Any supplements/fat burners that actually help?

Can anyone reccomend a fat burner or a supplement that they think is worth spending money on to help with a fat loss journey


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I burn a lot of calories on my bicycles, 166,764+ calories in the last 12 months - they were definitely worth the money (but my wife might disagree when she saw the bill for the wheel upgrade :smile: ....).

    You didn't get fat due to supplements and you won't lose the fat due to supplements either.
  • Stockholm_Andy
    Stockholm_Andy Posts: 803 Member
    As per above none of them help significantly with fat loss.

    In fact even the prescription drugs are pretty much none effective.

    There was excitement with week after a study of 12,000 obese Americans over 3.5 years showed lorcaserin to be "effective" for weight loss.

    On average they lost 4kg (8.8lb) over 40 months! That's a pathetically small loss for obese subjects. Eating at a reasonable deficit would have produced that in a couple of months or so.

    There's no point looking for weight loss in a pill or a powder especially when it's such a simple (although not always an easy) thing for anyone to achieve.
  • elfin168
    elfin168 Posts: 202 Member
    I find protein bars helpful at times as a easy filling snack. I find the high protein helps keep me full. Not a supplement as such I suppose. I have also found a high protein low sugar muesli bar that i really enjoy (nut based) that I find filling and yummyu
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Fat burners are not a thing. However, making sure you get enough nutrients and protein can help maintain your body while you eat in a caloric deficit. The most satisfying way to get those things is by eating food.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    Nope, most supplements are overpriced caffeine pills (to reduce appetite), the effects of which wear off as you adjust to it or overpriced laxatives which lose you nothing but water weight (presume you want to lose fat not water).

    All you need is a calorie deficit.


    ZOMG, I'm using this as a blueprint to start my new quack diet.

    I'll make millions!
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Fat burners don't do anything but make you jittery because they are caffeine. Drink coffee and work out.
    I do take fish oil, CoQ10, Vitamin B12 and D. Not for fat loss though but for health. There are no short cuts. You need to work out, sweat and eat in a deficit.
  • jdubois5351
    jdubois5351 Posts: 460 Member
    If there was such a thing, there'd be no more fat people in the world (assuming the stuff would be affordable for the general public). Unfortunately, there's not magic cure (yet).
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Eating less and moving more.

    There are no magic foods/pills/drinks that can cause people to magically lose or gain weight, if there were no one would be over or under weight.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Any benefit you may get from those fat burner pills is temporary at best. At worst, they can cause health problems you don't want. The best way is to eat a little less, move a little more. It comes off slowly, but is much more sustainable. Think of it this way. Say you started taking those pills. And say you actually got to your goal weight while taking them. Then what? What happens when you quit taking them? What habits did you learn to keep the weight off? You will likely regain it right back when you go back to "normal". So skip all that and just create a new "normal" that you find sustainable for life.