When did your goal start to feel achievable?

kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
My goal is to be a normal BMI. [stats: 24F, 5’2, SW: 205 CW: 165.4 GW: 135] For the longest time it seemed impossible.

The last time I was below 160lbs I was in high school (gym class really helped me passively work on fitness). And even then I was still overweight. But I saw that 165 on the scale this morning and was just floored. Now, 135 does not seem impossible. Just another maybe year or so and I could totally do it. What?!?!?

160 was my sort of “more reasonable” goal for a while when I couldn’t even envision myself being below 180. Now I know getting to the 150s will be a celebration (high school weight omg). 135 is the cusp of Normal BMI for my height. It still sounds ridiculous but now it feels like I could actually get there. Which is crazy.

Was there a moment like this for you?


  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    kiela64 wrote: »
    My goal is to be a normal BMI. [stats: 24F, 5’2, SW: 205 CW: 165.4 GW: 135] Just another maybe year or so and I could totally do it.

    ⬆️ This may be the smartest thing I’ve read on this board.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    kiela64 wrote: »
    My goal is to be a normal BMI. [stats: 24F, 5’2, SW: 205 CW: 165.4 GW: 135] Just another maybe year or so and I could totally do it.

    ⬆️ This may be the smartest thing I’ve read on this board.

    Haha thank you, is that not a common thing?
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    kiela64 wrote: »
    88olds wrote: »
    kiela64 wrote: »
    My goal is to be a normal BMI. [stats: 24F, 5’2, SW: 205 CW: 165.4 GW: 135] Just another maybe year or so and I could totally do it.

    ⬆️ This may be the smartest thing I’ve read on this board.

    Haha thank you, is that not a common thing?

    LOL we see far more 'How can I lose 20 pounds in one month??' threads than statements like yours.

    I've always felt my goal was achievable, BUT I weighed 130-135 in high school/early college (I'm 5'4) so I've been there before. And I set mini-goals along the way. 150 (met), 145 (normal BMI - met), 140 (my original goal weight - getting there), and 135 (as the bottom of my maintenance range). I could possibly go lower, but at that point it would be vanity weight, and I'm not likely to want to work that hard, if I'm honest :lol:
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    kiela64 wrote: »
    88olds wrote: »
    kiela64 wrote: »
    My goal is to be a normal BMI. [stats: 24F, 5’2, SW: 205 CW: 165.4 GW: 135] Just another maybe year or so and I could totally do it.

    ⬆️ This may be the smartest thing I’ve read on this board.

    Haha thank you, is that not a common thing?

    LOL we see far more 'How can I lose 20 pounds in one month??' threads than statements like yours.

    I've always felt my goal was achievable, BUT I weighed 130-135 in high school/early college (I'm 5'4) so I've been there before. And I set mini-goals along the way. 150 (met), 145 (normal BMI - met), 140 (my original goal weight - getting there), and 135 (as the bottom of my maintenance range). I could possibly go lower, but at that point it would be vanity weight, and I'm not likely to want to work that hard, if I'm honest :lol:

    Well I’ve had my account here since 2015. My goals have evolved over time. I think my first goal was to go down one size. I didn’t get there and gained it back. And went up a size. It’s been a massive learning process for me. I didn’t always have the mental energy and space for this. I had my first summer off school in like 3 years. Plus the structure of working part time & a physical job, and the (unfortunate) motivation of health issues likely related to my obesity.

    I have no concept of what me at 140 would be like. I didn’t weigh myself as a kid. But I was probably 13 or so & hadn’t finished growing.

    I also had never experienced losing weight purposefully before 2015. I lost a little during gym class in high school from being more active. But I knew I had no idea what to do. Then I experienced trying and failing miserably. I’m still anxious that that may still happen again, but I’ve lost much more this time.

    The faith that I can maintain behaviours like pre-making sandwiches and measuring my yogurt and milk and sugar and logging my food daily wasn’t something I had until now. It’s routine. I know if I slip I can still come back to this. It’s new to me to believe in myself 😂 I’ve been obese a long time, maybe since I graduated high school.

    I didn’t believe I could do it when I started. When I lost the first 20lbs. When I got new clothes. Just today, seeing 165 - hey, maybe I can do this! Maybe this is sustainable! Maybe I don’t suck! Lol.
  • kdbulger
    kdbulger Posts: 396 Member
    SW: 219
    CW: 178
    GW 160

    I've had a few moments like this:
    - When I hit the 20lbs lost and was finally back in onederland. Then getting anywhere in the 100s above 150 started to feel within the realm of possibility.
    - When I officially got below the lowest weight I had seen since giving birth to my first kid (184lbs)
    - Now I'm 178 and wondering if I might even see a weight under 160lbs some time. We'll see. I'm really comfortable in my skin even now, and for me it's more about the fitness I've gained than anything else. I don't need or want to be rail thin, just strong, fit, and capable.

    I'm taking it really slow too.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    I love this! I feel my goal is achievable every morning when I wake up and 90% of the time when I go to bed.

    My biggest thing to realize is it's going to take time and unless I am very strict with myself, longer than I wish it to be.

    I am taking it very slow this time, I don't want to make changes to lose the weight and then not have it sustainable over the long haul as I've done that before. In 2012 I lost 25 or so pounds and saw 168 at my lowest, from April to October then life kicked me down and I didn't keep it up. This time I have lost 21 pounds since February. I am not killing myself this time and it seems very slow, but it seems achievable.

    The lowest weight I remember being as an adult was 125, this was just before getting pregnant with my oldest, (she will be 30 in February). I remember the first time I thought I needed to do something about my weight I was around 160 in early 2000's. Boy I wish I had done something then.

    My starting weight this time, when I bought a scale in late February, was 202. Today I am 181.6. I set my goals in 10 pound increments. My next goal is 180, then it will be 170. Ultimately by next July I would like to be 140. I don't know if I'll try to go lower than that or not. Being 5'4" a healthy BMI for me starts at 145. I am going to be 50 in a little over 2 weeks so slow and steady it goes.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I don’t have a firm goal. I started here at 173 and at that time I wanted to get back down to 150 so my clothes would fit better and I’d be simply overweight and not obese.
    When I got to 150, I was on a roll (lol) and kept going. Got to 145, 140, and it was probably when I got below 140 that I thought—gee, maybe I actually *can* get to a real normal weight :wink: Having been overweight my whole life, it was always varying degrees of overweight, I just never saw it all the way through to “normal” for whatever reasons. I stopped when I felt it was “good enough”. :neutral:
    Soooo, I’m playing it by ear at this point. We shall see.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    kdbulger wrote: »
    SW: 219
    CW: 178
    GW 160

    I've had a few moments like this:
    - When I hit the 20lbs lost and was finally back in onederland. Then getting anywhere in the 100s above 150 started to feel within the realm of possibility.
    - When I officially got below the lowest weight I had seen since giving birth to my first kid (184lbs)
    - Now I'm 178 and wondering if I might even see a weight under 160lbs some time. We'll see. I'm really comfortable in my skin even now, and for me it's more about the fitness I've gained than anything else. I don't need or want to be rail thin, just strong, fit, and capable.

    I'm taking it really slow too.

    “don't need or want to be rail thin, just strong, fit, and capable.” That’s me too! I just want to do the best I can for my knees & health.