Elevated Liver Enzymes

Hello, this is my first time posting here. I went to my endocrinologist in April for my thyroid check up (hypothyroidism- controlled with Synthroid). I was very surprised that my SPGT was 52, which is slightly high. All the other liver enzyme tests were ok. I am a 5 foot four woman, weighed 204 pounds at the time, nondrinker. She said she suspected it was due to diet and weight. Since then I have lost 12 pounds thanks to this app. She won't see me for another three months but I can't stop worrying about this lab result.
Has anyone else experienced high SPGT? Will weight loss really help?
Thank you for your insight!


  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member
    I have hypothyroidism, also on Synthroid, and have had elevated liver enzymes my entire life. I dropped from 306lbs to 195lbs and as of February, my enzymes are still elevated. My doctor mentions it after every blood test but does not seem super concerned about it either. I honestly don't even know what it would take to get them into a normal range.
  • luvmakidz
    luvmakidz Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the reply, and for sharing your experience. Has your doctor even done an ultrasound? Mine seemed content just to have me rechecked in three months.
  • luvmakidz
    luvmakidz Posts: 26 Member
    I just got a call from my rheumatologist regarding bloodwork that I had saying that mine were elevated. I also have hypothyroidism.

    I'm at a healthy weight for my height, btw. She told me to stop taking any NSAID's have no alcohol (I already don't) and have them retested. We'll see.

    Hi there, thanks so much for sharing this. It's interesting we are all hypothyroid. I do take ibuprofen at least several times a week, sometimes 600mg several times a day. Maybe that's a factor too. Do you mind me asking when she wants you to have them retested?
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    luvmakidz wrote: »
    I just got a call from my rheumatologist regarding bloodwork that I had saying that mine were elevated. I also have hypothyroidism.

    I'm at a healthy weight for my height, btw. She told me to stop taking any NSAID's have no alcohol (I already don't) and have them retested. We'll see.

    Hi there, thanks so much for sharing this. It's interesting we are all hypothyroid. I do take ibuprofen at least several times a week, sometimes 600mg several times a day. Maybe that's a factor too. Do you mind me asking when she wants you to have them retested?

    In 2-3 weeks. I literally got off the phone with her office less than half an hour ago. I see her for psoriatic arthritis and take NSAIDs for that along with other meds. I know that NSAID's are known for being a problem with liver function, so if you are taking large doses of them, it could be what's causing your issue.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I get slightly high liver enzymes from time to time—I get yearly blood work and some years it’s fine and others high. Had a workup done several years ago (blood work/liver panel and ultrasound) and no cause was found. I have Celiac and the gastroenterologist said it could be that. She also talked about Tylenol and alcohol being other common causes.
  • luvmakidz
    luvmakidz Posts: 26 Member
    I get slightly high liver enzymes from time to time—I get yearly blood work and some years it’s fine and others high. Had a workup done several years ago (blood work/liver panel and ultrasound) and no cause was found. I have Celiac and the gastroenterologist said it could be that. She also talked about Tylenol and alcohol being other common causes.

    Interesting, because I just read about the connection to celiac disease. I never would have guessed that as a link to the elevated liver enzymes. But I've wondered if I might have celiac myself, worth asking about next time I go.
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited May 2018
    You've really gotto keep the term "high" in perspective; intervention/changes needed for meds (based on hepatic dosing) are often when liver enzymes are elevated 2-3X (times) the Upper Limit of Normal (X3 most common). Note: if you are training intensely, it can be normal to see a slight increase in LFT (Liver Function Test) enzyme values
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I get slightly high liver enzymes from time to time—I get yearly blood work and some years it’s fine and others high. Had a workup done several years ago (blood work/liver panel and ultrasound) and no cause was found. I have Celiac and the gastroenterologist said it could be that. She also talked about Tylenol and alcohol being other common causes.

    Hmmm. I have that too. Interesting. I'll have to mention that to her.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    It sounds scary to you, but don't worry too much. Those readings can come and go, that's why they do a retest in a few months. Sometimes they don't really know the cause.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    luvmakidz wrote: »
    I get slightly high liver enzymes from time to time—I get yearly blood work and some years it’s fine and others high. Had a workup done several years ago (blood work/liver panel and ultrasound) and no cause was found. I have Celiac and the gastroenterologist said it could be that. She also talked about Tylenol and alcohol being other common causes.

    Interesting, because I just read about the connection to celiac disease. I never would have guessed that as a link to the elevated liver enzymes. But I've wondered if I might have celiac myself, worth asking about next time I go.

    Unlikely. If you have Celiac's, you'd know from intense gastrointestinal distress.

