Big Decision, Scared!



  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    You are doing absolutely fantastic, and I am so proud of you! I personally get the same way when it comes to my diet - I am so afraid to give in even the slightest bit, because it is so easy for me to fall back into my old habits. But I see nothing wrong with easing up some. After all that hard work you deserve it! Just be sure to be firm on getting back to your routine afterwards. Enjoy yourself! :)
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    edited September 2018
    Congratulations on your weight loss! You have come so far, it's okay to take a diet break. Lots of people gave you excellent advice, but I want to give you a heads up. August is the hottest month in Egypt, and September is not that much cooler. You will most likely gain water retention. I went in March during a heat wave, and my feet swelled within the first week. I had to drink A LOT of water!

    I'm guessing by the all inclusive resort that you're staying by one of the seas. Unlike Cairo where it's difficult to walk around, there should be activities available like snorkeling, swimming, parasailing, and hiking (depending where you are staying). A smaller deficit or even maintenance now would be a great idea so you have more energy to do what you want. Have fun and enjoy the food!
  • ladyethorne1
    ladyethorne1 Posts: 23 Member
    What an awesome commitment! And don't worry about the PCOS thing about fewer calories, because that is nonsense. My daughter has PCOS, so when she was diagnosed I started a journey of seeking as much information I could on the subject, going so far as to go to our local medical college during visiting hours and pouring over research in their library. I read a few articles (not studies) that suggested fewer calories, but the women noted in the articles were morbidly obese. What's more important is eating the right food to foster hormonal balance and not become estrogen dominant or testosterone dominant which causes symptoms to go haywire.
  • kimothyschma
    kimothyschma Posts: 209 Member
    I am another lady with PCOS, and I just wanted to chime in and say I have not found that I need fewer calories than I should, either. Don't let the diagnosis hold you back! I am 5'5" and maintaining 130 lbs on 1800 (lightly active). I lost all my weight on 1700 a day. Good luck and enjoy your diet break. You've earned it! :)
  • Goober1142
    Goober1142 Posts: 219 Member
    Two pounds a week is almost impossible without starving, for me anyway. One pound would be a lot easier to maintain. I would add protein and fat with the extra cals. Like a big steak once a week...
  • timeforwork
    timeforwork Posts: 114 Member
    If you are in mantanance you will maintain your weight [ hence the name! ] any gains will be temporary . If you switch to mantanance before your holiday it will help you settle your mind before you go. When you come back you can set your loss slower if you want . X enjoy your holiday x
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    LaurenMT96 wrote: »
    5'8 22y Female
    I started on here in Feb 2018 at 259LBS, I've been on 1200 calories since then (31 Weeks) and lost 72lbs taking me down to 187lbs. I set my activity level to sedentary and eat back exercise cals that i manually input. MFP Goal currently set at losing 2lb/week.

    I'm going away on a 2 week all inclusive holiday on the 17th September, and I'm really feeling run down and tired on 1200 calories recently, i'm planning a maintenance diet break when I go away in 16 days time but i feel that I need something sooner.
    I made the decision to drop my rate of loss to 1.5lbs per week and MFP has given me 1320 calories.

    I've been doing this for so long, so consistently that I'm afraid to eat more and slow my progress to a halt! I have PCOS too which is also an issue as apparently women with pcos need a few hundred less calories than normal women? Not sure how medically correct that is but apparently that's why it becomes harder for women with the condition to lose weight?

    My goal weight is around 161-165lbs (This would put me in the healthy BMI range).

    Should i have dropped the rate of loss sooner?

    Should I drop it at all?

    When should I drop to 1lb/week loss?

    This is the first time I have gotten this far/been this successful with my weight, Its all new to me and super confusing! Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Thankyou.

    With only 26 pounds to lose, do drop your weekly weight loss goal to a pound a week immediately.

    Eat at maintenance while on vacation.

    Might want to avoid the scale for a week or so after you get back so you don't freak out about normal retaining water due to traveling spikes.