Thyroid Problem ??

mrdalton Posts: 95 Member
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
So I have been working out like a mad women and eating healthier for six months now and I am loosing about one pound a month.

Today my doctor told me I have hypothyroidism. She said I could work out till I am blue in the face and never loose a pound. That I need to go on medication and be treated and among other things I wouldn't be as tired, sick as often or depressed, etc.

So my question is - have you discovered you had hypothyroidism and how did it effect your weight after you got on medication. ?? I am hoping it starts to drop like it does for normal people - or is it still an uphill struggle for us??

Thanks so much MFP friends!!!


  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I'm on 422mcg of Synthroid and it is a never-ending battle. It is possible, but you will always lose slower than the average person.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    It sucks but it's doable. I'm on 125 mg of levothyroxine. The medicine makes such a difference, in terms of energy, weight loss, etc.
  • Im also hypothyroid, ive lost 54 pounds so its possible to lose weight. Im getting to the point now where its getting harder, but I think its because im closer to my goal weight.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    My docs tell me my levels are normal! NOT! I had the radio active iodine for my HYPERthyroid, I am currently not taking any meds. I am scheduling a docs appt as soon as the kids get back to school and I have some me time! Good luck my friend! This disease is a bugger!
  • I take levothyroxine and it is still a struggle to lose. Working out is key for me, I can't just cut calories.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I am on 25mcg of synthroid and it is a struggle I go up and down. Unlike most people if I have one bad day it can affect my weight in a big way. My doctor tests my blood every 3 months and my thyroid is normal so there is no reason I shouldn't lose the weight. It is frustrating you just have to push through it and even thought they say you will not be as tired not sure I still have days like that especially today.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I was dx with a hypo thyroid about 2 years ago and blamed my weight on it. I do not take medication because I dont like to. I am not depressed, although I am tired alot. My weight is up and down but I have lost weight. I am fighting this on my own and due to the lack of no insurance I really dont have a choice. :-)
  • It's really give and take, once you are on medication it should mellow out...that being said yes it was harder for me to lose having this disease but one of the reasons was because I was so tired and run down...You definitely need to take the medication for your body to function properly, the thyroid controls so many things so you want to make sure you are taking care of it the right way.

    I now work out about 6 days a week 60-90 minutes each session and I have passed my goal and on to my next can be done just takes a lot more work !!! Good luck sweetie
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Thyroid issues here too. It IS possible to get it in check and loose weight. If you feel like your levels and loss arent in check and youre doing everything right - go have them rechecked and your meds adjusted.
    I am probably going to loose my thryroid fairly soon and Im scared this will make things way more difficult.
  • melly7894
    melly7894 Posts: 3 Member
    I recently found out my thryoid was underactive, too. I was exhausted, pale, and depressed. My husband begged me to see a doctor, though I thought it was only a result of being overworked, not enough sleep, etc. While I never had an issue with weight, aside from an extra 10 pounds or so, I can tell you that after being on medication for about 3 months now, I have more energy than I can ever remember having. I did easily drop any excess weight I was carrying, but I think it really was more a result of having so much more energy. I can work out harder, longer, and more often, and I don't go through periods of heavy food cravings. I also noticed an increase in my muscle tone after taking the meds for a few months. It was like someone turned back the clock a few years on my whole body! Supposedly you don't even see the full results of your medication for up to a year of taking it, so I can't imagine feeling even better! Good luck!
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    I think it will definitely get better once on the medication, but I wouldn't set my heart on losing huge amounts just because of the meds. I have hypothyroidism too and it was almost impossible to lose weight before! Now, I'm losing about 1 lb a week. You'll see a big difference in your energy levels for sure though! At least, I did!
    Good luck! =)
  • Not personal experience but that of a friend.

    I had a friend who was working out as often as she could about 4 times a week as was gaining about 1lb a month. after a 6 panel test function test was told that her Thyroid was decorative and was put on synthroid. after she was on the meds with out changing anything else she started losing about 1-2lb monthly

    but with most med issue results will very alot and when you 1st start up on them keep an extra eye on everything. as I had another friend that was over weight and his Dr told him he had a Thyroid ( he could not remember a test being done ), he was put on some med. and after about 2months he was having high blood pressure issues he went to a different Doctor and after the 2nd Dr did test was told that no he didn't have a Thyroid issue and needed to stop the meds before issue accured.

    My personal belief is that its worth trying just about anything but watch out and ask your Doctor a ton questions. they should be able to tell you what to watch our for to prove that the meds are working correctly and what to watch out for in-case they are not or are causing other issues that need to be monitored
  • megala65
    megala65 Posts: 34 Member
    I've been on thyroid medication for over 10 years but I never put forth the effort to lose weight until last year. I was going to the gym 5 days a week and working with a trainer 3x a month and still not losing. I had made some majors changes in the types of food I was eating but not really counting calories. In June this year my trainer told me about this site, since then I've lost 20 lbs. I don't know how much of my weight problem is thyroid related, I know that medication alone did not help me lose weight. I had to do the work. I had to make the choices. Good luck to you.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    Yup, same thing. I'm currently on 88 mcg of Synthroid and am waiting for the results of most recent retest. I net 1200 calories/day, eat back most exercise calories, etc. etc., and should be losing at least a pound a week. I'm lucky if it's 1/4 pound and even then, it's not a certainty. I may have noticed a tad more energy once I started the meds, but there was so much going on in my life around then that I would never be able to say with certainty that the medicine was what worked.

