Most embarrassing moment ever?!

sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
ok this has probably been done but I h r yet to see it.

What is your single most cringeworthy embarrassing moment of all time? Something you want no one to know! Think of it as a mini therapy session. I guarantee none of your stories are as bad as Mine...

I had swine flue last January and while in the doctors waiting room my stomach contents decides to evacuate... From both front of EVERYONE!!! 

I haven't been back to the doctors since, I'm too embarrassed.

Your turn...


  • bsteffneyjr
    bsteffneyjr Posts: 40 Member
    thank God i was just about to eat a slice of pizza and i was feeling guilty, maybe later now. i stepped on a small piece of paper at my old job and basically did a split in front of everyone and found it even harder to get up out of that position.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Giving the cashier at Starbucks my phone number, when he asked for my gift card number...hahaha it was funny :) But hey, I left with a free drink!
  • ExerciseGeek
    ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
    Oh no poor you!!

    Mine was probably when I was getting off the school bus and someone was waving from the shop and I was looking to see who it was and fell straight off the bus flat on my face...

    If my friend is reading this she will be ROFL!!!


  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Jogged into a glass door at the gym then fell into a sweaty man's crotch. It was pretty bad.

    Thought the door was open, it usually was.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Oh my goodness! I would have died if I were you! Bless your heart!!

    Mine was when I was a kid... I was doing gymnastics class (which was a treat for me since my family was pretty broke all the time). It was the first time my entire family came to watch me practice... my dad, my mom, and both my brothers. I was in a handstand with the teacher holding my bottom half up (her face extremely close to my hind quarters) and I let 'er rip! Yep, right in the teacher's face... dead silence. As if I weren't embarassed enough when I saw everyone stop what they were doing to focus on me with horrified looks, the teacher says "I'll pretend I didn't hear that!" The crowd roared with laughter, she let me out of my handstand, and I never went back! :embarassed:

    It's funny now, but it was horrifically traumatizing as a child. :laugh:
  • *Nikki*
    Jogged into a glass door at the gym then fell into a sweaty man's crotch. It was pretty bad.

    Thought the door was open, it usually was.

    Haha my boyfriend ran into a glass door when we where in holiday i was sitting on the other side and i honestly dont think i have ever seen anything so funny, his face was a picture.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    I was at work and we were eating lunch. My co-workesr son comes in with a box that had to live rats. I replied "wow" I have never met a real rat before. She picked one up and said "Hi, my name is Rodney Rat, what is yours?".......I had just taken a bite of food, began to laugh, started choking, so I ran out the front door. I am out side laughing, choking, and gasping for air at this time. I began to urinate. I was now laughing, choking, gasping for air, and now peeing myself. I couldn't stop any of the forementioned. I finally got a breath and threw up, then I began to laugh from embarassment from vomitting and peeing myself. Well as I continued to laugh I gasped for some more air and started peeing again. My co workers are all gawking at me, thinking I was just laughing not choking. When I was able to gain my composure. I went in and yelled at her "See what you did to me" as I pointed to my wet pant leg that followed all the was down to my shoe. I grabbed my purse, and headed home to shower and change! When I got back nothing was mentioned about the incident. Now we all look back and laugh about it!
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    A few years ago on holiday, sweltering hot and stupidly wore a skirt whilst out walking - needless to say I was chaffing quite badly. It was painful, so I found a corner, grabbed the talcum powder out of the baby bag(only thing handy) and proceded to squirt it up my skirt and have a good ole pat about and examination of the affected area, only to look up and see it wasn't a private corner but a coffee shop with tinted windows, full off customers on stools at the window facing out directly at me:blushing:
    I hobbled away as quick as I could in a puff of talc!
  • tasman11
    tasman11 Posts: 79
    In grade 6 i had just joined a new school. I wanted to use the toilet and my so called friend guided me to one. I entered the toilet and after a relaxing pee, opened the cubicle door to find couple of girls laughing and screaming at me lol .Well now i laugh, that i was misguided to enter a girls toilet but at that time i was furious.
    Tas x
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    I was at work and we were eating lunch. My co-workesr son comes in with a box that had to live rats. I replied "wow" I have never met a real rat before. She picked one up and said "Hi, my name is Rodney Rat, what is yours?".......I had just taken a bite of food, began to laugh, started choking, so I ran out the front door. I am out side laughing, choking, and gasping for air at this time. I began to urinate. I was now laughing, choking, gasping for air, and now peeing myself. I couldn't stop any of the forementioned. I finally got a breath and threw up, then I began to laugh from embarassment from vomitting and peeing myself. Well as I continued to laugh I gasped for some more air and started peeing again. My co workers are all gawking at me, thinking I was just laughing not choking. When I was able to gain my composure. I went in and yelled at her "See what you did to me" as I pointed to my wet pant leg that followed all the was down to my shoe. I grabbed my purse, and headed home to shower and change! When I got back nothing was mentioned about the incident. Now we all look back and laugh about it!

    I'm sorry, but this made me laugh so hard I almost peed myself!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    ok this has probably been done but I h r yet to see it.

    What is your single most cringeworthy embarrassing moment of all time? Something you want no one to know! Think of it as a mini therapy session. I guarantee none of your stories are as bad as Mine...

    I had swine flue last January and while in the doctors waiting room my stomach contents decides to evacuate... From both front of EVERYONE!!! 

