaid, it doesnt fix PCOS, eating right and exercising will though.
    Honestly, I just want to be med free.
  • saadler
    saadler Posts: 116
    My gyno thinks I have PCOS because I had irregular periods, though the hormonal stuff in my blood work seemed regular. I've been on Yaz/Beyaz since April 2009 and I didn't have any weight gain with the pill. It is slower for me to lose weight maybe, but I'm also not trying as hard as some people on here.
  • jett0206
    jett0206 Posts: 58
    I would just like to congratulate everyone who has lost weight on MFP of otherwise:flowerforyou:
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    I've had PCOS since age 11 (I started menstruation around age 9, I hit puberty even before that, got boobs around age 7). I was on birth control until the age of 14, then taken off of that and all of the sudden, I became a gangly teenager. I went back on the pill a year later and gained about 20 extra lbs by the end of high school. I was on the pill until age 23, when I went off of it to lose weight, and the weight came off with me doing not too much work (compared to today). I went back on the pill in January of 2008 and gained 35 extra lbs. Now I tried losing weight on the pill back in early 2009, but it never came off. Then again, I was drinking 6-8 glasses of grape juice a day plus a large spaghetti dinner. Sugar and carbs, never lost any weight, even running 2 miles 3-4 times a week. The weight really came off when I cut out carbs significantly in May of this year. Yes, I hit plateaus for 4+ weeks, either because of PCOS, the pill or a combination of both.

    Does the pill make you gain weight? Yes and no. It depends on the hormones balances of the pill, all the brands are different. It is a pro angrogen pill or anti-androgen? Higher levels of estrogen DO increase your appetite (which will lead to weight gain if you eat, but what are you suppose to do, walk around hungry and grouchy all day?) whereas higher androgen pills suppress it more easily. Does the pill make it harder to lose weight? YES. I don't know of any professional fitness models or body builders on the pill. Most stay off to keep lean looking.

    Here's me at 170. back in April of 2009 (my highest weight was 177-180):


    And here's me last week at 150:


    Lost just over 25 lbs so far, still a ways to go, but I'm getting there.
  • Febes24
    Febes24 Posts: 85 Member
    I've had PCOS since i was 12 but i didn't get diagnosed till i was 16.
    I was developing just as a young girl should, got my breast at 9 and my period at 14 but it lasted just one day. I began growing hair excessively and my neck started changing color due to Insulin resistance both of these are symptoms of PCOS. My weight skyrocketed 20 pounds every year .

    After being diagnosed with PCOS at 16 years of age. I began taking Metformin to help regulate my cycle as well as help me lose weight, but it didn't work so i was put on Progesterone and Metformin which both helped me lose 24 pounds my freshman year in college, they also helped my period come monthly but when my endocrinologist told my mother she wanted to increase my Metformin dosage from 500 Mg to 850 MG my mother a registered nurse wasn't having it so i got off Metformin for 2 years which is why my weight crept up to 264 pounds. Last December i was put back on Metformin but a much higher dosage which is 1000 MG twice a day. My cycle now comes monthly and my insulin resistance is going away slowly but surely. The hair is growing a lot slower but I'm fine with just shaving or using veet twice a week.

    P.S. I was told at the age of 15 that i was borderline diabetic and i stayed at that borderline diabetic stage up until February of this year at the age of 20. I don't know what kept me from being full blown diabetic but God is good because after losing just 8 pounds i was nowhere near borderline diabetic.

    I lost weigh by controlling my sugar and carb intake and exercising 5-6 days a week for about 120 minutes. Metfromin also assisted during the first few months but i go on and off the medicine so much that i dont even think it does anything but help my cycle come monthly.
    I've never been put on the pill but it was a suggestion from my specialist but she kept me on Metformin and just increased my dosage. Don't be worried as long as you exercise and drop weight steadily the PCOS will not be a factor . Aim to change your eating first and foremost that will impact everything
    i dont know how to add pictures but you can add me and see the pictures on my page
  • tiffany0127
    tiffany0127 Posts: 378 Member
    I have PCOS and have been prescibed metformin - 500 mg three times a day. I haven't been great about taking it because it has made me nauseous and given me "stomach problems". Has anyone else on Metformin expierienced this and if so what did you do to rectify the situation??
  • smeyerdirk
    I had stomach issues as well on metformin so my doctor told me to take it twice a day then slowly bring back the third pill. I've been on three pills for the last year and have had no issues. You should talk to your doctor about your stomach problems.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    i battle PCOS undiagnoised for over ten years, I have two children aftet that and my success so far can be found here
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Hello! I was diagnosed with this in February and I was put on birth control (Ortho-Tri Cyclen Lo) and oddly enough I lost lots of weight. I'm sure that eating better and working out on the elliptical also had something to do with it the weight loss. However, once I came off the pills b/c my hormones were back to normal I had a rough 2 weeks where I gained weight but then I managed to kick the lbs in the butt and lost what I had gained and now I'm back on track to loosing. I'm not losing as much as I was losing when I was on the pill but losing still so that's good.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • becky444
    becky444 Posts: 145 Member
    I dont have a pic yet but if you look at my profile it may have some. I have lost almost 55 lbs and am succeeding. My best advice is dont give up! The loss is slower but you will loose. Good Luck!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I've had PCOS for many years but wasn't diagnosed until about 15 years ago. (explains why I could never have kids!)
    Anyway.... they never put me on birth control for it as I was over 30 and smoked at the time. Actually they didn't put me on anything untl I also becasue Type 2 Diabetic -- then I was on metformin (which is for both insulin resistant diseases.)

    I hated to hear it...but losing weight was the best "cure" for both of these diseases. And it make sense that a high protein, low carb diet works best because carbs = sugar and sugar = bad :)

    You an start by making simple changes like getting rid of the white bread and buying whole grain. Get rid of the all the sugar fruity yogurt and buy greek yogurt. (read the label...if it has more sugar than protein, you don't want it in your house). Start eating things like quinoa, chicken, turkey, fish, veggies..... don't even buy cookies/pie/cupcakes/donuts...

    Easier said than done huh? :) I live alone so I don't have to have anything in the house that I don't want.... much harder if you have kids who need snacks!

    Don't be scared..... its not a death sentence and its easy to live with if you're willing to change some habits :)
  • chridow
    chridow Posts: 178
    BUMP for later

    i was diagnosed w/ pcos when i was 17. never paid much attn to the dx as i'm not interested in getting preg right now. however i have been on and off the pill for 13 years now. i will def talk to my gyn & gen practicioner about the metformin tho. never realized i could possibly be insulin resistant too! diabetes runs hard in my family, so i get my blood sugars run every year. so far, thank God, i've never been borderline diabetic.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    here are some pics :)

    (If I can do it, anyone can)


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