Strengthening ankle exercises

Does anyone have some suggestions for exercises and stretches to strengthen ankles? I've rolled the left one pretty badly twice in the past few weeks. It hasn't felt normal since the second time and it's really sore. I think it's sprained or hyperextended. It hit the pavement hard so it also could have some internal bruising. I've been wrapping it to support it more during the day, but I really want to get back to climbing!

Thanks in advance!


  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    Ankles take way longer to heal than you might expect, so be gentle with it!

    In these relatively early days of healing, you might try the old 'write the alphabet in the air with your foot' - it helps with flexibility and blood flow without putting strain onthe damaged ligaments.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,975 Member
    Give it time to heal as for that injury.

    In general, I've found the best way to prevent ankle sprains wasn't so much to strengthen them, but to focus on stretching them. Due to a pilon fracture my left ankle has significantly reduced ROM, but I still try to work on stretching both as I haven't twisted an ankle in - well, a really really long time. Especially lateral/to the side (like you're trying to stand on the side of your ankle) which seems the most common strain in my own experience.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,915 Member
    Some of these knee exercises seem like they would be good for the ankles as well. Probably best to not do any until it feels normal again though.
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Give it time to heal as for that injury.

    In general, I've found the best way to prevent ankle sprains wasn't so much to strengthen them, but to focus on stretching them. Due to a pilon fracture my left ankle has significantly reduced ROM, but I still try to work on stretching both as I haven't twisted an ankle in - well, a really really long time. Especially lateral/to the side (like you're trying to stand on the side of your ankle) which seems the most common strain in my own experience.

    That's exactly what happened. It seems like the pain is all right around and under the end of my fibula where it sticks out at the ankle. There's a possibility that I have a tiny fracture in it, but since I can still walk its not a huge deal. Not severe enough to pay a doctor to tell me what I know. I've been doing the ABC stretches and some light yoga. It mostly hurts when the outside of the ankle touches the floor or I have to put most of my weight on that side to balance. Otherwise it's a constant dull pain.
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    ceiswyn wrote: »
    Ankles take way longer to heal than you might expect, so be gentle with it!

    In these relatively early days of healing, you might try the old 'write the alphabet in the air with your foot' - it helps with flexibility and blood flow without putting strain onthe damaged ligaments.

    Actually I've been doing that! I just heard about it though, so thank you!