Things that make a woman hotter (girls perspective)

So because I keep seeing posts about what makes a woman hottter, I read them and laughed, but then decided...lets make this game a tad more real.

About 97% of us have no idea what happens in football, we just watch where the ball goes and cheer when you do.

There is NO such thing as a drama-free girl. Face it, we like to gossip and talk ****, even if it means baggin our best friends.

Get it in your head that we do take at least an hour or two to get ready. This isn't t be b*tched about. We do it to look good for you, so stop whining and just wait. If you whine about it, its most likely you're not gettin any later.

It's 2011, ALOT of us girls don't know how to drive a stick shift. Lets face it girls, we are to dumb to multitask, we are already bad drivers. (Like trying to talk while driving, fixing hair or makeup, changing channels on the radio ect...)

We CAN handle our PMS without snapping. It just makes us feel better, all girls do it. I don't care if they tell you different, their lying. We ALL do it

We have our "down days" if we don't want to get dressed for the day or wear make up or do our hair. You better get the eff over it, don't mention it if you see us lookin like dogass. Just ignore it and pretend its not happening.

We will not make your every meal. Unless you don't have arms, then maybe we will consider it.

Love you all dearly, but I HAD to get that out. No one is EVER going to find the perfect match. I adore my husband, ADORE him..but come on. A guy who doesn't fart does NOT exist. I don't mind farting, but when it gets to the point that every rooms smells like **** it gets annoying.


  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    "It's 2011, ALOT of us girls don't know how to drive a stick shift. Lets face it girls, we are to dumb to multitask, we are already bad drivers. "

    Hey! That's actually pretty offensive. I am not dumb just because I am a female. Statistics show that women crash less than men. And, actually, I can drive a stick shift because I grew up with an old car. And I multitask like a boss. While I'm posting this, I'm chatting with two people on Skype and watching TV.

    The rest, I agree with.
  • So because I keep seeing posts about what makes a woman hottter, I read them and laughed, but then decided...lets make this game a tad more real.

    About 97% of us have no idea what happens in football, we just watch where the ball goes and cheer when you do.

    There is NO such thing as a drama-free girl. Face it, we like to gossip and talk ****, even if it means baggin our best friends.

    Get it in your head that we do take at least an hour or two to get ready. This isn't t be b*tched about. We do it to look good for you, so stop whining and just wait. If you whine about it, its most likely you're not gettin any later.

    It's 2011, ALOT of us girls don't know how to drive a stick shift. Lets face it girls, we are to dumb to multitask, we are already bad drivers.

    We CAN handle our PMS without snapping. It just makes us feel better, all girls do it. I don't care if they tell you different, their lying. We ALL do it

    We have our "down days" if we don't want to get dressed for the day or wear make up or do our hair. You better get the eff over it, don't mention it if you see us lookin like dogass. Just ignore it and pretend its not happening.

    We will not make your every meal. Unless you don't have arms, then maybe we will consider it.

    Love you all dearly, but I HAD to get that out. No one is EVER going to find the perfect match. I adore my husband, ADORE him..but come on. A guy who doesn't fart does NOT exist. I don't mind farting, but when it gets to the point that every rooms smells like **** it gets annoying.
    SO TRUE!!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    "It's 2011, ALOT of us girls don't know how to drive a stick shift. Lets face it girls, we are to dumb to multitask, we are already bad drivers. "

    Hey! That's actually pretty offensive. I am not dumb just because I am a female. Statistics show that women crash less than men. And, actually, I can drive a stick shift because I grew up with an old car. And I multitask like a boss. While I'm posting this, I'm chatting with two people on Skype and watching TV.

    The rest, I agree with.

    I second that. It is actually the opposite ...women are better at multi-tasking then men are.. Scientifically proven ... men think morel linear and prefer to focus on one thing fully ..lets say just focusing on the hunt.. while women are supposed to raise the child, keep everyone fed, the home clean, and do all these things at once.

    And you can blame the automatic cars in the USA ... but I assure you outside of the USA everyone drives stick because that is the standard and the cheaper version of the car.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Wow, this is so opposite of me.:smile:

    I Do know about football.
    I Don't bag my girl friends.
    It takes me 20 minutes to get ready.
    I Do know how to drive a stick and multitask continuously.
    I Do cry during PMS and my man comforts me.
    And we share meal preparation, happily, without farting. But I would do it all if he asked me.
    I believe I have found the perfect guy, for me!

    Good day.:laugh:
  • So because I keep seeing posts about what makes a woman hottter, I read them and laughed, but then decided...lets make this game a tad more real.

    About 97% of us have no idea what happens in football, we just watch where the ball goes and cheer when you do.

    There is NO such thing as a drama-free girl. Face it, we like to gossip and talk ****, even if it means baggin our best friends.

    Get it in your head that we do take at least an hour or two to get ready. This isn't t be b*tched about. We do it to look good for you, so stop whining and just wait. If you whine about it, its most likely you're not gettin any later.

    It's 2011, ALOT of us girls don't know how to drive a stick shift. Lets face it girls, we are to dumb to multitask, we are already bad drivers.

    We CAN handle our PMS without snapping. It just makes us feel better, all girls do it. I don't care if they tell you different, their lying. We ALL do it

    We have our "down days" if we don't want to get dressed for the day or wear make up or do our hair. You better get the eff over it, don't mention it if you see us lookin like dogass. Just ignore it and pretend its not happening.