    I haven't been back to the doctors since, I'm too embarrassed.

    Your turn...
    I was on my first date with my now DH, and we took a group car trip to Ashville NC after breakfast at Ihop. 5 hours later while taking all these curvy roads, I started feeling sick. We had find somewhere for me to yack, and stoped at a Kmart, but I wound up puking in the parking lot and sidewalk with everyone watching and him holding my hair back for me. It was soo embarassing!! :embarassed:
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    It was Winter time last year, and I was walking down the stairs from the parking lot. I stepped on black ice, and went end over end down the stairs, and I also managed to take out another person on my way down the stairs. I also fractured my ankle, and tore a hole in the knee of my pants. I nor the person who I took out thought it was funny, but the 10 or so people behind us couldn't stop laughing.
  • ssnichole987
    ssnichole987 Posts: 29 Member
    When I was in high school I walked from our gym locker room into the main common area and half way across it before I realized the whistles I'd been hearing and the weird attention being sent in my general direction were actually meant for me... I'd managed to make the walk with my dress tucked into my panties! (looking back now, I had a great *kitten* at the time... :)
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    A few years ago on holiday, sweltering hot and stupidly wore a skirt whilst out walking - needless to say I was chaffing quite badly. It was painful, so I found a corner, grabbed the talcum powder out of the baby bag(only thing handy) and proceded to squirt it up my skirt and have a good ole pat about and examination of the affected area, only to look up and see it wasn't a private corner but a coffee shop with tinted windows, full off customers on stools at the window facing out directly at me:blushing:
    I hobbled away as quick as I could in a puff of talc!

    Bent over laughing at this! Very descriptive and sooo funny!! I feel your pain girl
  • digitalsinner
    It was Winter time last year, and I was walking down the stairs from the parking lot. I stepped on black ice, and went end over end down the stairs, and I also managed to take out another person on my way down the stairs. I also fractured my ankle, and tore a hole in the knee of my pants. I nor the person who I took out thought it was funny, but the 10 or so people behind us couldn't stop laughing.

    People laughing at you with a broken ankle is pretty harsh. I usually try to wait until I know the person is ok before I officially start laughing.

    I've been trying to think of something horrifyingly embarrassing to post here, but sadly, I can't think of a time that I ever felt like that.
  • jessical30
    jessical30 Posts: 49 Member
    I was at work and we were eating lunch. My co-workesr son comes in with a box that had to live rats. I replied "wow" I have never met a real rat before. She picked one up and said "Hi, my name is Rodney Rat, what is yours?".......I had just taken a bite of food, began to laugh, started choking, so I ran out the front door. I am out side laughing, choking, and gasping for air at this time. I began to urinate. I was now laughing, choking, gasping for air, and now peeing myself. I couldn't stop any of the forementioned. I finally got a breath and threw up, then I began to laugh from embarassment from vomitting and peeing myself. Well as I continued to laugh I gasped for some more air and started peeing again. My co workers are all gawking at me, thinking I was just laughing not choking. When I was able to gain my composure. I went in and yelled at her "See what you did to me" as I pointed to my wet pant leg that followed all the was down to my shoe. I grabbed my purse, and headed home to shower and change! When I got back nothing was mentioned about the incident. Now we all look back and laugh about it!

    This brought tears to my eyes because this is something that I would do!

    Ok here I go... This happened a few months ago ... I was riding on the elevator back to my floor with one of my coworkers who is a guy... Well out of the blue I ripped one... Yeah and it was LOUD. I tried to make it seem like it was my heals but I couldn’t hid it... as soon as the elevator doors open I flew outa there. Well my coworker is my lunch buddy so a few days later he brings in a magazine that had an article of different farts...We have NEVER talked about what happened to this day.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Ive got loooooads of embarassing moments, but one of my worst ones that I was most embarassed about was -

    couple of years ago, i was reallly big and weighed an awful lot. me and some friends popped into macdonalds for tea, and as soon as we got in there i trippped over and landed on all 4's! there were a bunch of fit workmen infront of us, and one of them turned around and said '****ing helll, cant you get to the couner quick enough love?!' I was sooooo embarasssed! I got up, went bright red in the face, my friends were laughing at me bcos of the way i landed, i then had some other funny looks from people in the resturant! I reallllly didnt know what to do!! haha! I still cant belive to this day what happend, i still cringe about it now.:blushing:
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I made the waist of my skirt too loose and when we stood up in church to sing, my skirt fell down around my ankles!
    Happily I had a slip on and I bent over quickly and pulled it up. Not before a few folks got a show.
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    Recently, the served asked me what I want with my meal, soup or salad. and I said, yes, i want SUPER SALAD :)) and for like a whole min he would say :soup or salad, I would reply Super salad.... also one I tipped my hairdresser with a receipt from store, not $20 I put it my pocket earlier. I left the beauty salon and I noticed I still have $20.. I came back and gave her a tip. She looked happy but little shocked. Imagine, she probably was thinking, how rude and weird, that beforehand I gave her a receipt.... LOL
  • KatScarberry
    KatScarberry Posts: 40 Member
    I was at a wedding for my best friend's sister when I was a teenager. I was out on the dance floor jamming to "Beat It" in my pretty new dress, and I was wearing high heels. I was really going to town when the heel of my shoe got caught in the hem of my skirt. Not only did I lose my footing, I also lost my skirt...