SAHM 8/1-8/31



  • Aczjohnson
    Aczjohnson Posts: 22 Member
    down another lb today - too bad it was from a stupid stomach bug yesterday. ugh! oh well - i still recorded it so i'll have THAT number to beat! oh, and i finally got a jogging stroller yesterday so getting ready to put DD in it and give it a spin. i'm so excited!

    happy Sunday ladies!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hello ladies!

    So the last time I actually made a post, I had asked for some help for a lunch for the day at the zoo. I ended up packing a honey roasted turkey sanwich (90 calorie package of sanwich meat and 70 calories whole wheat bread (35/slice) for a total of 160 calories, then on that sandwich I had a slice of cheese (45 calories), 1TBSP a miracle whip (40 calories), 2 slices of tomatoes (8 calories) making my sanwich total 253 calories. Then for a snack, I had 1 1/3 cup of Nacho cheese bugels (160 calories) a water w/ a drink mix (10 calories) then I ordered cheese fries (242 calories) for a total of 655 calories (Not too bad, could have done without the fries, but I was hungry from all the walking we had done before lunch.

    Welcome back, Nicole! :flowerforyou:

    Good news, I had a pretty goo weigh-in this week again....I lost 1.2 lbs :bigsmile:
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Hope you all had a great weekend! Shoppie, congrats on the outstanding inches lost! That is amazing!!!

    Just back from a vacation with the family....we drove out to the midwest and back, in. a. week. It was a good trip, but I am exhausted, even after having a few days to recover. Despite LOUSY eating, I am down a pound and I am 100% committed to getting back into my gym schedule today with Zumba tonight.

    Check in with you all later!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hey guys I made it!!! I hit goal this morning! :bigsmile: :drinker: I am no longer overweight!! I indulged in food as a reward for the very first time - I had nandos and ban and jerrys and man it was goooooooood! :heart: Shame that stuff doesn't start to taste bad after a while, but nope! I did do a very hard hour of circuit training and am hopeful that with BFing on top I will have burnt around what I consumed (2700 cals). If not, I am going to be very strict the next few days to claw it back as I'd like to shift a bit more - time to set myself a new goal!! :bigsmile:

    KC - well done on that pound loss! You sound like you were really busy so that's probably how you managed to lose weight despite not eating well. Good luck on getting back into the gym schedule too.

    Barb - well done on your day at the zoo, the sandwich sounds really nice. I did a picnic recently and it was much worse than I had anticipated when I put it into the cal counter so I shall be stealing from you when I do the next one on Thurs! As for peanut butter and jelly though, bleurgh, that is one american taste I simply cannot get my head round. and they say we have strange taste in food :wink: :laugh:

    Aczjohnson - welcome and well done on losing the pound, whatever the 'reason'! and yay for having a jogging stroller, I'm sure that will make a big difference :drinker:

    goofyjilly and melatonin - welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Victoriousone - good luck deciding what to do re: the job, sometimes I'm like that with my DH and just want him to tell me what to do, however prehistoric that may sound!!

    Holly - the London riots started because a peaceful protest about the shooting of a man named Mark Duggan by the police in dubious circumstances flared into a riot. From there though, who knows what on earth happened it spread right round the country, it was literally like a chunk of the country went nuts temporarily. All is now back in order, i was actually only about 2 nights but felt much longer. The court cases etc dominate our media still though - some of those convicted include a millionaire's daughter, a graduate, an olympics ambassador - so not exactly tenants of deprived neighbourhoood!

    As for me, I made it!!! I hit goal this morning! :bigsmile: :drinker: I am no longer overweight!! I indulged in food as a reward for the very first time - I had nandos and ban and jerrys and man it was goooooooood! :heart: Shame that stuff doesn't start to taste bad after a while, but nope! I did do a very hard hour of circuit training and am hopeful that with BFing on top I will have burnt around what I consumed (2700 cals). If not, I am going to be very strict the next few days to claw it back as I'd like to shift a bit more - time to set myself a new goal!! :bigsmile:
  • Aczjohnson
    Aczjohnson Posts: 22 Member
    congrats Shoppie!!!!!!!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    apparently I'm so pleased with myself i wrote the same para twice!! :laugh: Too late to edit now too :laugh:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Hello lovely ladies!

    My teenagers are back to school all day today. I'm sure they are going to be starving and tired when I pick them up after school. Funny how your schedule can go for weeks without much going on but as soon as school starts there's practically something everyday.

    I am now less than 3 weeks from my big birthday and I most likely haven't lost much of anything. I must admit that I haven't been all that motivated, my body seems pretty happy where it is and I eat whatever I want, in moderation of course, and I exercise usually 4 days a week. The past 2 weeks I've had car issues and appts. mucking up my schedule but when I'm in the gym I work hard.

    Shoppie-You should be very proud I know you've worked hard these past few months, it's okay to write it twice!

    KC-Welcome back from your vacation. I know what you mean about getting back to a regular schedule again. Mine's been a bit off lately and I've been feeling it!

    Nicole-Good job on the healthy lunch..until the fries of course, but if you were walking around the zoo you probably burned most of it off anyway. You need to enjoy things like that from time to time.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member

    I am now less than 3 weeks from my big birthday and I most likely haven't lost much of anything. I must admit that I haven't been all that motivated, my body seems pretty happy where it is and I eat whatever I want, in moderation of course, and I exercise usually 4 days a week. The past 2 weeks I've had car issues and appts. mucking up my schedule but when I'm in the gym I work hard.

    Holly-When is your birthday? I have a birthday coming up, too Sept. 4th)
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Barb-My birthday is September 8th, turning 40 this year! Honestly the number doesn't bother me a bit. I had a harder time turning 30, I remember I was working that day (part time as I already had 2 children) and going to get my belly button pierced on my lunch hour. I think I had a moment of feeling like my youth was slipping away. Funny thinking about it now!!
  • Melatonin
    Melatonin Posts: 156 Member
    That's for the welcome ladies!

