How many steps

How many steps should I take a day to be active neat wise? I average at 10,000


  • corysmithsmail
    corysmithsmail Posts: 166 Member
    10k steps is considered active
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    10k is the recommended
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    I travel to China for business a lot. It is funny to watch when a step obsessed person staring down at their phone and walking in a small circle. :D

    Personally, I don't much pay attention to step number. Varies based on how much I swim.
    I keep my baseline MFP strong at sedentary.
  • Cassie_Cassie
    Cassie_Cassie Posts: 13 Member
    Yep, 10,000 is active but brutal for me but I aim for it still and keep the Tiger Balm ready.
  • laurieaboots937
    laurieaboots937 Posts: 3 Member
    Thats good i have my garmin set for 1500 -1600
  • shellyferguson14
    shellyferguson14 Posts: 24 Member
    I walk for an hour a day i have averaged around 9200 steps and at the end of the day im around 12000 but since monday toe injury the lack of exerise and steps and toe injury is killing me hopefully next week no limping, with out averaging around 3500
  • roma49
    roma49 Posts: 173 Member
    I aim for a minimum of 15000 but it's each to their own
  • corysmithsmail
    corysmithsmail Posts: 166 Member
    The only way I can do 10k a day is by walking 15 minutes 5x a day. Which if I didn't have a dog, then I don't think I'd be able to do that. lol My dog forces me to be active every day when I don't want to be.
  • lorilynn22
    lorilynn22 Posts: 49 Member
    Any fitbit users out there? I’m wondering if when you go on the treadmill, the Fitbit exercise doesn’t really register because it tracks your distance and pace. So if you add it to exercise on MFP but the steps are also counted on Fitbit does MFP count the activity twice?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    lorilynn22 wrote: »
    Any fitbit users out there? I’m wondering if when you go on the treadmill, the Fitbit exercise doesn’t really register because it tracks your distance and pace. So if you add it to exercise on MFP but the steps are also counted on Fitbit does MFP count the activity twice?

    Sure it knows your distance.
    Well, it calculates your distance from step impacts seen and stride length and instance estimate of that step distance.

    And no it would not count it anyway - but the Fitbit database would be better to use if that just had to be done because the distance Fitbit saw was so badly off. Or the treadmill really is - ask your gym the last time they calibrated them.

    Fitbit is a replace only system, last manual entry added replaces whatever was already there.

    You keep making manual entries for the same start time & duration with different distances and calorie counts - only the last one will be included in the daily total calorie burn in Fitbit stats.