    We will not make your every meal. Unless you don't have arms, then maybe we will consider it.

    Love you all dearly, but I HAD to get that out. No one is EVER going to find the perfect match. I adore my husband, ADORE him..but come on. A guy who doesn't fart does NOT exist. I don't mind farting, but when it gets to the point that every rooms smells like **** it gets annoying.

    having relationship problems? ha
    i think it works different for everyone tbh.
    if one thing girls NEED to change is to learn to take a compliment :)
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    Ok yeah, I know its a girls perspective but I have to chim in for a second.

    Just wanted to add my thoughts on HOTness for women. You can take the "Best Looking" woman in the world, and if she smokes, she instantly becomes far less attractive. If she opens her mouth and she is annoying, then that takes looks away. If she is so stuck on herself, then she is even less hot.

    At the same time, a blind man may be able to tell who the hottest women in the world are because they see the inner beauty that most of the other men out there miss. Have a good night ladies.
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    I drive a manual car (stick shift) and I LOVE football!!!
    The rest are true for me though :) not completely masculine haha!
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    if one thing girls NEED to change is to learn to take a compliment :)

    Hahahaha very true. Though that 1% of girls that can take a compliment are so up themselves :P
  • lulabellarama
    lulabellarama Posts: 96 Member
    Wow, it's like feminism never happened.
    Grow up and realise that the only generalisation you can make about women, is that we are all different.
  • Ok yeah, I know its a girls perspective but I have to chim in for a second.

    Just wanted to add my thoughts on HOTness for women. You can take the "Best Looking" woman in the world, and if she smokes, she instantly becomes far less attractive. If she opens her mouth and she is annoying, then that takes looks away. If she is so stuck on herself, then she is even less hot.

    At the same time, a blind man may be able to tell who the hottest women in the world are because they see the inner beauty that most of the other men out there miss. Have a good night ladies.

    I have to say I like this ^^^ and blanket statements are rarely true. I may not drive a stick well, but I can be ready in about 20 mins, and I am def a pro a multi-tasking.
  • I didn't think I needed to say this was meant as a joke... sorry to offend everyone daaaang.
  • Bellyroll
    Bellyroll Posts: 316
    I multitask all the time along with I know how to drive stick. I am teaching a few male friends. Ahhhhhhhhh Maybe its just you who is not a cool girl.
  • haha, ya I guess so.
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    Ok yeah, I know its a girls perspective but I have to chim in for a second.

    Just wanted to add my thoughts on HOTness for women. You can take the "Best Looking" woman in the world, and if she smokes, she instantly becomes far less attractive. If she opens her mouth and she is annoying, then that takes looks away. If she is so stuck on herself, then she is even less hot.

    At the same time, a blind man may be able to tell who the hottest women in the world are because they see the inner beauty that most of the other men out there miss. Have a good night ladies.
    Amen brother!!!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    i think women are bad drivers because we try to multitask while driving....just my opinion.....

    Things that make a woman hotter....confidence, even if shes a 5, shes rockin herself like shes a 10.....know your worth ladies!

    Opinions... I think weak minded women are far less attractive than those that can stand up for what they believe in and what they think.

    Curves...not saying plus size or not plus size....but nothing is hotter than a woman with a coke bottle shape, especially if shes not a butter-face(everything is hot *but her* face)

    Stregnth...inner stregnth and outer stregnth...its hot when a girl can open her own mayonaise jar, and when she can bear the burden of the world on her shoulders...
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I multitask all the time along with I know how to drive stick. I am teaching a few male friends. Ahhhhhhhhh Maybe its just you who is not a cool girl.

    Who says the only way to be cool is to act like a dude?

    I'm cool as a cucumber and I don't know *kitten* about sports (oh, and don't even try to tell me. I won't ever care, and it will only piss me off), I never had the opportunity to learn to drive a stick shift (plus, if technology will do it for me, why do I need to?), I try to do too many things at once all the time and just end up with a bunch of half done things (until I stop and do one at a time), I have OCD so I pride myself in the fact that I'm down to only about an hour on a good day to get ready (my brother and sister used to tease me about how early I got up for school - they still think it's just because I'm vain)...

    You all need to chill out. It's not a pissing contest. Geeez.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I didn't think I needed to say this was meant as a joke... sorry to offend everyone daaaang.

    Don't even worry about the defensive comments on here. I thought it was really funny! And yes I know lots about football and can drive a stick too :)
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    ahh generalizations.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I actually took a trip this week and sat in a room with some old friend describe what is going on with their wives. I immediatley upon arrival home a few days later wrote my wife a letter telling her how much she is appreciated. She shares none of those qualities on that list. Sorry, women like that are out there. She never get's *****y, maybe emotional sometimes, but never *****y. NEVER. Doesn't gossip about friends and family, has a drama free life except for the REAL problems we have come up against.

    And I taught her how to drive a stick when we were teenagers.
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    I actually took a trip this week and sat in a room with some old friend describe what is going on with their wives. I immediatley upon arrival home a few days later wrote my wife a letter telling her how much she is appreciated. She shares none of those qualities on that list. Sorry, women like that are out there. She never get's *****y, maybe emotional sometimes, but never *****y. NEVER. Doesn't gossip about friends and family, has a drama free life except for the REAL problems we have come up against.

    And I taught her how to drive a stick when we were teenagers.

    There is no real reason for any adult woman to have that manufactured drama in her life. Unless she is a B$(%#, or is freinds with them.