Keto macroncounting help in MyFitPal?


How do I read the circled area? Is this what I have left to eat to meet my goal? My carbs are at 20g fat 89g and protein 72g total cals 1230


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    djea283 wrote: »
    Heavy cream is not keto it has lactose
    And why you calculating if you are on keto
    You should eat beef chicken eggs till feeling full

    Because even on keto, calories still count. You can't just go ape on some beef chicken and eggs until you feel fulll and expect to lose weight.

    OP, that means you exceeded your carb goal by 22g, and still have 2gs of protein until you hit your goal and 41g until you hit your fat goal.

    Keep in mind that MFP doesn't track net carbs.. so all carbs will go against the "goal"
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    djea283 wrote: »
    Heavy cream is not keto it has lactose
    And why you calculating if you are on keto
    You should eat beef chicken eggs till feeling full

    Keto is eating within a specific range, it isn't specific foods (although certain foods may be easier to fit into that range than others). If one chose to do so, they could consume heavy cream and still meet their goal for carbohydrates. An entire cup of heavy cream has just 7 grams of carbohydrates and there is no way that OP had anything close to that in her coffee -- that calorie count is consistent with just a tablespoon or so, which would be less than a gram of carbohydrates.
  • bustercrabby
    bustercrabby Posts: 66 Member
    djea283 wrote: »
    Heavy cream is not keto it has lactose
    And why you calculating if you are on keto
    You should eat beef chicken eggs till feeling full

    Hmm, not sure if this is sound advice.

    As others have said, there is much more to a keto WOE than just beef, chicken and eggs. The goal is not to feel full, but to be sated which is what the fat component does.

    Saying that heavy cream is not keto is incorrect. You will see heavy cream in countless keto recipes because it contributes a good amount of fat to the recipe.