Why would you do that?!

Okay so here is my rant for the day- All of us on here know that eating right and exercising are the healthy way of doing things. We all know that bad habits are hard to break. Nothing irritates me more than when I see someone on here with a similar post as this, "It's so hard for me to eat healthy when the kids are eating junk food all day. I just need to stay strong and not look at their treats!" Why, why, why are you teaching your kids the same bad habits that you are trying to break?! Even if they have started out with your old bad habits, help them break it now so they don't have to try to figure it out later in life when they start having healthy/weight problems!!! Okay, I'm done.


  • bethgarzonie
  • RissaDean
    RissaDean Posts: 189 Member
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Exactly. I don't want my daughter to have the same struggles with her weight. I don't buy junk and it is never in the house. Kids do not need soda, chips and candy - they don't.
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    I agree 100% with you I understand give them treats every know and then but not all the time. They need to learn good eatting habits and not rely on junk food all the time. My daughter eats some veggies, fruits, yogurt she does eat healthier stuff but every know and then I give her a treat. But not all the time and not every day!
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    That is so true!!! I have a friend that is dieting and has small children and she feels that she has to cook two meals! I just dont get that. Cook healthy for the family!!! : )
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    That is the truth! I love my fiancee, and try to get him to eat healthy, but I can't watch him 24/7, but you do what you can.
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    Like! One of my big motivators for trying to get healthy is raising my son in a healthy environment so that he doesn't have to struggle with it the way I do.

    Having said that, my 3 year old is not on a diet, so I do allow him more snacks, treats, et cetera than I can afford to allow myself while I am working on actively restricting my calories. But I try to make sure that the majority of them are healthy snacks and treats!
  • JenGilronan
    JenGilronan Posts: 30 Member
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,426 Member
    Agree but I also want my kids to have a healthy attitude towards food and that there aren't "bad foods". Our philosophy is moderation in everything.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    great post

    when I changed my eatting habbits so did my children and hubby. I do the shopping and cooking (plus all the extra house things lmbo) so they get what I get end of story. I no longer buy soda , hardly ever have chips in the house and when they get candy (think Easter , Halloween I let them have 2-3 peices each day for that week and toss the rest as I don`t want it in the house). There snacks are cheese sticks , carrots , kiwi, apples , plums , grapes , strawberries , celary with peanut butter , rasins , and many other fruits and vegies and at age 4 and 6 I haven`t had one single complaint yet :)

    Hubby I give a slightly larger portion too since he is male but thats it he still gets the same healthier options and yes I messure his as well ( I just don`t tell him lol ) and I also pack his lunch for work and snacks. I kinda wish he would stand on the scale lol because I think I`m doing him alot of good as well lol ( had to take his work slacks in an inch last week ) :)
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    I agree; it's opposite for me actually. I usually always make sure my kids are having a healthy and balanced meal, and then I'm the one who struggles with snacking or more often simply larger portions. I wish I made myself eat like my kids! :) ... I have no idea why some do the opposite, but I'm sure it's not because they want to hurt their children. Probably because they're tired, exhausted, not wanting to say no, and don't realize that by making their kids happy with their food (by giving them fun food) they're really creating serious damage ... but as like most anything else, if I could actually "understand" why then I'd be in their position ... often it's hard to understand a frame of mind unless you're actually that person (we're all different) ... each with our own struggles, and weaknesses.
  • Kristy0728
    I have always stuck with a "this is what we have eat it or don't, but this is all there is." That means snacks, meals, all of it. I have totally changed all our eating habits in the last year... now my daughters love eating all sorts of healthier snacks, and I am not tempted by bad ones because I almost never buy them anymore!
  • Bakerwood
    We don't have kids but I watch my nieces waddling down the road of Morbid Obesity to the town of Injected Insulin! It breaks my heart that the family has such a hard time getting healthy...'cause I am not talking about skinny or beach-body...just healthy.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Kids need more calories? I'm pretty sure most children don't run around dieting and eating 1200 calories a day... NOPE. Maybe that is why the parents find it hard to diet? It's hard to diet when people around you, even if they are children, are eating more calories than you are. I'm not a parent, but maybe the unhealthy food they are jealous of isn't even that unhealthy.... Perhaps it is just the fact that they get to eat more calories than the parents.

    I find this post extremely rude. I was brought up in a family where my mom was constantly dieting (she is 5'6" and weighs 118 pounds to this day), and she was VERY health concious with her children and herself. I rememeber she used to ask if she could just "smell my food" because it was SO different than hers. I was borderline underweight growing up, and I ate ALOT. Mac and cheese. PB & J shandwhichs, ice cream cone, ceral... those are all healthy foods, but they are just high in calories...

    You should really watch what you are saying because it's really rude... Children deserve to not be stuck eating only dieters food... If I had my mom's diet when I was a child, I probably would have been severly underweight... but for her, it was a healthy diet to maintain her small weight at an older age..

