In need of friends!

I started using MFP along with a class but once that class ended, I started to slack and stopped tracking. Once I did that, my weight loss stopped too. So I'm hoping to make more friends on here who will help keep me accountable.

About me: I'm 40, mom of two college kids, a geek (I play WoW, read webcomics, etc). For workouts, I run three times a week with a group and add in weight training afterwards. Oh, and my username was inspired by the Disney World Marathon's Goofy Challenge, which is something I hope to one day complete. It's a marathon and a half in two consecutive days.

So... please add me! :D


  • Wendy5832
    Wendy5832 Posts: 45 Member
    Glad to welcome you on board - I am from Bonnie Scotland but must admit it is not so bonnie at the moment, friend request on its way and look forward to the journey ahead of us
  • harric01
    harric01 Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!!!
  • fastergoofy
    Wow! A bunch of people just added me. Thank you thank you thank you. I tried to send personal messages to folks but I'm sure I missed a few. I'm sorry if I did!

    (And I love Scottish accents. I think it's my slight Tennant crush.)
  • hollywoodcera
    hollywoodcera Posts: 6 Member
    Can I join too? I am from Canada, a twenty four year old mother of a six year old daughter and a 16 month old son. My family including my mother were born in Scotland.
  • fastergoofy
    Of course! Canadians are awesome. :D
  • BlondeViki
    BlondeViki Posts: 33 Member
    I'm already your friend on here but wanted to pop on and say hello and a kind of 'ooooh, I didn't know you played WoW' - I played when it was released but gave up just before the Burning Crusade came out as it was eating my life. Still miss it a bit though and my friends on there :)

    *motivational hug*
  • fastergoofy
    Hi, BV. :D

    Hehe, yeah. I stopped WoW for quite a while but recently picked it up again. My husband and I just use it to goof off together. We don't raid or anything. A lot has changed since you left!

    *hugs back!*
  • DisneyMommy
    I've done the Goofy twice and signed up for 2012. You should totally do it. It's so much fun!!!! Have you done other Disney races? I've got two coming up (Disneyland 1/2 and Wine & Dine 1/2) and I can't wait!
  • fastergoofy
    DisneyMommy: I just now booked a room for our first Disney race (husband runs too, much better than I do): Expedition Everest Challenge 2012. They haven't opened registration yet but I thought I'd grab a room now. We're staying at AKL. We stayed once before and fell in love with it. Mmm.... Boma.

    I'm so envious of your upcoming races. I haven't been to Disneyland since DCA was a parking lot! We're also planning to do the Wine & Dine in 2012, then the WDW Marathon the following Jan. I'll be squeezing in some other local races between those, I'm sure. :)
  • DisneyMommy
    I haven't done Expedition Everest yet. Hope you enjoy it, it sounds like fun! We live about 45 min from Disneyland so we go bunches but I grew up on the east coast so Disney World was my first park. The 2013 WDW Marathon is going to be amazing. It's the 20th anniversary of the full! Great time to go! Happy training and maybe one day we'll get to meet at a Disney race!
  • fastergoofy
    That's funny. I used to live a little more than an hour away from Disneyland (I kinda grew up in the park LOL) and now I live within about half a day's drive of WDW.

    And I'm excited about the 20th Anniversary Marathon! I have a feeling we're going to have to book rooms as soon as they open.
  • guysimons
    hi we are all here for the same thing feel free to add me as a freind
  • leanne2376
    leanne2376 Posts: 217