I need to know, who else on here drinks diet soda on their d



  • I do, but have been adding more water in there. I also don't keep it cold so it's not so ready to go and I have to think before I drink.
  • i refuse diet drinks...the artificial sweetener causes you to have even more cravings. i used to drink five to six sodas a day...now i drink one...if that normally like every other day sometimes not even that often...but i am down 70 lbs. so i figure if i can lose as much as i have on regular soda then go ahead and have your diet soda. what is one going to hurt??
  • 1-2 diet cokes a day
    Wouldn't have before, but I need to taste something sweet!

    to curb sweet cravings i have found i really like Extra gum. their new dessert delights are really good :happy:
  • Diet soda is actually worse than regular soda (TOXIC)


    That article hardly says diet soda is toxic.

    It's completely fine in moderation.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I usually drink 1 12 oz can a day of diet coke or diet pepsi. It helps me curve my appetite at night when I like to snack the most.
  • adrienne0906
    adrienne0906 Posts: 43 Member
    ughh i drink too much of it. i honestly love the taste of diet soda (not as sugary), but i probably shouldn't drink more than one can a day. usually its more than that.

    I've read all about it--acid content, coloring, aspartame, etc.--but am not too worried if i drink it in moderation. So that's what i'm striving for--moderation.

    And yes, I don't smoke, drink, do drugs, or abuse my body--so there are worse things I could be doing, i suppose.

    Anyone else a bit scared, though? Know you should kick the habit but can't?
  • WOW, why is is that everyone says its so bad for youuuu? I don't get it! I mean, I lost a total of 80 lbs in a year and a half. How is that bad? I also switched to equal that long ago and still see results. Why is everyone so anti fake sugar?
  • lannlynn
    lannlynn Posts: 72 Member
    I limit my in take of Coke Zero to 1.5 cans a day. But I also drink tons of water. :happy:
  • Hahaha . . . so true!
  • I love coke zero and cannot stop!! Ugh
  • skyls
    skyls Posts: 69 Member
    I drink one or two a day. Is it probably bad for me? yes. Am I going to keep doing it? yes. Do you own a cell phone? Drink from plastic water bottles? Drive in traffic breathing fumes? Use tampons? (yes tampons they are dyed in chemicals that have been linked to endometriosis) ... the list goes on and on. All those things are bad for you too ..... just sayin'
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    I gave up soda almost 3 years ago because I can't have carbonation. I use to drink diet drinks. What I noticed after kicking the habit was I stopped craving sweets. I stil
    l have the occasional sip, but it's no longer part of my regular diet plan.
    I recommend staying away from aspartame and stick with Splenda or sucralose. It's much better for you. Don't know if there are any sodas out there made with them though.:drinker:

    I know in TX we have Diet Rite and it is made with Splenda. Last summer i switched from Diet Dr Pepper to Diet Rite and by doing that alone I lost 20 lbs. I stopped drinking it because now I just drink water.
  • Drink Diet Coke everyday!!! 82 pounds down in total.
    Now I did cut back from 8-10 cans a day to 2-3.

    Everything in moderation! I am finding that I go to water more now but I still love my diet coke!

    Just like I love my beer! Not giving it up!

    You are changing your lifestyle...don't think of it as a diet....the word die is in diet! I beleive you still need to enjoy things! Just remember portion control or moderation!!!!!!

    Ha ha, that is awesome..I dont drink beer but I love liquor...socially..he he...Thank you so much for your feedback.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    I've never been a big soda drinker but occasionally if I'm having a "hungry day" I'll drink a can of diet root beer in the demon afternoon hours and it helps. My mantra-most things in moderation are O.K.!
    thats about the only soda i wont drink diet...is root beer! lol...its just not the same...if im craving a root beer i go all the way! i cant wait till i get back home to texas in a couple weeks...im sooooo drinking a big red, and enjoying every drop of it.
  • Shells06
    Shells06 Posts: 109 Member
    I drink Diet Pepsi, if I completely did away with caffeine then I'd have to find out how many calories you burn strangling people.

    Hehe :laugh:
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    I drink one or two a day. Is it probably bad for me? yes. Am I going to keep doing it? yes. Do you own a cell phone? Drink from plastic water bottles? Drive in traffic breathing fumes? Use tampons? (yes tampons they are dyed in chemicals that have been linked to endometriosis) ... the list goes on and on. All those things are bad for you too ..... just sayin'
    my thoughts exactly.
  • Drinks Diet Soda Everyday

    Down 56 pounds and counting.....

    I am starting to think if I can control not drinking 3 cans a day I should still see some changes on the scale! ;)
  • I have a can of Diet Dew 2-3 times a week. Not as much as I was drinking 8 months ago, but something I am not ready to give up. And I am happy to say I almost released 100 lbs.

    Great job I will need to cut back somehow but I will not totally give it up! :)
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I don't keep it in the house, but I love Coke Zero & Pepsi Max (Added B-Vitamins for a little extra kick in the head).:smokin:
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    haha.jpg couldnt resist!