weight loss: 80% eating habits 20% exercise

I was reading one of my favorite weight loss blogs and the author said someting that really got my attention. Weight loss is achieved by 80% eating habits and 20% exercise.

Before I read this I was an exercise freak but i still ate what I wanted... as long as it came in under my calorie goal. and if i over ate... i just exercised it off. I did this for most of the summer, it was kind of difficult but i did my best and I lost 10 pounds.

But after I read that, i thought "i need to do something" so i decided to embark on clean eating. I have been clean eating for about a week and now calorie counting is waaaaay easier. but i've kind of slacked off on my exercise routines. like i haven't worked out in a week.

So what are your thoughts on this theory. Do you agree? Disagree? Have you had any experiences like this?


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I mostly agree. Changing the way I eat has been a huge factor in my success, I think. If I had tried to work out more and continued to eat like a fool, I don't think I could have sustained the exercise. I need lean protien, loads of fiber, and a fair amount of carbs to make it through my workouts, and I can tell by how my workout goes if I've had an off day food-wise.
  • pickenslmc
    pickenslmc Posts: 47 Member
    I agree, although I've also heard a similar expression that gives exercise 10%, genetics 10%. For most people reduced intake is more important than exercising. I do very little formal exercise, but make an effort to increase my activity throughout the day. Using this strategy I have lost almost 40 pounds since March.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I always worked out-- never ate right. ( went from 120lbs to 160lbs in high school)
    I started eating right, and I continued to workout the same, and I went from 160lbs to 130lbs...

    comming from a college cross country runner--- nutrition is more important than exercise...
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I would even agree with 10% genetics.
  • From experience, I agree. This is my second time at this. The first time I ate what I wanted not caring about calories and I exercised daily, but I never lost any real weight. Because I am eating healthier this time and execising, I feel better physically and I have dropped almost enough weight.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    i definitely need to do this! i need to start eating better not just less! thanks for the info!
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    I almost agree completely. There's only one thing missing from this formula... REST. Get your zzzzzz! This is my formula: 70% eating habits (it is very important! it is your fuel!) 20% exercise (your body is designed to be active and will love you for it) and 10% rest/sleep (it is at night when your body recovers, restores and repairs... make sure you give it all the time you can to let it do that. Personally, I aim for at least 7 hours of sleep if not 8).
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I agree to this. One of the guys I work with just focused on what he was eating, and he lost 20-something pounds. Now, he's really adding in the workout portion and he's doing great!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Until I hit 40, I would have agreed with you. Now, however, if I don't burn calories through exercise, the weight doesn't budge :huh: . Luckily, I have discovered a love of running and kickboxing to even the odds :drinker:
  • littleleisha
    littleleisha Posts: 98 Member
    Totally agree...when I first started getting into exercise, I would eat a little less that I used to & exercise a TON and only lost about 10 pounds....exercise just wasnt enough. Finally I realized that (in March 2011, after 2 years of exercising) and the BAM! I lost about 20 pounds since March, just by eating better! and I dont work out as long as I used to either. I was logging in 1-2 hours/day at the gym, now I do 30 minute workouts...sometimes more, but I've seen so much more progress in my journey.
  • ciege77
    ciege77 Posts: 60
    This is 100% TRUE AND SHOULD BE FOLLOWED! Exercising is good for you, but good health all starts with good nutrition, and I'm not even saying you have to eat like a total health nut. I had a back injury and couldn't exercise for 2 months at the time I started calorie counting. I still lost 15 pounds in those 8 weeks, and ate pretty much whatever I wanted to as long as I kept it around 1350 calories, which SUCKS for a guy btw. You learn to eat the things that fill you up the most for the least amount of calories.

    I'd keep exercising, but it ALL starts with eating right.
  • soniaa777
    soniaa777 Posts: 126 Member
    dont let it discourage or make you start to think exercise isnt that important. only 20 percent starts to make you think well its only 20 percent of weight loss. keep up the working out :)
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Yep! I heard 10% sleep, 30% exercise, and 70% eating healthy. :) I follow that. And it's done wonders.
  • I always worked out-- never ate right. ( went from 120lbs to 160lbs in high school)
    I started eating right, and I continued to workout the same, and I went from 160lbs to 130lbs...

    comming from a college cross country runner--- nutrition is more important than exercise...

    Girl we are the same i was 115 in high school, weight 120 after i started MFP at 160 and we have the same goal weight but im trying for 125ish, HELL ill be happy in the 120's :)
  • chill0315
    chill0315 Posts: 19 Member
    I would somewhat agree. I lost 80lbs just clean eatting and counting calories but then I plateaued. Good luck and I do think you have to have some sort of exercise in there too.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    I would even agree with 10% genetics.

    yeah... i would say about 70% nutrition/20% exercise/movement and 10% genetics
  • I was a Health major in college and you have to compensate for 25% genetics, so it's more like 50% food and 25% exercise. You can overcome genetics but just have to work a little harder. I know, no justice in that whatsoever ;)
  • I have to agree. Humans were not made to exercise at such high intensity for insane amounts of time. Think about our prehistoric ancestors.They did not have an abundance of food( sugar and carbs were not part of the diet) and they did not spend hours and hours running around, but had short bursts of intensity when hunting. So yes I agreethat food is 80% and activity would be 20%. Seems logical if you know the Pareto rule most things seem to follow the 80/20 rule.
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    I believe this to be true. I heard someone explain it this way "It's much easier to not eat 100 calories than it is to burn 100 calories"
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    So what are your thoughts on this theory. Do you agree? Disagree? Have you had any experiences like this?

    When I was initially overweight and starting off this weight-loss journey, that was a good basic theory (80% diet/20% ex). Because I found it a lot easier to consume 3,500 calories less than it was to burn 3,500 calories exercising.

    Now that I've (hopefully) matured through this journey, through it's ups and downs, I've had a paradigm shift and it now boils down to this for long-term weight loss for me: it's 95% your attitude

    For 95% of the people out there: "Your body is not different than anyone else but your attitude can be."

    I do what I have to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. No excuses.