New to cold weather,struggling.

I am in NZ and we have recently had a bout of very cold weather,snow,sleet,hail for a good few weeks.As an aussie(first winter here) im struggling with the cold,im tired alot,I cant seem to get warm and I have days where Ill eat mountains,others no hunger at all.I'll be way below calories one day then next day way over.I'm losing weight fast and I don't like that as I'm not working out and I'm so tired.My food intake has been so random last month or so I can't seem to maintain an interest in it whereas normally im pretty good.

Im stuggling to do my workouts,my energy has gone from heaps to none at all.Im used to sun,surf and very hot days so the cold is really messing with my body.Im not whinging:)Just after ideas on food that may help me get through the next few weeks until some semblance of sun shows up:)Been trying alot of soups but I think I need something bulkier perhaps?Meat?Should i be trying to eat over my calories to account for energy used to keep warm?

Ps:)If I open my diary people will tear me a new one:Plol,so for now its closed:)



  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I am sorry you are having such a hard time. Maybe put yourself on maintenance until you get used to the cold weather. Probably your body is not used to have to fight to stay warm (it burn more calories you know LOL)
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    First off it sounds like you need to be taking a vitamin D supplement. Look for a really good one (natural brand are easy to absorb). You could confirm this by getting your Dr to check your vitamin D levels.

    Secondly you need to embrace the cold weather sports. Can you take a lesson in x-country skiing? Try snowshoeing? Downhill skiing / snowboarding? Glab a sled and some friends and go sledding. I live in Canada where we have VERY long winters and that is the only way we get through them.

    I feel for you! We are in summer now but it is starting to get cooler in the mornings - just a reminder of what is to come!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I suggest that you ask your doctor to check your thyroid levels and discuss your symptoms and problems with him/her. If everything is OK, you may need time to adjust to the change of environment.

    I don't like cold weather at all either, and I get mildly depress under very cold conditions. Gloomy, cold days with naked gardens and/or trees, zaps my energy and motivation. It is a form of seasonal depression.

    Try to find an activity that you like to keep you motivated and active, but also get checked.

    Good luck!
  • em1976
    em1976 Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks all,appreciate help!
  • jesswallace
    There is such a thing as Seasonal Depression. You may not have experienced this before because you are used to warm weather. I agree that you may want to look into taking Vitamin D supplements as well as Vitamin B. Try going outside when the sun is out to get the natural D from the sun. I know it's cold be sure to layer and try to stay active outside. Perhaps do some jumping jacks, or go for a brisk walk or a jog. Good Luck and I hope you get used to the cold soon, it certainly is NOT my favorite time of the year!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    I second the suggestion of getting your vitamin D checked (I live in the land of massive Vit D deficiency and it really does nasty things to your body). Also, if you find yourself feeling actually sad/depressed, etc. you may be responding to the lower amount of daylight. There are full spectrum lights you can buy that you sit in front of for a few hours a day that can really help! Make sure you dress for the weather! Here, in Alaska, during the winter, I wear a tank top, then a long sleeve shirt, with a cardigan sweater, and that's INSIDE. I love eating stews and thick bean soups during the cold months, and anything spicy seems to help as well. Also, make sure you are drinking enough, that cold can sap you of hydration pretty quickly. And my final advice is, don't coop yourself up inside, make an effort to get out everyday. I know it's not always pleasant, especially if you aren't used to it, but fresh air does a body good!

  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    I'm an Aussie living in London and I have to agree with you, that first Winter absolutley killed me. All I wanted was big stodgy, warm filling meals to try and keep warm - add that to the amount of Red Wine I consumed in nice little English Pubs as the snow was coming down, Hello MFP! :smile:

    Baked Potato's were a life saver for me, especially if you make them yourself so you can choose the size of the Potato and the amount of Cheese, beans, chilli etc that you put on it. They keep me quite full too so I was happy to eat one for lunch and then something small for dinner!

    I loved the snow when I first moved over, the novelty has definitley worn off though. I'm going home to Oz in September for the first time in 4 years, so i'm hoping for a bit of Spring sunshine :glasses:

    Ps: I think I get Seasonal Affective Disorder as the end of winter here, I am ready to pack up and go home!!