    This week has been hard. That certain time of the month has been especially hard after this 2nd child. So much that my body wants to shut down. I managed to power through it this morning. I only worked out for 25 minutes to my slim in 6 start it up. But I got into it and made it as intense as I could. Hopefully tomorrow I can do my 45 minutes of Zumba. I'm not looking forward to my weigh-in tomorrow either cause of how bad my week seems to feel.
    Plus I think I'm calculating my calories wrong,when it comes to breastfeeding as well. That I might not be getting enough for my body.
    Here's to hoping for a good weigh in.
    Have a good day ladies!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Holly - I got married on your 30th birthday! :bigsmile: I can't believe we've been married nearly 10 years and at the same time can't believe how much we have fitted into the time! *lol* at you getting your belly button pierced. My niece turned 20 not long ago and was whinging about feeling old (*rolleyes*) Also would you blieve on 8 Sept it will be 6 months since i (re)joined MFP - where did that go??

    Melatonin - if you don't have a great weigh-in, don't forget TOM is highly likely to mean you are retaining water and will prob see a big change once its gone - that's certainly what usually happens for me at any rate.

    I wanted to bake today and did not. So proud! :bigsmile:
  • Melatonin
    Melatonin Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks Shoppie!

    I did notice that I was eating pickle spears with my lunch and how much sodium that was added up too. So I've nixed those for awhile. I just love pickles though :)
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Barb-My birthday is September 8th, turning 40 this year! Honestly the number doesn't bother me a bit. I had a harder time turning 30, I remember I was working that day (part time as I already had 2 children) and going to get my belly button pierced on my lunch hour. I think I had a moment of feeling like my youth was slipping away. Funny thinking about it now!!

    Holly-I'll be turning 28 this year and I'm nervous about hitting 30, is it really bad? It almost feels like the fun years are coming to an end......
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Barb - turning 30 honestly didn't bother me, I think it depends a lot what you are doing ni your life _ had a 2 year old and was planning more kids so felt I had a lot ahead of me. I will be 34 in October, am done with babies and am thinking I may have my mid-life crisis sooner rather than later as I'm not currently sure what I'm working towards (aside from staying sane! :laugh: )
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Barb-Thirty wasn't really that bad, I had an almost 6 yr. old and an almost 4 yr. old at that point so it was a little different for me. Numbers are just something that mess with your mental well being, age or weight either one make you feel crazy. At the end of the day they are just numbers and not an indicator of what you are all about. The fun isn't over until you say it is!

    Shoppie-How neat that you're anniversary and my birthday are the same day!!

    Melatonin-welcome and don't worry about your weigh in, give it a few days after TOM is over and you'll be fine. As for the pickles, cut back if you enjoy them so much and drink lots of water to flush out the sodium. For me I don't cut out anything I enjoy I just enjoy it in smaller amounts or less often. I reached my goal weight in June and have maintained it since then and I enjoy my ice cream or chips and salsa or guacamole, whatever.
  • Melatonin
    Melatonin Posts: 156 Member
    Melatonin-welcome and don't worry about your weigh in, give it a few days after TOM is over and you'll be fine. As for the pickles, cut back if you enjoy them so much and drink lots of water to flush out the sodium. For me I don't cut out anything I enjoy I just enjoy it in smaller amounts or less often. I reached my goal weight in June and have maintained it since then and I enjoy my ice cream or chips and salsa or guacamole, whatever.
    The past 3 days have been awful but I'm getting back on it tomorrow. I thing that TOM just throws me off and since I'd only been going strong for a week prior it was hard to keep up. I know if I work hard I'll get these next 3 weeks going good that when that TOM happens again... I'll conquer it :) I'm getting back into portions though. So I know this will help :)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Good luck Melatonin, I feel your pain as I find TOM really hard to work around too, and when you've only just started out you aren't really in the 'swing' of it.

    I lost another pound today, am pretty chuffed as it wasn't my best week food-wis (I had nandos the day I hit target last week and several portions of crumble at the weekend). Does go to show though that if you exercise a lot you can make up for the odd bit of naughtiness!

    I am toying with taking my target weightloss down to 1 lb per week instead of my current 2 as I think I'm reaching the point I'd like to start eating a little more as a way of transitioning to maintaining and I'm happy to take slower loss as a result given I' already lower than my intitial goal. The only thing is, if I take taget loss down to 1 lb, maybe I'll only lose 0.5 or even less. I think maybe I need to start using decimal points on eigh-ins - I was 163.0 today so its a good time to start...
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Great job on the losses!

    I had an ok week last week. Not sure of my weigh-in this morning, showed a loss, but I am going to do it again tomorrow to see if we are for real. Will check back in tomorrow morning to let everyone know where I ended up.
  • Hey ladies, can I join in on your group? My name's Lauren, I'm 29 and a SAHM to 4 kids ages 10, 8, 5, 3(he'll be 4 next month). I have finally started losing some weight but just need that extra motivation to keep me going, plus just other adults to talk to. LOL My goal is to bring in my 30's (next March) looking and feeling healthy!! I feel I spent my 20's taking care of everyone else but me and now it's time to focus a lil' more on me. :happy: Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hi Lauren, welcome, I sent you an invite yesterday - I am increasingly using friends and my status feed as motivation :smile:

    All good here, lost another pound yesterday which I was very chuffed about as I wasn't exactly angelic food-wise last week (though did exercise loads). We still have 2 more weeks of school holidays here so odd everyone talking about them going back! Its a beautiful day here so have just hung out my 3rd load of washing *lol*

    Where is everybody?!
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