practice just saying NO!

What will you say no to today? Today I've said no to candy corn, calorie laden nuts and chocolate.


  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    I never say no....just take it and turn the corner to the nearest trash :D
    By the candy corn coming out for the fall season already?
  • blessedwith3boys
    blessedwith3boys Posts: 136 Member
    dsboohead wrote: »
    I never say no....just take it and turn the corner to the nearest trash :D
    By the candy corn coming out for the fall season already?[/quote

    Yes! Candy corn and candy pumpkins.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Nothing. The foods I'm eating today are the foods I've chosen to fit into my goals. Including the ice cream I have planned for after dinner.

    Plus candy corn is an abomination.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Yesterday I said no to a jerk chicken wing my husband couldn't finish because his eyes were too big for his stomach and offered me after I had finished and logged my own lunch. He doesn't usually do that, he knows better. I told him either put it in the fridge for later or chuck it.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I said no to my intense cardio session today.. too sore :s
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    candy corn is pretty easy to say no to! Lol
  • juliamfu161
    juliamfu161 Posts: 41 Member
    Oh boy. I don't have anything to tempt me today, but tomorrow is the company frosty truck coming by. It'll be hard to say no to that but I'm gonna try.
  • jgdsf73
    jgdsf73 Posts: 41 Member
    I said no to my greatest weakness, cheesy breadsticks, that my friend ordered as an appetizer. Only ate my salad (huge salad). It was tempting. Oh soooooo tempting. But not worth skipping dinner for.
  • hippysprout
    hippysprout Posts: 1,446 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Nothing. The foods I'm eating today are the foods I've chosen to fit into my goals. Including the ice cream I have planned for after dinner.

    Plus candy corn is an abomination.

    I eat a lot of different kinds of foods, including ice cream as well, but that doesn't mean I say yes to everything. For me, learning to say no when I knew something didn't fit in my plans was an important skill to develop. Whether it was turning down a casual dinner at my parents' house for the fourth time that week when I knew I had leftovers at home or just saying no when my brain wanted a second or third helping of ice cream or nuts or whatever. I'm surprised at those who don't say no to ~anything~ ever. That's how I got fat. I found that sometimes a little no is necessary for weight loss, ime.

    I want to like it, say it's inspiring, and insightful too but the forum just said NO to multiple choices!
  • UncaToddly
    UncaToddly Posts: 146 Member
    For me I suppose it was the ice cream vendor at the farmer's market that was making fresh waffle cones. Today wasn't a day I felt I needed to give in to anything like that.

    Since I have switched from simply low carb/high protein and eating 6 times a day to keto and 20:4 intermitent fastign, I have to be much more mindful of my carbs but despite being a huge sweets person for nearly 50 years, it has been surprisingly easy to walk away.

    I have them now and then and when I do it is typically a full blown cheat day type of thing but unlike in the past, I don't really crave them anymore. That isn't to say I don't enjoy them when I have them, but I have managed to not feel the need to just go crazy for days and days eating nothing but sweets and breads. :)
  • UncaToddly
    UncaToddly Posts: 146 Member
    Oh boy. I don't have anything to tempt me today, but tomorrow is the company frosty truck coming by. It'll be hard to say no to that but I'm gonna try.

    You can do it. We had a meeting a few weeks ago at work and they ordered about 50 pizzas from a place I love. I didn't have any even though it was in my eating window and although there were enough left for many people to take home, I walked away. :)
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Nothing. The foods I'm eating today are the foods I've chosen to fit into my goals. Including the ice cream I have planned for after dinner.

    Plus candy corn is an abomination.

    I've planned for pancakes and eggs for supper, and then ice cream before bed.

    I've been saying no to the peanut butter in my cupboard all week, I should fit some of that in tonight too.

    I prefer to look at it as saying, not right now. Especially if it's something I really enjoy. Other things are easy to say no to.
  • Courtscan2
    Courtscan2 Posts: 498 Member
    I needed this thread today! We are having a "morning tea"at my office this morning that will include all sorts of cakes and things as it's someone's birthday - I will not eat all the cakes! Or biscuits. Or scones. I WILL have a cup of herbal tea.
  • Slowfaster
    Slowfaster Posts: 186 Member
    A little different point but I wish my friends, family and co-workers would learn to just say "No, thank you," to the servers who ask if anyone wants dessert. They're busy! They don't have time to listen to your explanation of the diet you're on, or why you aren't hungry, or the gastroesophageal reflux disease that would be activated by too much food and they don't need to see you rub your stomach and hear you moan about how full you are. Just say, "No thanks." Please.