    I have elevated liver enzymes. Doc said it was likely due to rapid weight loss and maintaining a low body weight. She didn't seem too fussed about it, more just curious if they'd ever sort themselves out.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    Do you not trust your endocrinologist? Presumably she set what she thought was a reasonable time interval for retesting, based on your, as you say, "slightly high" SPGT and the rest of your medical history. You don't gain anything from worrying about it in the mean time. If you still have weight to lose, focus on that in the meantime. If she didn't tell you anything more specific about the diet issue than "diet" might be a cause, it's worth asking for more explicit dietary advice next time you see her, or asking for a referral to a dietician if your endocrinologist doesn't have more specific advice.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Cbean08 wrote: »
    luvmakidz wrote: »
    I get slightly high liver enzymes from time to time—I get yearly blood work and some years it’s fine and others high. Had a workup done several years ago (blood work/liver panel and ultrasound) and no cause was found. I have Celiac and the gastroenterologist said it could be that. She also talked about Tylenol and alcohol being other common causes.

    Interesting, because I just read about the connection to celiac disease. I never would have guessed that as a link to the elevated liver enzymes. But I've wondered if I might have celiac myself, worth asking about next time I go.

    Unlikely. If you have Celiac's, you'd know from intense gastrointestinal distress.
    That’s not always the case. Celiac symptoms range from anemia, peripheral neuropathy, neurological issues—all of which I had before the gastro problems became chronic. Such varied symptoms are part of the reason why it can take so long to be diagnosed.

  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    I am hypothyroid as well, controlled with the lowest dose of Levo. About 5 years ago during a routine blood test my doctor noticed some of my liver enzymes were elevated so he ordered a full liver panel. He found that my ALT & AST numbers were in the high 50’s and 60’s. I rarely drink alcohol and turned up negative for viruses, all my other numbers were fine. I had a bmi of 30 at the time and I used to get a dull ache on my right side just under the ribcage (where my liver is) and it seemed to be increasing in frequency and intensity. Everything pointed to the beginnings of NAFLD(non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) I already knew I needed to lose weight but this gave me the incentive I needed to get my act together and actually do it. My doctor certainly was on board with me losing weight and he said to retest in 5 months.
    I ended up losing 43 lbs over 10 months by eating less (no special diet, just eating less and also drinking more water) and exercising for the first time in my life. I lost at the rate of about a pound per week. At the 5 month retest I was about halfway through my weight loss and bmi of 27 and my AST & ALT numbers were now in the 30’s... lower but not quite normal yet.
    My doc retested after another 5 months, at this point I had lost my excess weight and was at a bmi of 23.3 and my AST & ALT enzymes were in the low 20’s and high teen’s... right smack where they should be! And I completely stopped having the dull aches in my right side!
    I often hear people say that bmi is a useless, inaccurate measurement for individuals... but in my case it correlated *exactly* with my liver enzyme tests and this was a perfectly objective way to measure my progress. In my case, my excess weight and sedentary lifestyle were causing liver damage, luckily it was still reversible at that point. Every year my doctor tests my levels and ever since I’ve maintained a healthy bmi & remained active, the tests have all been normal. I know how to eat better now and I’ve become a runner. Just sharing my personal experience, definitely talk to your doctor about your own personal health concerns.
  • rose2_0
    rose2_0 Posts: 150 Member
    edited May 2018
    I have elevated liver enzymes. I forget if they were still high this year but last year I also tested positive for mono antibodies so the doc thought the enzymes were high due to that. At first I was very worried but, I'm a healthy woman. The doctor said not to worry if they don't go any higher.

    ETA: I do take high doses of NSAIDS. I have crippling menstrual cramps and basically need to stay medicated the whole week in order to function. I wonder now about this...
  • luvmakidz
    luvmakidz Posts: 26 Member
    rose2_0 wrote: »
    I have elevated liver enzymes. I forget if they were still high this year but last year I also tested positive for mono antibodies so the doc thought the enzymes were high due to that. At first I was very worried but, I'm a healthy woman. The doctor said not to worry if they don't go any higher.

    ETA: I do take high doses of NSAIDS. I have crippling menstrual cramps and basically need to stay medicated the whole week in order to function. I wonder now about this...

