(LADIES ONLY!) What do ya do when you're overly hungry because of that time of the month?



  • lks802
    lks802 Posts: 65 Member
    I don’t really have food cravings during my cycle. But if I have such a strong overwhelming craving for something in particular, and that strong urge is NOT an emotional desire to eat, I just eat it and make mental note to not go off the rails.

    When I stopped restricting myself and being mindful, I’ve been able to enjoy treats like that and not get hung up.

    It’s taken me years to get to that space, and I still occasionally fall down. But those moments are fewer and far between and I don’t let it totally destroy me mentally and emotionally when I do.
  • confidenceinrain
    confidenceinrain Posts: 104 Member
    I tend to crave steak or similar so I go get one and then I'm fine. One day (the first day) of just eating what i feel like (within reason) is all I need to be ok for the rest of the week most of the time.

    I also avoid alcohol because of side effects that week so I usually have a few extra calories in my allowance for chocolate instead.
  • bjess8411
    bjess8411 Posts: 68 Member
    I tend to crave steak or similar so I go get one and then I'm fine. One day (the first day) of just eating what i feel like (within reason) is all I need to be ok for the rest of the week most of the time.

    I also avoid alcohol because of side effects that week so I usually have a few extra calories in my allowance for chocolate instead.

    Me too, exactly the same food. I think some cravings or overeating may just be habit.
  • Jkyzab
    Jkyzab Posts: 27 Member
    Menstrual painkillers, heating pad and a couple of salty and sweets food for a day or two for me. I still walk it off just to the water weight off by using the sauna suite on the treadmill.
  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member
    I usually crave carbs and really heavier foods. I used to binge on pizza or take out because I thought it made me feel better. But now, I usually just make a big bowl of pasta or something that fills me up really well. It usually means I eat over my calories but it stops me from a binge and losing control.

    I typically eat 1550-1900 depending on the day but usually the first day of my period, I eat about 2000-2400 max. And thats usually enough to satisfy me to go back to normal eating the next day.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member

    Highly accurate. So once a month, going through hell is an accurate description. Eat the cookies!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    I tend to crave steak or similar so I go get one and then I'm fine. One day (the first day) of just eating what i feel like (within reason) is all I need to be ok for the rest of the week most of the time.

    I also avoid alcohol because of side effects that week so I usually have a few extra calories in my allowance for chocolate instead.
    bjess8411 wrote: »
    Me too, exactly the same food. I think some cravings or overeating may just be habit.

    Well, both steak and chocolate have iron, which we need more of when we lose blood, so unless a woman has extremely light bleeding, I would call those cravings smart.
  • lottieouroboros
    lottieouroboros Posts: 15 Member
    I make sure to schedule in some snacks, because I *know* I will binge if I try and restrict/resist the temptation to eat sweet things. I've also begun drinking water much more regularly and I think this will help. I also try to shift more towards pure protein and avoid carbs (depending on what I crave – basically I don't force myself to eat anything I don't want to, and if that means eating a bowl of ham and olives, then I'll do it so long as it fits into my calories.)

    I think eating at your maintenance calorie level is also a really good idea.