Any success pics from girls that have PCOS ?



  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    I have had PCOS for years... since I was about 13 and have never been on birth control due to a blood clotting issue... but I've lost weight anyway... 227 pounds so far. PCOS is not a debilitating disease... just make up your mind to do it and you can do it!
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    Have any of you tried taking Cinnamon supplements? I was on a PCOS forum and some of the ladies there can’t take Metformin so they take Cinnamon in a pill form. It works a lot like Metformin and helps blood sugar levels and increase natural production of insulin. I just started taking them Mon. I don’t feel any different and it didn’t make me sick. Something worth looking into for those who can’t take Met.
  • wow, its amazing how many other girls out there have pcos. i have been diagnosed with it for about ten years now. i had to lose about 40 lbs to concieve my first son, and my second son just happened! :) i think it is harder to lose weight with pcos, but it can be done. i am almost 20 lbs away from my goal weight!
  • twogoots
    twogoots Posts: 96 Member
    I have pcos and don't take bcp's. I do believe it takes longer for pcos'ers to lose, but you can do it.
  • ressa_t
    ressa_t Posts: 2
    I have PCOS and have been prescibed metformin - 500 mg three times a day. I haven't been great about taking it because it has made me nauseous and given me "stomach problems". Has anyone else on Metformin expierienced this and if so what did you do to rectify the situation??

    I had stomach issues, but was told by a friend to ask your dr. for the extended release pills. i take 1500 mg 1x per day; i have had no stomach issues since switching to the extended release metformin.
  • twogoots
    twogoots Posts: 96 Member
    I would just like to congratulate everyone who has lost weight on MFP of otherwise:flowerforyou:

    AMEN! Thanks!
  • aerodynamicvomit
    aerodynamicvomit Posts: 17 Member
    It's like you're calling my name.

    About two years ago, I was ~200-215 or so lbs (refused to get weighed, I just told them 200). I had intermittent sharp pelvic pains. I skipped a period. I took several home pregnancy tests, all negative, and after another week with no bleeding made an appointment with my GP. Ran basic blood work and a blood pregnancy test - all negative, including thyroid. So, I went to a GYN PA. I'm an RN and was up front with her and said I am experiencing weight gain, increased facial and other hair, missing periods, pelvic pains... sounds like PCOS. They did an internal ultrasound before my appointment since I'd never had one before and she showed me the picture of my polycystic ovaries and said yep, spot on. I was given orders for fasting bloodwork, all hormonal stuff that takes a while to get run, and rx's for metformin, spironolactone and a generic estrogen birth control pill. I'd been on depo a long time and tried several alternative birth control options because a pill everyday wasn't easy for me with my erratic schedule (HA, from 0 to 8 pills per day!)

    The bloodwork came back with high androgens (responsible for hair growth, primarily) and everything else was high end of normal, showing me to be very treatable. I dutifully took the meds a while, but it was tough. Metformin can be hard to take, it's common to cause nausea/vomiting initially, which is why you have to wean your way on to the full dose. You can't just take 1500-2000mg per day right off the rip. Start with one pill that you break in half and take in the AM and PM, over a few days add in more until you reach your desired dosage. Same with the spironolactone (a potassium sparing diuretic that helps with hair growth and water retention). Unfortunately, all these meds can come with a host of side effects and cautions. You need to watch your liver enzymes, you have to drink A TON of water to keep your kidneys from getting damaged from the diuretic... and I didn't lose a single pound. Admittedly, I was assuming the pharmaceuticals would fix everything for me. I thought I was watching what I ate, but in hindsight, I was convincing myself I was. Eventually, annoyed, disappointed and worried about my internal organs, I stopped taking the meds.

    Two months ago I decided to really do it. I've lost ~25lbs so far. I don't know my TRUE high weight because I flat refused to stand on a scale, 213 is the highest I ever encountered. I've had a minor plateau here at 188, but that's okay. I did this on my own. Still on birth control. Birth control doesn't dictate your weight, you're responsible for every morsel you place in your mouth. That's the motto that got me this far.

    I'm seriously considering going to my new NP and asking to be placed back on the metformin to see if it helps speed things up. Chemically speaking, it's the most appropriate treatment for PCOS in terms of pharmaceuticals. The single best treatment is lifestyle change and exercise.

