same weight for a whole week! help!

I've been restrictive with my eating and good about exercising every day. With my calorie calculations I definitely should have lost 2 or more pounds this week... what would be the reason for a stall? My weight has literally been exactly 156.9 for the whole week. What gives?


  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    If you starve your body of too many calories, it will start to try to conserve energy. Some call this starvation mode. Trying to lose more than 2 lbs a week can trigger this state over a period of time. Make sure you're eating back those exercise calories and drinking plenty of water to flush out sodium and other impurities that may be making you hold on to water.

    Also, it's only one week. If you're eating as well as you say you are, you'll probably see it come off next week instead.
  • Stuartm1
    Stuartm1 Posts: 101 Member
    Are you sure you have your setings correct? How are you calculating calories burnt for excercise? If you do not have a heart rate monitor and just use the average figures on the site this could be out. It may be water retention try drinking more it gets your kidneys working.
  • katharube
    Heya, can't see your food diary but if you're eating the full intake of calories, eating the right foods and exercising, don't worry. In the great scheme of things, one week is nothing. I was stuck for two or three weeks at the same weight. But after a couple of days of thinking of packing it in, i decided to persevere and hey presto, I've suddenly lost at the end of this week. Our bodies and unpredictable and uncooperative things!! Good luck!
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Happens to me all the time and it is frustrating. The first 20 lbs lost came off quickly (within 6 weeks) and the next 10 took as long if not more. I can go two to three weeks without movement on the scale then BAM lose two to three pounds in a day. Crazy!!
  • Garrett1234
    Garrett1234 Posts: 147 Member
    Lots of people report hitting a plateau, and lots more report that eating too little can put your body into energy conservation mode where you won't burn as many calories. I think the trick is to keep at your exercise and try to eat near to your calorie goals. Stick to it and good luck! (and I went up one pound today so don't feel too discouraged).
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    When this happens, I usally find changing something will help. Find and old diet you were on and switch to it for a week or two, add another exercise routine or even stop exercising for a few days.

    Soemtimes your body just find a comfy weight and says, "I am done. I'll stay here for a while." Prodding her from this comfy spot is a challenge.
  • charemcl
    I started tracking sodium on my food log. I will see if this helps thanks.
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Honestly, you're weighing too often. You could weigh tomorrow morning and be down 3 pounds. Who knows? But I think the stress of weighing in and worrying about that all week doesn't help. Technically, I should be losing a little bit every single day but that doesn't always happen. I have weeks where my eating is perfect and I still stay the same. But then it goes down. I wouldn't start to worry until it has been a few weeks and then you can start to re-evaluate your diary, goals, etc.

    For me, making sure my fiber is up, as well as my water and that my carbs aren't overboard helps me consistently lose weight. Not a lot, but consistent.
  • Stuartm1
    Stuartm1 Posts: 101 Member
    Honestly, you're weighing too often. You could weigh tomorrow morning and be down 3 pounds. Who knows? But I think the stress of weighing in and worrying about that all week doesn't help. Technically, I should be losing a little bit every single day but that doesn't always happen. I have weeks where my eating is perfect and I still stay the same. But then it goes down. I wouldn't start to worry until it has been a few weeks and then you can start to re-evaluate your diary, goals, etc.

    For me, making sure my fiber is up, as well as my water and that my carbs aren't overboard helps me consistently lose weight. Not a lot, but consistent.

    Good Post quite agree
  • shaunacq
    Thanks for this post i am in the same boat and all these replies help me as well.
  • charemcl
    Honestly, you're weighing too often. You could weigh tomorrow morning and be down 3 pounds. Who knows? But I think the stress of weighing in and worrying about that all week doesn't help. Technically, I should be losing a little bit every single day but that doesn't always happen. I have weeks where my eating is perfect and I still stay the same. But then it goes down. I wouldn't start to worry until it has been a few weeks and then you can start to re-evaluate your diary, goals, etc.

    For me, making sure my fiber is up, as well as my water and that my carbs aren't overboard helps me consistently lose weight. Not a lot, but consistent.

    I actually find that weighing myself every morning helps me stay motivated. I've been trying to lose weight for about a month now and my mom and we weigh ourselves in every morning before we eat or do anything. I have yet to see my weight go up from day to day. I guess it works differently for everyone. Thanks all!

    I weighed myself this morning and I had dropped a pound-- I looked up some information about weight loss plateaus and it seems there are a lot of different reasons for it. Some are: water retention/ too much sodium, eating too few calories making the body go into starvation mode, and overestimating calories burned/underestimating calories consumed. Thanks for the support!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I know it can be frustrating but that happens to me sometimes. Keep at it and see what happens in another week.
  • sheils8
    sheils8 Posts: 57
    I also like to weigh in every day, just to see where I am at...but I only log it once a week, on the same day. Then I can see the bigger picture as well.

    Awhile ago I was struggling and maintaining the same weight, and like some people have said, it did help me to actually increase my calorie consumption. I have a heart rate monitor though, so I wasn't nervous about eating back an estimate of calories burned, since I knew the exact figure burned....

    I hope you see a change soon!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't panic, our bodies aren't machines and there are lots of variables that can affect weight loss - water retention, your monthly cycle, more or less exercise, stress... just to name a few.
    Make sure you are eating healthy foods (not too much, not too little) and doing some regular exercise and it will drop again soon.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    One week is nothing, your body probably won't lose weight every week like clockwork.

    If you haven't lost after a few weeks then change your calorie intake. Personally I would say lower it. Others will say raise it. Who knows but a change might help.
  • porksiopao
    porksiopao Posts: 77 Member
    I plateaued for the longest time too, and what got the scale moving again for me were significant changes to routine food intake like cutting off diet soda, switching to ezekiel bread, and also, believe it or not, eating more! Try mixing up your food intake, your body is probably "baselining" and ust needs a jolt to get going again. Good luck!