3 weeks post partum today looking for mummy friends



  • earndien
    earndien Posts: 195 Member
    I'm also 3 week postpartum with my second one, my 1st son is 2. i am struggling at the moment to get focused. i also have the difficult part of going back to work in another 3 weeks time just after my 6 week check up.
    it feels like i dont know where to start... i feel dumb cause i dont know how to start (although i have all the info and knowledge but dont know to do it) . so ja
    i would love to lose 40 lb before my friend wedding in feb
    starting a new chapter here
    please add me
  • lauraolta
    lauraolta Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi ladies,

    I am almost 3 months postpartum and plateaued since week 1 PP!! I gained a whooping 53 lbs during pregnancy and only managed to lose 22 lbs so far (that includes a chubby 7 lb boy) and have been struggling with edema in my legs and feet.

    What worked in the past isn’t working this time around, so looking for extra motivation to be super strict with the whole process. Felt like giving up after the pounds never melted off, but today my Ob-gyn kicked my *kitten* during checkup so...

    30+ pounds to go!! 🕺🏻
  • MamaBearFergy
    MamaBearFergy Posts: 9 Member
    Similar! I am almost ten months post partum though. My husband just joined the navy (United States) and I grew up a military child. I have just my son for now but we would like more soon. I got really sick and was stuck on bed rest got all the way up to 225 lbs because of it!!
    I’m down to 155 now and looking to lose 20 more. (I’m 5’5”)
    Good luck!! Happy to be of any help and always glad for a fitness friend :)
  • Isitua
    Isitua Posts: 19 Member
    I’m 5months postpartum. Gained 32kg in pregnancy. I’ve been able to lose 22kg now. I still use to look pregnant but I’m noticing the changes especially in my tummy region. I had to cut out a lot of things from my diet (still eating healthy). Incorporate weights into my routine and lots of vegetables. It hasn’t been easy but the change motivates me. Feel free to add me up.