3 weeks post partum today looking for mummy friends

So I had my beautiful baby girl 3 weeks ago today! When I had my first daughter 2 years ago it took me about 6 months to even begin doing anything about my weight (i got to 16 stone 3 at my heaviest) but then knuckled down and got down to 158 lbs using my fitness pal and doing a bit of light exercise. This time i started on day 2 just drinking lots of water and tracking calories (also breastfeeding) and ive already stripped off 35lbs 💪🏻 Go me!! Unfortunately during this pregnancy i was a little piggy and put on a grand total of 68.5 lbs 🙈 at my heaviest i was 222.5 lbs eep!! I want to get back to 158 lbs hopefully by xmas so looking for motivational friends who i can help support too. I am 5ft 9 so although 158 lbs is pretty skinny for my height! I was a Uk size 8 when at this weight before. I want to be fit and healthy with lots of energy to run around after my 2 beautiful girls especially as my husband is in the navy and works away mon-fri so its just me! We would also like another child in a few years so its important to me to maintain a healthy lifestyle at a good weight until that point. Ive always been a bit chunky until i managed to loose all that weight the first time round so feeling determined and excited (and a bit impatient 😂) to get there!!! Add me people ❤️❤️❤️


  • aprilderulo
    aprilderulo Posts: 15 Member

    This by the way is me at 157lbs and at 222.5lbs 😂 ill post another photo of me at current weight of 187lbs
  • aprilderulo
    aprilderulo Posts: 15 Member

    This is me 3 weeks post partum and weighing 187lbs
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    I’ve had 4 and lost the weight after the first 3, currently working on losing the weight from baby 4, add me if you’d like 🙂
  • Kayleighrocco87
    Kayleighrocco87 Posts: 6 Member
    I’m 11 weeks post partum and I’ve lost just over two stone in 8 weeks. Feeling like it’s slowing a little so I’m happy for advise
  • klovesd84
    klovesd84 Posts: 46 Member
    I can understand wanting to feel like yourself as soon as possible after 9 months of pregnancy, but you really do look absolutely fantastic. Congratulations on baby number 2! Such a special time. Enjoy it.
  • Lecaste
    Lecaste Posts: 13 Member
    Are you still in the market for postpartum friends? I had a baby five weeks ago and have about 45 lbs to lose.

    Congrats on your new baby!
  • Krista_Knits52
    Krista_Knits52 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 5.5 months postpartum and restarting my weight loss as well. Will send you a request!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    I've had two kids in two years and it has been a struggle. I'm about 13 months post partum and close to my goal weight. I eat within my calories every day and my diary is open to friends. I was running 3 times a week but have an injury at the moment so I'm just doing CICO to keep the weight loss going. I congratulate you on your success so far. It's a tough road but you can get there. I also want to be healthy for my two little ones and be around a long time to play with them and see them become amazing adults. Add me if you'd like.
  • rupalivyas
    rupalivyas Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I’m three weeks post partum today and gained about 25 lbs but was about 25lbs overweight when I got pregnant so I need to shift the full 50 to get back to my wedding weight. Also looking for motivation and friends for support.
  • Katie9841
    Katie9841 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, thanks for posting this! We have vary similar backgrounds. Im about 4 weeks postpartum and wanting to start working at losing this weight. I was up to 215 this time around and down to 185 now. I’d love to lose another 20. One of my biggest struggles now is being so weak. I had a really rough pregnancy with SPD followed by a c-section. Last week was the first time I was able to walk for more then 15 minutes at a time in the last 5 months. I can tell my body has absolutely no strength and, other then walking, I’m not even sure where to begin as far as exercise goes. Any suggestions? Also, what is everyone targeting as far as calories goes?
  • Camanda1
    Camanda1 Posts: 5 Member
    I’m eight weeks postpartum. I’ve lost 25 pounds but still have another 25 pounds to go. I am hoping to get to my pre-pregnancy weight before I go back to work so I can fit into my work clothes but time is flying by...
  • bfrisk12
    bfrisk12 Posts: 13 Member
    Congrats mommies!
  • bfrisk12
    bfrisk12 Posts: 13 Member
    Katie9841 wrote: »
    Hey, thanks for posting this! We have vary similar backgrounds. Im about 4 weeks postpartum and wanting to start working at losing this weight. I was up to 215 this time around and down to 185 now. I’d love to lose another 20. One of my biggest struggles now is being so weak. I had a really rough pregnancy with SPD followed by a c-section. Last week was the first time I was able to walk for more then 15 minutes at a time in the last 5 months. I can tell my body has absolutely no strength and, other then walking, I’m not even sure where to begin as far as exercise goes. Any suggestions? Also, what is everyone targeting as far as calories goes?

    First off congrats! Next, take it super slow! You not only grew a human but also had abdominal surgery! I believe that exercise beyond walking isn’t advised until 8 weeks so that your abdominal wall and other innards have time to heal. I had my tubes tied after my last(3 months ago) and it took me a min to get back in my feet. I enlisted the help of a personal trainer who comes to my house. I know your thinking that is bloody expensive but when you factor in a gym membership time spent on commute and finding child care it is by far the more affordable option. If you can I would say do this! She is super supportive and gave me a meal plan to fit myself and nursing baby. I have a pretty healthy calorie allowance as well due to breastfeeding. Talk to your doc at your follow up to make sure you have the green light to excercise otherwise eat clean and keep walking you’ll get there!
  • medicalassistant19
    5 weeks postpartum and I hate my body 😞
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    I'm nearly 9 months pp and have nearly got back to pre pregnancy weight (1 lb away!) and I started at it about 3 months pp. baby weight was hard for me to shift! breast feeding made me so scared to restrict much!!!
  • KF500T
    KF500T Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I had a baby 5 months ago and am having a tough time as well. Starting the weight loss/physical fitness journey again. So tough! I gained 40 pounds and have only lost 20.
  • bfrisk12
    bfrisk12 Posts: 13 Member
    5 weeks postpartum and I hate my body 😞

    Don’t! You have to power to make it what you want! You haven’t even made it to your follow up appointment yet! Your body is still recovering and building strength again. You got this! Hang in there!
    Once you get the go ahead start SLOWLY excercising and definitely eat clean if you can. Just start moving again your body will remember what it’s like.
  • bfrisk12
    bfrisk12 Posts: 13 Member
    KF500T wrote: »
    Hi! I had a baby 5 months ago and am having a tough time as well. Starting the weight loss/physical fitness journey again. So tough! I gained 40 pounds and have only lost 20.

    Not “only” ! You have lost 20! That is a pound per week and super healthy way to lose weight. All of you ladies help keep me going on my journey. 3 months down and a life time of healthy living to go!
  • julie_emma
    julie_emma Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a first time mom and nearly 4 months post partum. Looking for fellow mom friends to motivate one another as we work towards getting in shape and losing the baby weight 😀. Add me!!
  • hwsauce
    hwsauce Posts: 1 Member
    I’m 8 weeks postpartum and having trouble motivating myself to lose the weight. I’m only 4 lbs over my prepregnancy weight but I was a little overweight to begin with and I have lost muscle and gained fat. My belly still looks quite pregnant and has a thick fat layer. I want to try to lose some belly fat and tone and fit into my clothes again. Is there a postpartum group? It seems like everyone is just adding individual friends.