    I don't really find this needed...
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    I agree 100%. My daughter only eats what I eat. We don't have soda in the house, processed foods, or junk. She complains that the worst thing is chocolate almond milk. HAHA! I don't want her to become hooked on artificial foods, or sugar. It's sets a bad example that she will struggle with if she doesn't learn now.

    I also make it a point to see if she emotionally eats. If she gets upset & heads to the fridge, I divert her attention to helping me with something for at least 5 minutes until she calms down, and forget that she wanted to eat.

    One other thing on here that I find hilarious are those that eat like crap & yet are surprised that they are not losing. I tend to look at others dairies if they are stuck, but I NEVER comment on what they are eating. I'm shocked at how much processed foods, and sodium people are taking in. Don't they know that Sweet N Low is the devil? It works against your diet. Also frozen "healthy" dinners/lunches. It's a shame, but I'm not stupid enough to say anything.

    This is a very personal journey and we can only hold ourselves accountable. I'm thankful for my stubborn personality, and for educating myself on what is the best foods for me. Thanks for the post!!
  • hml1976
    hml1976 Posts: 64
    I agree about the junk. However, I have a child who is actually underweight and my other one hovers precariously close to being underweight so high fat (not junk) foods are a part of our life. Whole fat yogurt with cream, lots of butter, 2% milk, avocados, nuts, peanut butter, cheese, bacon...all things I can't eat much of but exist in my home for a reason so it is tempting sometimes. I've learned to control my portions.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Kids need more calories? I'm pretty sure most children don't run around dieting and eating 1200 calories a day... NOPE. Maybe that is why the parents find it hard to diet? It's hard to diet when people around you, even if they are children, are eating more calories than you are. I'm not a parent, but maybe the unhealthy food they are jealous of isn't even that unhealthy.... Perhaps it is just the fact that they get to eat more calories than the parents.

    I find this post extremely rude. I was brought up in a family where my mom was constantly dieting (she is 5'6" and weighs 118 pounds to this day), and she was VERY health concious with her children and herself. I rememeber she used to ask if she could just "smell my food" because it was SO different than hers. I was borderline underweight growing up, and I ate ALOT. Mac and cheese. PB & J shandwhichs, ice cream cone, ceral... those are all healthy foods, but they are just high in calories...

    You should really watch what you are saying because it's really rude... Children deserve to not be stuck eating only dieters food... If I had my mom's diet when I was a child, I probably would have been severly underweight... but for her, it was a healthy diet to maintain her small weight at an older age..

    I don't really find this needed...

    I am a parent. I don't eat "diet food". I eat whole foods. I feed my family those foods.

    I would argue whether mac and cheese and ice cream are healthy... I wouldn't say you should NEVER eat them, but their health value is highly debatable.
  • hml1976
    hml1976 Posts: 64
    Actually ice cream is one of the foods our pediatrician has recommended for my underweight daughter, vanilla with no additives and in moderation of course.
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    Kids need more calories? I'm pretty sure most children don't run around dieting and eating 1200 calories a day... NOPE. Maybe that is why the parents find it hard to diet? It's hard to diet when people around you, even if they are children, are eating more calories than you are. I'm not a parent, but maybe the unhealthy food they are jealous of isn't even that unhealthy.... Perhaps it is just the fact that they get to eat more calories than the parents.

    I find this post extremely rude. I was brought up in a family where my mom was constantly dieting (she is 5'6" and weighs 118 pounds to this day), and she was VERY health concious with her children and herself. I rememeber she used to ask if she could just "smell my food" because it was SO different than hers. I was borderline underweight growing up, and I ate ALOT. Mac and cheese. PB & J shandwhichs, ice cream cone, ceral... those are all healthy foods, but they are just high in calories...

    You should really watch what you are saying because it's really rude... Children deserve to not be stuck eating only dieters food... If I had my mom's diet when I was a child, I probably would have been severly underweight... but for her, it was a healthy diet to maintain her small weight at an older age..

    I don't really find this needed...

    I agree with you, kids growing up watching 'dieting' can become self-consious... at risk for eating disorders, and have an unrealistic view of their weight and body.
    BUT Showing kids how to eat healthy and exercise so they are HEALTHY and STRONG is not a bad thing. Being a mom, with a history of eating disorders, with a daughter... I will NEVER force her to 'diet' or comment rudely about her weight or body.... But I WILL be an example for her showing her what foods are good for her and how important physical activity is to living a healthy and happy lifestyle. :smile:

    Teaching them to be AWARE of what they are putting into their bodies, AWARE of the benefits of exercise, and the golden rule of moderation.
  • OlearyGirl
    OlearyGirl Posts: 12 Member
    I was very lucky in my youth that my mom didn't let my sisters and I have junk food because she was diabetic. I was never allowed to eat kids cereal, capri sun, regular kool-aid, lunchables, etc. but they became like a forbidden fruit to us kids- we wanted them, just because we weren't allowed. I have 3 sisters, we were all normal weight when younger, but most of us expanded once we learned to feed ourselves. No that we are all in our early 20s we are finally learning to control our diets, but if I feel like I could have been taught differently. Food is food, whether it is good or bad nutritionally there should be no stigma about it, just moderation.