    I'm hoping that one of these days things will kick in, and in the meantime, I know that there is really nothing more I could be doing, short of going on an extreme diet that would not be healthy in the long run. Patience is not one of my virtues, so this is a challenge!
  • Found out I was hyper - thyroid at the age of 35, it explained alot of what I had been going thru for 15 yrs...
    I took meds, I did this I did that...... I quit smoking.. I started eating healthy ( my weight was always about 130 ) then it Kept
    getting more and more till I was was 150, then I started lifting hand weights, slow and steady at first and I walked 2 miles 6 days a week.. and I started to tone up,. feel better and my thyroid Burned its self out...... I was off meds.. no surgery..
    I was going on but I was left with this weight.. impossible to loose.. Dont eat.. eat.. over eat and eat anything and everything and eat healthy as a horse oragnic. pure and gave up soda too.. But the Exercise and food change ( Lifestyle if you will ) is what did it to my metabolism.. so I was happy about that.. I am what they call a Borderliner.. I can be a lil under and a lil over but not enuff to have to do a thing about it.. so I eat right.. I exercise and Try to get this fat off of my middle.. I have no legs am very muscular and no arms.. but alot fat over my stomach.. I am 47 had to kids natural.. and take no meds of any kind for anything.. its crazy but the weight I am loosing since being here is coming off at the right amount, slow an steady.. have to burn the all over to get rid of the tummy and loose the fat so I can maintain all this muscle underneath.. so hang in there..I never knew how many women have this and they NEVER know it.. so tell all your friends to get that blood test.. its half the reason they cant loose weight......
  • simoneq
    simoneq Posts: 7 Member

    My bloodvalues seemed like having an underactive thyroid. But it was caused by myself, by eating not enough calories (i also exercise alot). Now I am eating better and the thyroidproblems are gone without meds and I am feeling great. What I've learned is never eat less than 120% of my RMR-calories. Not even one day. Not even 1 calorie below.

    (I use the Mufflin formula and multiply it with 1.2)
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm on 100 mg of levothyroxine. I was diagnosed before I started my journey. My medicine makes such a difference in my energy. I can always tell when it probably needs to be adjusted because my energy level goes into the toilet no matter what I do. Since I'm also a diabetic I see my doctor often so its checked every 3 months. I've had to have it adjusted 4 times in the last 18 months. I can not express enough how important the meds are! As my daughter pointed out to me ... this is a condition someone can die from. I've lost 53 lbs so it doesn't stop you from losing but I believe that it does slow it down some. The meds along with eating right and getting some exercise will give you energy and make you feel so much better. harder maybe...impossible never!
  • dlady74
    dlady74 Posts: 2 Member
    i have been on thyroid meds for 4 years and my weight creeps up.i have read many blogs and we are all struggling. i was in a 6 week bootcamp with strict eating rituals and lost 1 lb.for a year i worked out or hiked 6 days a week to gain 10 pounds.there is a med out there cytomel that everyone swears by for thyroids but hard to get doc to prescribe cause costly. i am on levothyroxine and i feel moody and tired alot.i am helpless due to i need it because i had a thyroidectamy.i am trying again with a 6 week food and exercise program and the help of a pill to burn metabolism prescribed by him.good luck!
  • dreaasha
    dreaasha Posts: 31
    My thyroid went in the toilet after taking too much Lithium. I'm bipolar. So not only does my hypothyroidism affect my nasty mood swings, it put an insane amount of weight on me. And wow, was I craving food. So I finally got it checked again, after not being on meds for a year or so, and am on 137 mcgs a day. I have energy to run again! Before, I would get about 30 seconds on the treadmill before being exhausted and retreating to the elliptical, forcing myself through 20 minutes. I sleep better now, I get about 100 minutes of cardio in 6 days a week.

    I don't know how this will affect my weight loss yet-I've only begun on a long journey, and my thyroid still isn't where it should be. But know that you're not alone!
  • Mitchlou84
    Mitchlou84 Posts: 135
    I too am hypo thyroid! I was prescribed 25mg of Levothyroxine in March and itrs now up to 75mg. I put on 4 stone from it being untreated which I am now trying to get off!

    I expected that as I was eating healthily and exerciding a bit to MAINTAIN, that once on the meds it would drop off! Not the case at all, its still really hard, I have been exercising 3-4 times a week since April and eating well and only lost 8lb. Better than nothing I guess but really wish it was easier!
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