    Feel free for any of you PCOS'ers to friend me. This might be a little scatterbrained, I just worked 12 hours and came home to do the 30DS and I'm a little bit wiped!
  • I also have PCOS and was also quite scared when I got diagnosed my Dr did not give me much info and had to result to looking much of it up online at first which is scary as well. I recently saw another Dr who broke it down for me and told me while there is
    no cure there is a way to reduce the symptoms the number one thing being to lose weight. So she told me about this diet called the Insulin Resistance Diet, I got a book at Barnes and noble that breaks it all down and makes it pretty simple to understand I would recommend this book or Googling the diet because even though I only started it just this week I can already tell I'm losing and also don't feel as hungry because it has you eating every two hours basically. That is my advice....but whatever you decide just stick with it and you will get there it may be slower then others but you can do it. Good luck!!
  • sauerkrautpolka
    sauerkrautpolka Posts: 266 Member
    I have PCOS (am controlling it with a low-carb diet and metformin and spironolactone) and have already lost 41lbs (pay no attention to my signature.. I'll update it with tomorrow's official weigh-in) since May 31st! That's a pretty good loss for anyone, but especially for someone with PCOS. Going into this, I just knew the weight would come off a lot slower than most normal people.. but that doesn't seem to be the case at all! So there is hope! I just hope I keep losing weight at this pace!
  • sauerkrautpolka
    sauerkrautpolka Posts: 266 Member
    here are some pics :)

    (If I can do it, anyone can)

    -snip- omitted pictures to save space

    Completely amazing and inspiring pictures.. Thank you for sharing!
  • I have PCOS diagnosed 4 yrs ago. I did meds but stayed very sick from them finally got the Insuline Resistance Diet Book and 16 months ago started it at 240 now Im 135 yes thats -105lbs It is possible you just have to be vigilant with the diet and excercise. If anyone has any questions Id be glad to help anyway I can. Im off all my meds except a vitamin. Good luck!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    HI, I have PCOS

    I beleive its a myth about this weight gain, some people use it as an excuse like the many others out there!

    I was diagnosed at 17, went on birth control at 18 and have changed it a couple of times.

    I have been on here 4 months and lost 33 pounds.

    If anything, it may help with hormones etc,at 18 i naturally lost a bit of weight any way.

    Hope this helps
  • Febes24
    Febes24 Posts: 85 Member
    Yea when I first started metformin it made me nauseous and also had me running to the bathroom cause of diarrhea TMI. After two weeks of sticking it out the symptoms went away. It's just the first few weeks of taking it after awhile the symptoms go away.
  • roxyblack
    roxyblack Posts: 23 Member
    I was also diagnosed with PCOS and have been on birth control consistently for about 3 years. Do your research on different birth control pills... and keep in mind that the labels tend to say MAY cause weight gain.

    I was told by my doctor that losing weight would be challenging but possible.... and she was right... it was very challenging and frustraing but little by little, it started coming off (46 pounds & counting). I've noticed that the more weight I lose, the less ovarian issues I have (ruptured cysts are a NIGHTMARE).
  • abbysmommy7
    abbysmommy7 Posts: 211 Member
    bump for later
  • Hey glad you posted this! I got diagnosed with PCOS this past December and realized that it was time to change my life around this summer. I started out at 185 and joined MFP in June. I am 5'4 and after joining MFP and eating healthy (pretty restricted diet of no alcohol and no sweets...maybe on occasion) and exercising about twice a day if I can, I have lost a considerable amount of weight so far. I now weight 158 and so I lost weight pretty quickly. I think it is a myth with the whole weight loss/weight gain. I think it is about what you eat and how much you exercise. Yes it may be more difficult for others but I think it is completely doable. Start today not tomorrow! I never thought I could lose 27 lbs in a span of under 3 months! Don't give up!
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    Bump for later.

    Briefly: I was diagnosed with PCOS two days ago, also. I have picked up my Metaformin prescription but have yet to take it because I'm not sure I agree with the diagnosis. (I was tested once before when I was starting college and the results were inconclusive.)

    My mother says that you don't have to display all of the symptoms for it to be true; currently I display only one symptom: hirsutism (aka: I look like Bigfoot when I don't shave/wax.). Some would argue the fact that I'm overweight is also a symptom; for myself, I KNOW why I am overweight; part of it is the heretitary low metabolism I got from my mother's side of the family, and part of it is that I have led an irresponsible, complacent lifestyle up until a couple of months ago.

    Is there anyone else out there like me?? Am I in denial?
  • I have PCOS. I actually lost weight when I started birth control, which I don't take anymore. Just keep to your program, and it will be successful. I have found that if I limit my sugar and carbs, it really helps. I have cut out rice, pasta, and potatos, and that has really helped. I also stick with low carb tortillas when I need a bread fix. Good luck, U can do it!
  • You're not alone! I went from 220 to my current 146. You can do this if I can! Add me if you'd like and we can suppor each other!

    <33 Christina

    You're looking at my after pic from about 5 lbs ago.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have one 'progress" pic in my profile. I have PCOS and have lost a decent amount so far, as my ticker shows..
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