    Hi Rose,
    I do wonder if there is a connection there with the NSAIDS. I also was taking high doses of them for bad headaches. I'm glad to hear your doctor said not to worry.
  • luvmakidz
    luvmakidz Posts: 26 Member
    I am hypothyroid as well, controlled with the lowest dose of Levo. About 5 years ago during a routine blood test my doctor noticed some of my liver enzymes were elevated so he ordered a full liver panel. He found that my ALT & AST numbers were in the high 50’s and 60’s. I rarely drink alcohol and turned up negative for viruses, all my other numbers were fine. I had a bmi of 30 at the time and I used to get a dull ache on my right side just under the ribcage (where my liver is) and it seemed to be increasing in frequency and intensity. Everything pointed to the beginnings of NAFLD(non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) I already knew I needed to lose weight but this gave me the incentive I needed to get my act together and actually do it. My doctor certainly was on board with me losing weight and he said to retest in 5 months.
    I ended up losing 43 lbs over 10 months by eating less (no special diet, just eating less and also drinking more water) and exercising for the first time in my life. I lost at the rate of about a pound per week. At the 5 month retest I was about halfway through my weight loss and bmi of 27 and my AST & ALT numbers were now in the 30’s... lower but not quite normal yet.
    My doc retested after another 5 months, at this point I had lost my excess weight and was at a bmi of 23.3 and my AST & ALT enzymes were in the low 20’s and high teen’s... right smack where they should be! And I completely stopped having the dull aches in my right side!
    I often hear people say that bmi is a useless, inaccurate measurement for individuals... but in my case it correlated *exactly* with my liver enzyme tests and this was a perfectly objective way to measure my progress. In my case, my excess weight and sedentary lifestyle were causing liver damage, luckily it was still reversible at that point. Every year my doctor tests my levels and ever since I’ve maintained a healthy bmi & remained active, the tests have all been normal. I know how to eat better now and I’ve become a runner. Just sharing my personal experience, definitely talk to your doctor about your own personal health concerns.
    I am hypothyroid as well, controlled with the lowest dose of Levo. About 5 years ago during a routine blood test my doctor noticed some of my liver enzymes were elevated so he ordered a full liver panel. He found that my ALT & AST numbers were in the high 50’s and 60’s. I rarely drink alcohol and turned up negative for viruses, all my other numbers were fine. I had a bmi of 30 at the time and I used to get a dull ache on my right side just under the ribcage (where my liver is) and it seemed to be increasing in frequency and intensity. Everything pointed to the beginnings of NAFLD(non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) I already knew I needed to lose weight but this gave me the incentive I needed to get my act together and actually do it. My doctor certainly was on board with me losing weight and he said to retest in 5 months.
    I ended up losing 43 lbs over 10 months by eating less (no special diet, just eating less and also drinking more water) and exercising for the first time in my life. I lost at the rate of about a pound per week. At the 5 month retest I was about halfway through my weight loss and bmi of 27 and my AST & ALT numbers were now in the 30’s... lower but not quite normal yet.
    My doc retested after another 5 months, at this point I had lost my excess weight and was at a bmi of 23.3 and my AST & ALT enzymes were in the low 20’s and high teen’s... right smack where they should be! And I completely stopped having the dull aches in my right side!
    I often hear people say that bmi is a useless, inaccurate measurement for individuals... but in my case it correlated *exactly* with my liver enzyme tests and this was a perfectly objective way to measure my progress. In my case, my excess weight and sedentary lifestyle were causing liver damage, luckily it was still reversible at that point. Every year my doctor tests my levels and ever since I’ve maintained a healthy bmi & remained active, the tests have all been normal. I know how to eat better now and I’ve become a runner. Just sharing my personal experience, definitely talk to your doctor about your own personal health concerns.
    I am hypothyroid as well, controlled with the lowest dose of Levo. About 5 years ago during a routine blood test my doctor noticed some of my liver enzymes were elevated so he ordered a full liver panel. He found that my ALT & AST numbers were in the high 50’s and 60’s. I rarely drink alcohol and turned up negative for viruses, all my other numbers were fine. I had a bmi of 30 at the time and I used to get a dull ache on my right side just under the ribcage (where my liver is) and it seemed to be increasing in frequency and intensity. Everything pointed to the beginnings of NAFLD(non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) I already knew I needed to lose weight but this gave me the incentive I needed to get my act together and actually do it. My doctor certainly was on board with me losing weight and he said to retest in 5 months.
    I ended up losing 43 lbs over 10 months by eating less (no special diet, just eating less and also drinking more water) and exercising for the first time in my life. I lost at the rate of about a pound per week. At the 5 month retest I was about halfway through my weight loss and bmi of 27 and my AST & ALT numbers were now in the 30’s... lower but not quite normal yet.
    My doc retested after another 5 months, at this point I had lost my excess weight and was at a bmi of 23.3 and my AST & ALT enzymes were in the low 20’s and high teen’s... right smack where they should be! And I completely stopped having the dull aches in my right side!
    I often hear people say that bmi is a useless, inaccurate measurement for individuals... but in my case it correlated *exactly* with my liver enzyme tests and this was a perfectly objective way to measure my progress. In my case, my excess weight and sedentary lifestyle were causing liver damage, luckily it was still reversible at that point. Every year my doctor tests my levels and ever since I’ve maintained a healthy bmi & remained active, the tests have all been normal. I know how to eat better now and I’ve become a runner. Just sharing my personal experience, definitely talk to your doctor about your own personal health concerns.

    I think it's so important to know that there is a strong correlation between high BMI and health, in this case, liver function. I'm so glad to hear your tests improved. That is inspiring!
  • kew1952
    kew1952 Posts: 52 Member
    Sometimes they can be elevated because of meds you are taking. I am on medication for my lupus and have to have bloodwork done every 60 days to keep an eye on my SGOT.
  • LisaMax75
    LisaMax75 Posts: 1 Member
    I have high AST enzymes - just AST, not ALT. Dr ran all sorts of tests and can't figure it out. Especially since it is just one enzyme and they usually go in pairs. I've always wondered about my thyroid but my TSH is normal so no one will run other tests.