Most embarrassing moment ever?!



  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    I was at work and we were eating lunch. My co-workesr son comes in with a box that had to live rats. I replied "wow" I have never met a real rat before. She picked one up and said "Hi, my name is Rodney Rat, what is yours?".......I had just taken a bite of food, began to laugh, started choking, so I ran out the front door. I am out side laughing, choking, and gasping for air at this time. I began to urinate. I was now laughing, choking, gasping for air, and now peeing myself. I couldn't stop any of the forementioned. I finally got a breath and threw up, then I began to laugh from embarassment from vomitting and peeing myself. Well as I continued to laugh I gasped for some more air and started peeing again. My co workers are all gawking at me, thinking I was just laughing not choking. When I was able to gain my composure. I went in and yelled at her "See what you did to me" as I pointed to my wet pant leg that followed all the was down to my shoe. I grabbed my purse, and headed home to shower and change! When I got back nothing was mentioned about the incident. Now we all look back and laugh about it!

    I almost peed MY pants laughing so hard!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Erm, I have too many embarrassing stories involving me peeing my pants, honestly, the funniest one that I wish I could have observed as an outsider.... I was 7 months pregnant walking down the hall at school.. my senior year... slipped, fell on my *kitten*, (it seemed to be a common occurrence while I was prego) felt like a turtle for a good 3 minutes... not able to get up, my friend laughing making me laugh and bladder control went out the window. It was rather lovely, as if being pregnant my senior year of highschool wasn't bad enough, I had to be prego and pee on myself! :laugh: :laugh:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Gosh where to start, My husband and I were going through fertility treatments and we choose a specialist that had volenteered his expertise to the zoo I worked at. He has a great sense od humor and at our first vist to break the ice he asked my husband what was the difference between insemenations in animals vs humans? Then explained women won't hold still in the head chute. I laughed heartly and husband asks are you sure about this guy. We came back for the AI and Dr ask my husband if he wanted to be the guy getting me pregnant he would let him push the plunger on the syringe. Some how husband still could not find it funny.
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    Meeting Toby Keith. I won a meet and greet through his fan club. I had just joined and it was my first concert. I met up with a bunch of his fans (Warriors) and they had made something to give to him. I got in line and one of his singing and writing buddies was there and I talked to him just fine. I saw Toby come out and down and was watching everyone and it was fine. I got up there and tried to give the stuff to this guy standing there and he told me to give them to Toby. I thought no problem. I turned around and there he was, he smiled at me and I couldn't think or speak. He saw what I had and asked if that was for him and still nothing came out of my mouth. He was so sweet, he didn't try to rush me and finally I figured he wasn't going to hear a thing I said anyway so I took a deep breath and said, "A bunch of your Warriors got together at Applebee's and wanted me to give you these." He smiled, took the stuff and said, "Thanks Hon. Applebee's huh?" I was so shocked that he even listened to me. He is very quiet and soft spoken and very polite. It was time for the picture so he put his arm around me and pulled me to him (I think he thought I might pass out) so I did the same thing. It was a day I will never forget.
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    Mine was a drunk thing so i was only embarrassed the next day. I had been with my other half for just over a month and only met his mum once before. I went to his grandparents house for bonfire night, got hideously drunk. His mum came up to me and started talking and I asked her who the f**k are you then. I then went on to throw up in the bathroom. Luckily his mum cant remember this (only had the guts 5 years later to mention it) Think she may have been a bit merry too. I still feel very cring-worthy every time i think about it and nearly 6 years have passed!
  • My most embarrassing moment was when I was in High School, I was on the flag core and also played the tenor saxophone,. well during one of the half time shows I had to switch from flags to saxophone because of a solo and we had two piece outfits for the flag core and the pants were really long on me because I wasn't able to get them tailored in time before the game, well i bent down to put my flag down and pick up my saxophone and i stepped on the end of my pants and my bottom's came down around my ankles. Everyone saw it ! All I could hear as laughing and some people saying aww bless her little heart, that has to be embarrassing,, well duh it was lol. I pulled em back up and kept going but after that I begged the band instructor to change our outfits. Thank goodness I had a top on that looked like a one piece bathing suit!
  • Pierced
    Pierced Posts: 36 Member
    This one made me laugh. I was getting a pedicure at the time, think the lady thought i was a bit wacky I was laughing so hard.
  • Aww, tobybear, that was cute! I've been star struck like that before, I'm sure they get it all the time :)

    The first embarrassing moment that comes to mind for me is the time I was in college and working at the campus bookstore and walked around for a good 5 minutes with toilet paper hanging out of the back of my shorts.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Freshman year of college. My roommates and I got all dolled up for our first day of classes and strutted onto campus. A car full of hot boys stopped to let us cross the street. I missed the curb entirely and landed flat on my face. When I popped up, everyone was laughing and the intersection was PACKED. I ran and totally ditched my friends until later that day. haha
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I was on my first date with my now DH, and we took a group car trip to Ashville NC after breakfast at Ihop. 5 hours later while taking all these curvy roads, I started feeling sick. We had find somewhere for me to yack, and stoped at a Kmart, but I wound up puking in the parking lot and sidewalk with everyone watching and him holding my hair back for me. It was soo embarassing!! :embarassed:

    At least he was nice enough to stop for you. When I was pregnant, I was going to visit family with my grandmother. She was driving. I had to throw up and told her to stop. She refused because there was nowhere to pull over. Granted, there was no shoulder but we were on a freakin' back road in Middle-of-Nowhere, New Mexico. She could have stopped in the middle of the damn street and it would have been fine. I threw up right in my lap. Then when we got to the next town, she insisted we stop and go to Denny's to eat. I loved my grandma but that woman could be a real *****. :grumble:
  • durangocal
    durangocal Posts: 90 Member
    When I was pregnant I went shopping at the mall with my 3 year old son. I told my son to hang on to my skirt because he kept running underneath the clothes racks and I couldn't find him. The elasticized skirt slipped right off when I started walking and he didn't!
  • durangocal
    durangocal Posts: 90 Member
    My husband's most embarrassing moment occurred at the store when our special needs son was congratulating my husband for doing number two in the toilet. Just so you know, he used to speak with a VERY loud voice and it went something like this "Good job Daddy, you did it! You went number two on the toilet! Just like a big boy, you sat on the big boy toilet and you pushed! Did you remember to wipe?-cause if you did Mommy's going to give you some M&M's." I heard him from across the store and and needless to say we left immediately without our shopping done!!!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Today's selection from a lifetime full of embarrassment:
    I was in JROTC, which was a pretty big program at our high school. During my senior year I was chosen to be the band leader and bugler for the enormously important Annual Inspection, or National Inspection, or whatever the event was that we got all uptight about every year. The event was held outside in the football stadium. Anyway, when it was time to play the big solo I had to do, I don't know, maybe my nerves got to me, but my lips didn't work right. I played that trumpet so pathetically that the song was hardly recognizable. It seriously sounded like some little kid who had just picked up a trumpet for the first time. Of course, with every distorted and contorted note that I played I got even more nervous and embarrassed and destroyed it even worse. I'm not sure how that affected my school's ranking in the country, but it's hilarious now. Ah, fun times.
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Well I went shopping with a friend up to the mall and we first decided we would use the bathroom so that we could do alot of shopping without stopping. So we went to the bathroom I laced the toilet with toilet paper just in case I fell while squating (public bathrooms are gross) I didnt fall but when I pulled my pants up a rather long peice of toilet paper came up with it. I had a huge peice hanging out of my pant the best part was we went shopping for hours around the mall we didnt notice untill I go home and was running up the front stairs. LOL too funny :)
  • thanks for the laugh