Biggest swing yet: 10# in 57 hours. What's yours?

I will admit these are semi-bogus weights. Sunday night after paddling 3 hours I weighed 150.2. I was dehydrated and had a low calorie day to make up for a high calorie day on Saturday. But I had a few weigh ins in the low 150s recently with none above 155 in several days. Yesterday I went way over, like double. I have a long paddle today and will probably get back even with low days of consumption today and tomorrow. Anyway, by late in the day I realized how much I was going over and instead of hitting the brakes, I kept at it largely out of curiosity - how much could I weigh this morning? The answer is 160.2!

A lot of what I ate was fruit and ice cream - lots of liquid. Then I had a large serving of a really salty heavy chicken and pasta dish for dinner. The water weight will mostly go away during the paddle this afternoon and (TMI warning) I suspect I will stress the plumbing sometime today. It's not possible for this to have been over a half pound of actual gain, so I am not freaking out about it.

What's your biggest swing? Up or down?


  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I must be an oddball because I rarely gain much, if at all, with things like extra sodium or exercise. The scale stays static, I don’t lose but don’t gain either.
    I tend to get long stalls in between losses. I weigh every morning on the same scale, in the same place.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I don't get large swings either. I weigh daily, and the most I see is about 3lbs. Although, I have weighed at the beginning of the day, and then again at the end and have seen it jump by 5 or more. I seem to remember having larger fluctuations before I swapped BC's. I think I had more hormonal water retention then....
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    5lbs after a week of all inclusive holiday...
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    7 lbs after ramen house.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited August 2018
    4lbs in 24 hours, after a chinese takeaway - took 3 days for that to go.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I generally lose four to six pounds from bedtime to after using the bathroom the next morning. Biggest drop evening to morning was ten pounds.

    Counting morning to morning, my biggest swing was about five pounds, from swelling due to a leg injury. I regularly see three or even four pounds following a hard leg day due to water retention in muscles.
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    10 pounds of fluid retention for me over the course of a 7 day vacation. Here were the factors:

    -Air travel: 6 hours of flying each way.
    -Eating out at restaurants: Sodium and carb-heavy foods, alcohol.
    -Increased exercise: Strenuous mountain hikes.
    -Injury: Got flipped out of a raft into whitewater and slammed against rocks. Bruising and swelling.
    -Dehydration: Was probably not drinking enough water for the amount of activity.

    Lost all 10 extra pounds the week after I got back by getting back into my regular routine and drinking a TON of water.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I've seen a 7 pound swing in 24 hours with the right factors. Usually it was a track day - in the morning, weigh in, relatively normal, maybe slightly low, then go to the track where it's phsyical activity all day, high sodium dinner out, couple drinks, plus drinking hydration mix in my water all day, short night of sleep, next morning weigh in 7 pounds heavier than the day before.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,989 Member
    edited August 2018
    1-2# at most. Usually less than 1.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    10# in under three days gets five Stars!! Best I’ve even done is 7# in 48 hours.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    4 hour Airplane ride - around 10 lbs. Even my shoes were tight! I think I lost 5 of them within 24 hours too!
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited August 2018
    Losing weight (-5lbs) day after eating like 5,000+ kcals of coconut butter...chalk it up to fluid balance changes/losses. Entire day spent driving traveling (similar losses), also from dehydration
  • ITUSGirl51
    ITUSGirl51 Posts: 192 Member
    Just 2-3 lbs in a day after a special occasion meal. I don’t binge eat anymore. I can gain 6 lbs after a week vacation. I hate having to cut calories after overeating, so I make sure it’s not too often or too much.

    I don’t want to get into a cycle of binging and restricting.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    10lbs. I usually eat 10-15k sodium a day, so when I went on vacation and ate way less sodium for awhile and then came back to my usual BOOM, instant 10lb gain almost overnight, lol. Took awhile to reach homeostasis again.
  • llwolford
    llwolford Posts: 109 Member
    I must be an oddball because I rarely gain much, if at all, with things like extra sodium or exercise. The scale stays static, I don’t lose but don’t gain either.
    I tend to get long stalls in between losses. I weigh every morning on the same scale, in the same place.”

    Consider yourself blessed!!!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,562 Member
    This is a very timely post for me. Thanks @CarvedTones for starting it.

    I've only been in maintenance for about eight weeks, so I'm new at it. I got a bit concerned over a seven pound increase and have temporarily moved off maintenance. My gain wasn't a spike; it was gradual over two weeks. But in reality, it was "only" seven pounds, and I've stopped it and am coming back down. And while I was outside my goal range by four pounds for several days, my trending weight never got more than a pound over my goal range.

    Maybe my goal range is just too low, but I think it's realistic.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    Losing weight (-5lbs) day after eating like 5,000+ kcals of coconut butter...chalk it up to fluid balance changes/losses. Entire day spent driving traveling (similar losses), also from dehydration

    5000+ calories of coconut butter? I am assuming it was in something and you didn't just eat it like pudding. What were you eating to get that much?