

  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Gyms are purposely built to be boring so people will dump loads of money into it and never be motivated enough to go.

    Not sure if serious.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    No gym membership here.

    I used to go to the gym in years past BUT I had to drive 15 to and 15 from and that was just too much driving for me during the workweek with kids and all. Besides the only thing I used at the gym was the elliptical.

    I now have an elliptical at home (lower price range one but ok) so I do that and I do C25K (weather permiting), stepping and Tae Bo and when I don't feel like doing much I just take a brisk walk here and there. I recently I found an old VHS Bellydancing tape so I've done that twice as well but it bugs my knees so may have to set that aside. :smile:

    Our rec centers offer memberships to their gyms for $65/year. Maybe you can find something like that near you if you'd really like to join a gym.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I have a membership to the local community center. There's a small weight room, small cardio room & 3 classes a day. It works great for me & it's only $22 a month!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I don't go right now, but I have access to a free one at my college and my husband's work has one that I could use for free as well. However, neither of these include babysitting...
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    I have a gym membership at a place called Rapid Fitness. I like it when I go but since I started P90X, I only go to the gym on my Yoga X day and my rest day. If I do doubles in the next round, I'll end up using the gym much more on a weekly basis.

    I like the gym but I'm single and the scenery is good so that plays a large factor.
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    I do have a gym membership. It's one of those $10 a month deals or $20 dollars for unlimited location and tanning use. (I travel and use the multiple location feature.. The tan, well I can go outside and enjoy the beach/pool for that)

    I recently started going to the gym to take classes such as Zumba and Yoga.
    You don't need the gym and to be honest sometimes I enjoy just going outdoors by the water with my headphones and jog for an hour or so.
  • becky_turcotte
    I have a gym membership, its not a chain. Locally owned by a friend. I find it more motivating, and it's a 24 hour gym so I really have no excuse. I have workout DVDs as well that I use at home.
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    I used to have a gym membership but cancelled for different reasons. My dog has diabetes and as I work 8:30am - 5 most days, I have to be home to administer insulin, which means having to run back out to go to the gym. Plus, I honestly hated my gym (retro fitness). They were too interested in playing on their computers or selling you unnecessary garbage to actually care about your health and wellbeing. I was disappointed.

    I've been doing cardio and strength dvd's plus yoga at home. I walk, I go jogging at the park on the weekends and nights I can get there after feeding times. You don't need a gym to exercise. Heck, you don't even need weights -- you can use cans, etc. as weights. Be creative, do a little research. My friend is a personal trainer and he doesn't even use anything but the body for his boot camps.
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    I have a gym total women (only women if you didnt guess) which I love.

    However I only go twice a week IF that. I usually like to do dvd's at home- jillian micahels 30 day shred or bobs kettlebell. Or I go to a local studio where they have kickboxing (its much more physical and intense then gym kickboxing classes). Or go running..

    I like the option of having a gym membership so if i wanna do the treadmill/elliptical or a spin class here and there I can.
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    i dont have a gym membership myself, i have been walking, around the neighborhood walking these hills as well as walking the school steps with my dog lol

    i am just concered about the winter, here in baltimore, md we can get some ugly winters :(
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hello everyone, i was wondering if you have a gym membership and if so where and why?
    I used to go to Energie (was TopNotch) in Croydon when I lived in London. I went 5 mornings a week before work and did a 20-30min workout - mostly on the X-trainer. I can't run and was too fat to get toned on any of the weights machines. It helped me maintain my weight, but I still ate all the chocolate and pastries I wanted.

    Then I split up with my ex, moved to Kent too far outside to get to the gym early and didn't miss it at first because the stress of breaking up helped me shed weight like it was melted wax.

    However, before too long I met my husband and then the comfort eating just got the better of me and I'm bigger now than ever before... but not for long.

    Can't see myself getting another gym membership as A) I don't have the discipline to go to the gym (it was ok when it was right nextdoor to work); and B) it is shocking what they want in membership fees nowadays.
    if you dont have a gym membership what do you do during the winter months to get your exercise in?
    Well, as long as it's dry, I guess I can still get on my bike and ride, but haven't really thought throught my winter exercise plan as yet
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I have a gym membership for the simple reasons below:

    1. I can't fit a bench press, military press, squat rack, leg press machine, and alot of dumbells in my house.

    2. I'm too broke to buy any of the crap in #1.
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    I have a gym membership for the simple reasons below:

    1. I can't fit a bench press, military press, squat rack, leg press machine, and alot of dumbells in my house.

    2. I'm too broke to buy any of the crap in #1.

    lol :laugh:
  • Sharonsimon
    Sharonsimon Posts: 56 Member
    hi i attend curves and fitness first i know your thinking why two well i joined curves 2 yrs ago and had good sucsess then in april this year my husband wanted to attend a gym and looking into it it sounded a good idea to get a family membership which means my four children can enjoy swimming at no cost ideal in the holidays. Ive kept up the curves membership and try to go atleast 3 times a week. Another reason for still sticking with curves is i can manage to fit 30 mins in somewhere as i can take my youngest children with me as long as they play in the corner
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Gyms are purposely built to be boring so people will dump loads of money into it and never be motivated enough to go.

    Not sure if serious.

    Lol, that just made my afternoon. If I'm going to spend my hard-earned money on something, I'll def. be using that service!

    To OP: I belong to X-Sport fitness.. and its very nice. Clean, lots of machines/weights, classes, has a pool and hot tub, tanning and a spa. It's basically a one stop shop!
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    I belong to Lifetime Fitness & I LOVE IT!!! I disagree that they are created to have people dump loads of money. You get what you put into it. I love to workout outside, but it's nearly impossible in the winter if the weather is bad. I know some people who have the best intentions, and think they want to go, but don't. That's not the gyms fault.

    During great weather I either run or bike to the gym (3.2 miles), do some cardio, and meet with my trainer. They have classes, group training sessions, indoor/outdoor pool, and a rock climbing wall (which I use).

    Before you join, just be sure you are committed, and that you are ready to take advantage of what a gym has to offer.
  • Rainbow011
    Rainbow011 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm a member at Fitness First. I absolutely love the gym. I find it really motivating just being there.