Clean high calorie meal plan

Looking to gain weight but struggling to meet my calorie goals whilst still keeping my diet as clean as poss. Can anyone recommend good clean meal suggestions in excess of 3000 calories


  • mb31285
    mb31285 Posts: 3 Member
    Meal plan suggestions *
  • Millicent3015
    Millicent3015 Posts: 374 Member
    Why does it have to be clean?? What makes it clean? Do you wash your food with soap? Aside from micros the body sees macros as what they are: carbs, fats, and 25 grams of carbs in that Twinkie is being metabolized the same way as 25 grams of carbs in that oatmeal or brown rice...
    If you can’t hit your calorie goal, why make it as “clean” as possible?

    Brb....just had donuts and still makin great gains

    The glucose from the Twinkie will be released more quickly than the glucose from the oatmeal or brown rice, and can make your blood sugar spike then drop, while the glucose from rice and oats will be more steadily released, but the same goes for 'clean' fruit juices and smoothies as opposed to a whole fruit that needs to be chewed and digested. You'll get more nutrients from whole foods than Twinkies, but your body doesn't care how it gets its glucose. It doesn't have a special Twinkie organ that differentiates 'clean' glucose from Twinkie glucose.
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    How do you define clean? There is no standard definition so your interpretation may be different than others. If we knew we could maybe help a bit more.

    (Btw, lots of posters are opposed to limiting food options because it is not sustainable for many. If your food choices work for you then that's fine. You are allowed to choose to eat by your definition of clean, whatever that is.)
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    depends on some things such as what is "clean" in YOUR opinion and what are your macros? Maybe just eat bigger portions of whatever it is you are eating "cleanly" now. Slug olive oil all over your food - there's a whole bunch of delicious calories right there (but if you're on low fat macros then that's not an option now is it?).

    I tend to agree with people above - hit what you need to hit then enjoy life/food. I tend to go by an 80/20 rule. 80% whole nutritious etc etc etc foods (clean? I don't know, I don't just eat chicken with broccoli if that's what you consider clean, because broccoli gives me gas). And when there is birthday cake or whatever, I will eat that too.

    I have tried restrictive "clean" diets before - the whole sweet potato chicken asparagus deal and I was a very sad miserable never satiated person.

    So yeah... what is "clean" to you and why does it have to be "clean"?

    I don't make it a habit to eat sweets for example - I don't know - jelly beans or some *kitten*, because I would rather eat fruit which is more bang for my calorie buck, better for my overall health, and delicious. But I will eat jellybeans at a birthday party if I feel like it.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I’ll list some high fat natural foods.

    All the nuts and nut butters.


    Olives and olive oil. Try a vinaigrette with plenty of olive oil and feta on your greens.


    Cheeses of all kinds.

    Fatty fish like salmon for your omegas.
  • moogie_fit
    moogie_fit Posts: 279 Member
    I'm at 3k, my diary is open you can take a look
  • stej5639
    stej5639 Posts: 57 Member
    I eat a lot of calorie dense foods to hit my calorie goals, without feeling bloated, drink full fat milk instead of semi. Things like nuts, whole eggs, rice. Theres a good list somewhere on here, ill see if i can find it.
  • stej5639
    stej5639 Posts: 57 Member
    Couldnt find the list on here but this list in the link is pretty good.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Is Granola clean to you? A giant bowl with milk and a scoop of protein powder is my go to breakfast on really high calorie days.

    Omelettes are really easy and quick to make - load up on the cheese to boost the cals.

    Homemade fettuccine carbonara is delicious and very high calories - I would call that clean but often my shirt isn't afterwards. :)
    Curries can be calorie bombs.

    I'm not a fan of most high fat foods (except nuts and cheese) so I prefer to lean towards starchy carbs, many fruits are relatively high cal and delicious - your preferences might be different which is why your meal plan has to be your meal plan. But to eat a lot (personally I don't find 3000 a lot...) your diet (noun) should be built around what you enjoy as well as what you need. With a higher cal allowance it really should be easy to hit your nutritional needs and have some fun foods too.
  • mb31285
    mb31285 Posts: 3 Member
    Smashed nearly 3500 calories down today. Thanks for the comments everyone. On to tomorrow :)
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Google articles on the diets of JJ and TJ Watt (but you'll need to cut back on the 7000 or so calories they eat) to get ideas. Lots of lean protein, vegetables, healthy fats.
  • lolo4tim
    lolo4tim Posts: 7 Member
    My teenage son was on a 4500-5000cal per day diet for a while after being sick. It is very difficult. We had to use shakes (not necessarily a bad thing) to get anywhere close. Find a shake you like that doesn't have fake sweeteners, you want the sugar carbs. We like Mike's Mix, you can find it on amazon, tastes great and very few ingredients-whey, sugar, flavor. I love the tangerine cream, think creamsicle. My son prefers the chocolate. They also have a plain whey, I like to do a scoop of the flavor and a scoop of the plain, higher protein+milder flavor. Also meal frequency is important, no more than 3 hours between meals-not "snacks" lol 6-500cal meals is only 3000cal. add in two shakes and you're getting closer to 4000. Don't hide from fat but you don't need to eat garbage fat. Nuts, olive oil, real butter, fatty cuts of meat, whole fat dairy...You don't have to eat twinkies and candy bars if you don't want to. Real meals, more frequently, plus shakes if you can't get your calories where you want them with just food. Happy Eating!!
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    edited September 2018
    lolo4tim wrote: »
    My teenage son was on a 4500-5000cal per day diet for a while after being sick. It is very difficult. We had to use shakes (not necessarily a bad thing) to get anywhere close. Find a shake you like that doesn't have fake sweeteners, you want the sugar carbs. We like Mike's Mix, you can find it on amazon, tastes great and very few ingredients-whey, sugar, flavor. I love the tangerine cream, think creamsicle. My son prefers the chocolate. They also have a plain whey, I like to do a scoop of the flavor and a scoop of the plain, higher protein+milder flavor. Also meal frequency is important, no more than 3 hours between meals-not "snacks" lol 6-500cal meals is only 3000cal. add in two shakes and you're getting closer to 4000. Don't hide from fat but you don't need to eat garbage fat. Nuts, olive oil, real butter, fatty cuts of meat, whole fat dairy...You don't have to eat twinkies and candy bars if you don't want to. Real meals, more frequently, plus shakes if you can't get your calories where you want them with just food. Happy Eating!!


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I eat 3000 cals just to cut weight aggressively. Even then I eat clean ice cream, poptarts, homemade pasteries every day. They never taste dirty.