Motivation, suggestions, support, active daily


My name is Jessica and I'm looking for some friends! Just a little back story, I have been on MFP since 2011 and had over a year of consecutive logging. I missed a day during a rough patch of my life and I ended up quitting my healthy eating, my logging, and exercising all together. It wasn't only because of this one missed day but it was kind of the last straw for me, I suppose. I felt defeated because I put so much time into creating new foods, logging everything exactly to the ounce daily, you get the picture. :p I am no longer worried so much if I miss a day because what matters most is that I'm eating healthy (or trying to) everyday and focusing on my end goals in a steady pace.
With that being said, I have recently started the Paleo diet and have been on it for a few months now. I have lost a total of 25 lbs and I am looking to lose more. I started off with making sure I logged daily, no matter what I ate. Once I got that down, I started on the Paleo diet and have been on it and logging daily for a few of months now. I've lost 25 lbs and the weight loss is starting to slow down a little bit. This is where I want to add in an exercise routine to the mix. I am looking for a routine I can do at home, either with or without bands/weights. I cannot start off on anything very strenuous since I've been out of the exercise game for a minute :p If you have any suggestions or need to ask questions before suggesting, please feel free! I am open to any help and support! I would love to share recipes/routines/supportive likes and comments with you guys! I'd like to add friends who are pretty active and supportive and I will support you guys aswell in your journeys :)

Thanks for reading,



  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    In regards to exercise that is easy to build into:

    I started with the following video, did it three times a week for 3 months. After 1 month of just this video I added some cardio videos by this instructor 2 days a week (so exercising 5 days).

    After 3 months I started doing the following program. About to finish Round 2 of this program and I'm seeing results.

    I did modify the HIIT program so that I had actual videos ready on my "active rest days".
    Most you need is handweights, if you are ready to add them to routines. and a sturdy chair.
  • JessieePoooh
    JessieePoooh Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you so much! I will definitely be looking into the video and links you posted! I sent you a friend request :)
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    Awesome =)

    I'm a very laid back exerciser compared to most on this site. I do workout videos, and the beginner HIIT is still very intense for me. Jess Smith has more intense levels of exercise than I do if you feel these are too easy.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    I like watching pop sugar videos on YouTube.
    More like a dance cardio some of them and I find them more fun.
    I also like watching Simone De La Rue.
    Again no equipment. Although on one of the videos she says instead of weights you can use a tin of beans LOL so I did!
  • JessieePoooh
    JessieePoooh Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks guys!! Bex, I checked out the popsugar videos and I like them! I'm definitely going to use these workouts on different days so it never gets boring!! :) Thank you again for your suggestions!