When do you get on the scale?



  • I weigh myself every morning, right after I pee, and before I eat breakfast. :)
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I do the scale in the morning sometimes without clothes, other times with and mostly before breakfast.. I weigh myself about 4 times a week and Fridays are the days I actually log it in. I sometimes just weight myself in the middle of the day too... I want to see how my diet and exercise can change my weight throughout the day. :-) I am most happy though if I have taken a few days off of weighing in and then step on and find myself a whole pound and a half lighter! The scariest day to weigh in is Sunday morning after a somewhat "Free" Saturday... :-P
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Once a week - on a friday - arbitary day - just happened that I started on a friday, so I've stuck with it.

    First thing in the morning, after visiting the lavatory but before getting dressed or eating/drinking anything (and if that mental picture hasn't put you off eating for a few hours nothing will!)

    It's all about consistency - let's face it, half a pound is only 227ml's of liquid - so a mug of coffee could mask half your weeks weight loss!
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I log every Monday (up or down) or any other time during the week that I've lost weight. :tongue:
  • Sieggie
    Sieggie Posts: 70
    I have admittedly been addicted to the scale and I am beginning to think that may be the reason I am struggling with weight loss. I was weighing myself daily and the minor fluctuations would make me crazy. It's almost like when the minute you go on a diet, you can't stop thinking about food!

    Decision was made yesterday to weigh in only once a week. Honestly, it was HARD not to step on the scale this morning!

    I think maybe this is why all of the weight loss programs like WW suggest only once a week.

    Good Luck and Continued Success to all!
  • jlynnmorris
    jlynnmorris Posts: 1 Member
    Every morning after going to bathroom without clothes. I only track loss. Weighing every morning keeps me motivated. When I am up I evaluate the day before and make changes.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I weigh myself Friday (unofficially) and Monday mornings (officially). I used to weigh every day, but it got to be pretty stressful. I've found that I prefer Friday and Monday. It really keeps me in check on the weekends. If I see a loss on Friday, then I'm really motivated to maintain that loss till my official Monday weigh in.

    I weigh in the morning in the nude, after I pee, before I eat/drink anything, before I take a shower. I do measurements on Monday mornings as well.

    My routine is mostly due to me being in two different challenge groups - one weighs in Monday, the other on Friday.
  • ymvestal
    ymvestal Posts: 84
    When I get up each morning I goto the restroom, get naked and weigh in EVERY morning as close to the same time as possible. Your weight will fluctuate throughout the day. Some diets, doctors, etc say weigh in once a week, others say every day as long as you do it around the same time under the same conditions as much as resonably expected. I have a habit of weighing in every day so that I can adjust as needed.
  • I check once a week, in the morning, pre-breakfast, post-bathroom. I check the same day every week. Sometimes I check twice a week, but not always. Fluctuations during the day are normal, as you burn calories, eat, drink water, etc.
  • kaf330
    kaf330 Posts: 61
    i weigh myself almost every day but do not log it until i have stayed around the same weight (within 1-3 lbs) for several weeks in a row. i also found that i weigh more right after i workout (assuming muscles are "swollen") cuz later in day that extra weight is gone.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    I tend to weight myself most mornings after getting up, wearing PJs, and after using the bathroom. I weigh myself occasionally at the gym and on occasion, during the day at home on a wekeend just out of the curiosity.

    I only log once I have a lower weight to record. My theory (rationalization?) is that since there is variation throughout the day, if I track the low end of the variation, I can ignore the high end of it without feeling guilty.

    The downside is that it can be weeks before I log a loss, but the upside is I can ignore those upticks in the scale which discourage me when I'm eating/exercising, etc. and not seeing progress.

    I just started tracking inches, which in retrospect, I should have done from the start. I can fit into almost all of the clothes I had packed away because they were too small, so there is definitely progress in that regard despite the lower weight loss than I would like to be seeing.
  • I check the scale every morning. I pee, take off most of my clothes and check it. This keeps it pretty consistent from day to day, and can show me my true progress.
    Your weight WILL fluctuate throughout the day, so if you check it, keep in mind that you do weigh more throughout the day.
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    I get on the scale almost once a day. It's a disgusting habit and I wish I didn't because who likes to see the scale flacuate up and down?! I do weigh myself every Wednesday morning no clothes and record that weigh in. I am working on not weighing myself everyday.
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    I weigh every morning, after going to the bathroom and yes without clothes that way my clothes weight will not get add up makes it easier to track.
  • I weigh myself every Fri morning. I limit it to once a week because I tend to become OBSESSED!!
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    I weigh every morning after going to the restroom. Usually with pj's on, that don't weigh much. Weighing in every morning helps me to keep focused for what I'm working on for the day. If I crave chocolate or candy, I'll ask myself, "Do you want (craving) or do you want (one pound down)? Most of the times, (one pound down) wins. And my co-workers will ask me, "ok, so how did you do?" They watch what I eat too... :love:
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    every monday morning without clothes before I eat or drink anything. I dont weigh everyday because the scale goes up and down the weeks loss isnt as amazing to me if I see it more. So if I wait til the same day every week then when I see my loss its more special.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I weight myself everyday. Once in the morning, without clothes and after visiting the bathroom. Then I weigh myself at night just for kicks. I'm curious to see how the weight fluctuates!
  • I say the best judge is how your clothes feel! I do check myself about once a month but too often women are obsessive compulsive about the scale when losing and get depressed when they see a little big of a gain and then end up falling back into old patterns and eating the house. I say hide the scale and go for how you feel, how your clothes fit !!!

    Feel free everyone to friend me for some positive food for thought left daily on my page. Have a fit-tabulous day, Colleen (Seattle)
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I weigh and record when I get up every morning (after going to the loo), but I take my Sunday morning weigh-in as my "official" weekly weight. Sometimes I weigh myself in the evening out of curiosity, and I am usually 4-6 pounds heavier!
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