Morning workout

How do you guys make yourself get up in the mornings to workout? I always want to work out before work but can’t bring myself to wake up in the mornings.

I would work out at night but it keeps me up for hours. Help?!


  • Courtscan2
    Courtscan2 Posts: 498 Member
    I sometimes sleep in my workout clothes. Since I workout in my garage, no one will judge me for being all bed rumpled! I force myself up when my alarm goes off and have a pre workout drink that I REALLY enjoy and look forward to, and that usually gives me the energy I need to get down to business.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    I sent an alarm depending on what time I'm planning on working out. For rowing I currently have to be there at 5:30am and thus I set two alarms. For running days it's not a big deal as waking up before 7 is normal for me.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I don't. I get up early enough as it is, and I have no problem working out after work.

    If the morning is the best time for you to work out make sure you go to bed early enough to get up, set your alarm, leave your workout gear our ready and JFDI!!!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    im up at 4/5 am anyways. sometimes earlier. only time i set an alarm is if i have a flight to catch, and even then its just as a backup - i dont think ive ever actually lept to my alarm lol

    get up. get going. youre an adult. dont make excuses. its either important to you or not.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    Because getting up only to go to work is not enough reason to get out of bed. Getting up to go to the gym however...perfect reason.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I am really bad at it. I set 10-12 alarms, make everyone else in the house mad, sleep in my running clothes, and STILL don't always make it out in the morning.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I prep as much as I can the night before to reduce possible excuses. But ultimately it comes down to this - what do I want more, what's more important? That extra time in bed, or the workout?
  • christys03
    christys03 Posts: 22,786 Member
    Agree with many posters above. Make it a will become a habit...
    Go 2 bed earlier.
    Prep as much the nite b4 as u can.
    Make it a positive...
    Im awake when i get in the shower 4 day can now commence without a workout hangingover my head all day...
  • Squish815
    Squish815 Posts: 150 Member
    Took a while for it to become a habit, but now I get up and start getting ready without thinking. I make sure my work stuff/change of clothes/breakfast/lunch are packed and ready to go the night before and put my gym clothes out ready for when I get up.

    I actually enjoy it now as I get to do something for me and feel like I've achieved something before I get to work.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't...

    I'm not a morning person in the takes me a good hour to just wake up and get going. The only exercise I do in the morning is walking my dog for about 1.5 miles...I do that while I drink my coffee and shake off the sleep and mentally prepare for the day. I've tried morning workouts in the gym or cycling and my performance is just crap.

    I do my gym workouts in the evening after work on Monday and Wednesday and then Saturday mid morning. I cycle in the evening on Tuesday and bike commute to work on Friday and bike commute to the gym on Saturday...Sunday is a "free play" day...I usually ride, but it's also a good day for a family hike, rock climbing, etc...
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i don't. i do what i do in the evening usually.
    i have been a morning exerciser but it doesn't fit my life right now.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    I get up and get dressed straight away in workout clothes. I take 15 mins at my computer to read webcomics and check email (my "wake up" time), then I start a workout video.

    I am not a morning person at all, and I fought it for a long time. However it is the only time of day I can make a consistent schedule. If I try for after work I find excuses, or I'm mentally exhausted from fighting traffic and can't find the energy to start exercise. I can't do it before bed as it will wake me up too much. So I wake up 30 mins early and knock out a video before breakfast.

    While I still dislike the fact that I have to get up slightly earlier before work, I needed the set schedule to make me exercise consistently (on weekends I exercise as soon as I wake up, regardless of when that is). There have been some other perks too. Boss remarked that I was coming to work with a stronger "Get-go attitude" without knowing why I was perkier, helped give me that extra mental push to stick with the new routine.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,223 Member
    I've worked out at various times of day and never found one to be particularly intrinsically better than others; as others mentioned, it all comes down to what fits your life/schedule the best and fosters the most consistency. In college I would usually exercise between 11:30pm-12:30am (rec stayed open until 1am) and had no issues getting to sleep by 2am to roll out of bed for my 9am classes. A few years ago when I was travelling a lot for work I got in the habit of working out essentially right before dinner. I'd put in my chipotle order online, hit the hotel gym and head off to get my food timed out according to when I'd be finished with my workout (I often selected my hotel based on the proximity to a chipotle and the on-site workout facilities, regardless of convenience to the work site I was visiting). This worked really well when I didn't have to mesh that lifestyle with my wife (80+% travel). I eventually switched to a position where I rarely travel (a net win) but I quickly discovered that working out when i got home from work didn't jive with what was best for my wife and our collective evening routine so I became a morning-workout person.

    TL;DR - If morning workouts will fit your lifestyle best, there's an element of just making yourself do it for a while until you adjust and get the habit formed. I've found it ultimately doesn't take that much extra effort, just some forethought and a bit of having your *kitten* together; lay out both work and workout clothes, mix up pre-workout, get to bed at a reasonable time, and set several alarms the night before. Sure there will be days when you don't want to crawl out of bed, I've been a morning exerciser for close to two years now and I still have those days. It's just a whole lot easier when I take as many obstacles out of the way as possible.
  • williamsjmPDX
    williamsjmPDX Posts: 5 Member
    If you want to get up in the morning - get up in the morning.

    I've gotten a lot of motivation from Jocko Willinik -
  • lkhausman123
    lkhausman123 Posts: 4 Member
    Just think how good you will feel the rest of the day knowing it's done! I never once regretted working out! It makes the whole day better. Also / hang a pair of goal jeans or goal dress out in view so you know what you are working towards!
  • karlpm
    karlpm Posts: 78 Member
    I'm up at 4:15 to train before work.

    My work is unpredictable and I would frequently miss afternoon/night sessions.

    Also means it's just done and out of the way.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I came to the conclusion that I get up to go to work and give them all the best of myself and then try and take what's leftover to work on myself. That is what motivated me to get up early and use that time for me, I come first and get the best of what I can give and they can have the rest ;)

    Also, I am going to be tired at the end of the day either way but at least I've had some quality me-time!