The time is now !

Sick of procrastinating and making excuses.

This is my body, these are my choices, I am in total control of my destiny.

No more hiding, I am accountable for me.

I have so many people directly and indirectly relying on me, but this is for me !

Each day is a step closer to me being the man I aspire to be...a leader, a father, a husband and a friend that is the best he can be.

Only then will I be content and it is contentment that I seek.

Seeking fellow minded people to support me/be supported by me as we drive towards our goals.

Not looking for 'Go you', or 'You're the man' type support...I'm looking for real sharing of hopes and, honest communication - I want to get to know you (and vice/versa).

Hit me up if you are really serious about this, and prepared to give a bit of you in return for some of me.

I'm going to be here every single step of the way !!

