Soul Cysters 40 in 4

Any PCOSers want to join me in trying to lose 40# in 4 months. If you don't have that much to lose you can still join the course of 10# in 1 month and so on......


  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I want to join but I'll be a bit conservative so I won't be too discouraged. I'll go for 5 in a month.
  • i would like to join you! i am so ready to kick pcos's butt
  • I don't know what PCOSers is or means... but I would love to join this challenge, if it's alright?? :flowerforyou:
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I don't know what PCOSers is or means... but I would love to join this challenge, if it's alright?? :flowerforyou:

    PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
    PCOSers - women who have the syndrome or we sometimes call each other Cysters.
  • PCOSer doctor told me i wouldnt be able to lose weight unless i took medicine on a daily basis...i took it for a year and only lost 25 lbs...but now i am not takin it, and since december, i have lost 70 in!!! 40 lbs in 4 mos is VERY doable!!!
  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    SO IN! I am really needing a bump to keep going now that I am half way to my goal (45lbs total loss). PCOS is kicking my *kitten* (mentally I think more than physically) and knowing that it just takes a bit more effort and that I can (and obviously have) get over that hurdle.
  • You know I am in! Ooooweee 40 in 4 is going to be crazy! Lol. Not sure if I will get there, but it is worth a try!!
  • I don't know what PCOSers is or means... but I would love to join this challenge, if it's alright?? :flowerforyou:

    PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
    PCOSers - women who have the syndrome or we sometimes call each other Cysters.

    :embarassed: Oh... sorry. I didn't mean to step in where I didn't belong. Please forgive my ignorance and if I offended anyone. :cry: I certainly didn't mean too. Thank you for explaining it to me. More power to you ladies.
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I don't know what PCOSers is or means... but I would love to join this challenge, if it's alright?? :flowerforyou:

    PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
    PCOSers - women who have the syndrome or we sometimes call each other Cysters.

    :embarassed: Oh... sorry. I didn't mean to step in where I didn't belong. Please forgive my ignorance and if I offended anyone. :cry: I certainly didn't mean too. Thank you for explaining it to me. More power to you ladies.

    I don't think you offended anybody. And even if I didn't start this challenge, I don't think there is a problem with you joining. :smile: It's all for our health. Cyster or not.
  • I don't know what PCOSers is or means... but I would love to join this challenge, if it's alright?? :flowerforyou:

    PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
    PCOSers - women who have the syndrome or we sometimes call each other Cysters.

    Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it! Is there somewhere where we go and check in or what?

    :embarassed: Oh... sorry. I didn't mean to step in where I didn't belong. Please forgive my ignorance and if I offended anyone. :cry: I certainly didn't mean too. Thank you for explaining it to me. More power to you ladies.

    I don't think you offended anybody. And even if I didn't start this challenge, I don't think there is a problem with you joining. :smile: It's all for our health. Cyster or not.
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    I'm in and this is my goal to lose 40 before end of the year.
    So lets go to it ladies! :D
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I'm in. Apprehensive that I can do it. But I'm in.
  • Definitely not condident that I could lose that many pounds in only 4 months, but I will give it a shot! ;)
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I have PCOS but can't participate in any loss challenges just yet. I hope there's one on the go in the Fall because I will be looking for some serious motivation after this baby is born.
    Best of luck to all participating!!!
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    I don't know what PCOSers is or means... but I would love to join this challenge, if it's alright?? :flowerforyou:

    You can still join us. I just reached out to PCOSers since it is a little harder for us to lose weight.
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm definitely in! Need to drop weight to be able to have a baby - that's my biggest reason. I lost 9 pounds last month and that was mostly with diet change. Now I'm 3 weeks into really working out and I know I can bang out another 10 pounds this next month!
  • Trotty2004
    Trotty2004 Posts: 15 Member
    Count me in! My goal was to lose 30lbs by the end of the year but what the heck..40lbs would be even better!!!!
  • I don't know what PCOSers is or means... but I would love to join this challenge, if it's alright?? :flowerforyou:

    You can still join us. I just reached out to PCOSers since it is a little harder for us to lose weight.

    Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I need a good challenge and some motivation! You ladies sound awesome! :wink:
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    We gonna be doing this all hardcore and spreadsheety and reporting back and stuff? lol.

    I don't know about you guys, (and I really don't mean to cause offence here) but sometimes I feel like it's just me who can't lose weight and (sorry for the terminology here) but I feel, personally, like blaming no weight loss on my condition is just kinda like an excuse. I don't know, maybe I'm just too hard on myself.

    I guess because when I first starting losing weight, I lost 20kgs in 9 months and it just came off with no real exercise or anything. And now, for the past 2 years pretty much, I've been at the same weight (though not actively trying to lose mind you), and not seeing any results. I want to just blame myself for not trying hard enough, but I know that it is partially the PCOS ...

    Sorry if that made no sense. Just want to lose weight! lol
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    So start on Sunday???? I am thinking weigh in and input every Friday or Saturday. If anyone wants to help and "administrate" that is fine. I will try and stay on top of things. Feel free to start topics and include Soul Cysters 40 in 4 as the header. Mini goal/challenge\goal: 1. Let's aim this week for 300 minutes of exercise of your choice.