Caloric Intake, Hunger, "Starvation Mode" and Keto

We've been taught that the body goes into “starvation mode” if we don’t consume enough calories. But is that really true? What if we’re really overweight and have a lot of extra stored calories in the form of fat? And what if our body has become used to using that kind of fuel? Should we really eat when we aren't hungry for the sake of hitting some arbitrary number?

I've been a member of MFP (on and off) for several years; and LCHF has, thus far, been the only thing that has worked. I have had no desire to binge, cravings for junk and sweets are non-existent, and the freedom is amazing- I'm no longer a slave to my appetite. But I find that many days, especially days where I'm active (I've started using a fitbit, which is synced to my MFP app) and get in multiple "workouts"- both dedicated, actual workouts, and what the fitbit thinks is a workout, like deep cleaning or hefty yardwork- I'm coming in hundreds, if not sometimes close to 2k calories below goal, and I'm set at a 2lb a week loss. I have myself set at lightly active, and i notice the apps take activity level into account, but still...

For example, yesterday, between late breakfast and dinner, my calories were close to 800kcal for the day. I was tired of a serving of almonds or a piece of cheese, so I made myself a "dessert" with cocoa powder and peanut butter, unsweetened coconut flakes and walnuts, which hit the spot and put me into a more "acceptable" range. But should I have cared? At a present weight of 259, 5'5", I have plenty of fat stores... is "starvation mode" really something I should worry about, if I'm fat adapted, eating enough protein and getting key nutrients, vitamins and minerals? If I'm not hungry, I shouldn't eat, right?

Thoughtful replies are most welcome!


  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    What is LCHF ?
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,368 Member
    LCHF is low carb/high fat
  • vnb_208
    vnb_208 Posts: 1,359 Member
    What is LCHF ?

  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I don't think I'm in starvation mode. I'm actually questioning if it's even a thing, especially for those of us who have a buttload of extra stored energy for the body to burn.

    My carbs come completely from vegetables, of which I'm a fan; and generally, I am above the 1200kcal for the day.... but I'm almost never anywhere close to the supposed "goal". I just don't see the point of eating to that number, if I'm not hungry. Am I wrong?

    *My diary is open, if anyone is interested in taking a look. I have my macros set to 60/30/10 Fat/Protein/Carb. They were set to 70/20/10, but my metabolic MD suggested the present ratio.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I don't think I'm in starvation mode. I'm actually questioning if it's even a thing, especially for those of us who have a buttload of extra stored energy for the body to burn.

    My carbs come completely from vegetables, of which I'm a fan; and generally, I am above the 1200kcal for the day.... but I'm almost never anywhere close to the supposed "goal". I just don't see the point of eating to that number, if I'm not hungry. Am I wrong?

    *My diary is open, if anyone is interested in taking a look. I have my macros set to 60/30/10 Fat/Protein/Carb. They were set to 70/20/10, but my metabolic MD suggested the present ratio.

    How long have you been eating like this, and how much weight have you lost in that time?
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Yeah... we have scale, Ive just hesitated using it, because it seems like so much more work (cleanup) and I'm not experiencing a stall or anything. It is something I probably should be doing, though.

  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    edited August 2018
    kimny72 wrote: »

    How long have you been eating like this, and how much weight have you lost in that time?

    I've been doing this for almost a month, and I've lost 17lbs. Like I said, I've not "stalled" or anything that would make me think I'm in the supposed starvation mode... I was just curious on thoughts about a large caloric deficit, sometimes being under that magic 1200kcal, and not eating if not hungry.

    I simply don't see the point in eating more, if I'm satisfied, you know? My energy levels are good, I'm sleeping well, sugar cravings and binges are gone, I have more energy to work out than I did prior to this way of eating... so it seems to be working.

  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »

    How long have you been eating like this, and how much weight have you lost in that time?

    I've been doing this for almost a month, and I've lost 17lbs. Like I said, I've not "stalled" or anything that would make me think I'm in the supposed starvation mode... I was just curious on thoughts about a large caloric deficit, sometimes being under that magic 1200kcal, and not eating if not hungry.

    I simply don't see the point in eating more, if I'm satisfied, you know? My energy levels are good, I'm sleeping well, I have more energy to work out than I did prior to this way of eating... so it seems to be working.

    As I said earlier, starvation mode is not a thing, and not what you need to be concerned about.

    17 lbs in a month, depending on how much water weight you lost, could be concerning, but maybe not. You really shouldn't continue at that rate for very long. Most people who are under-eating do feel fine, until they slam into the proverbial brick wall and then they don't. And it takes months to get back to feeling right.

    The fact that you're "satisfied" doesn't mean your body has gotten everything it needs, that's as much emotion as it is biology. The point of eating enough is to fuel your body, it does a lot every day, and it can only mobilize so much stored fat at a time. If you aren't concerned about that, it's your choice. I do believe you are eating a bit more than you think. If you are losing more than 1% of your body weight per week, you are risking serious muscle loss, and once you get to within 40 or so lbs of a healthy weight you should slow down a bit more.

    Using a food scale for a couple of weeks will at least give you a good idea of your actual calorie balance, even if you don't continue to use it going forward.

    We get plenty of posts from people who lost weight fast, eating an unnecessarily small amount of calories, and they are unhappy with how they look and how little food they get to eat now that they are at goal. All we can do is warn you and wish you the best.

  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I appreciate the insight/input. A good 8 pounds came off quick and was probably water weight; I started out at 276, am currently at 259. I’m losing (minus what I think is the water weight) an average of aboit 2.5lbs a week. My diet is 2-3 eggs most mornings, sometimes with a breakfast meat, sometimes with avocado; there’s salad almost every day, and dinner is always a protein and vegetables. Some days are better than others, and you’re probably right about taking in more cals than I think, absent weighing my food.

    I’ve read far more on here than I’ve posted over the years, and I’ve learned a lot... but there’s always more to learn. Thanks 🙂

    My pleasure :smile: I don't mean to sound alarmist (although worrier is my natural state!) and ultimately we all have to arm ourselves with data, and other people's successes and failures, and then do what seems best to us.