Is an iced coffee a few times a week while dropping a dress size counterintuitive

I need a small iced coffee at least once a week or I won’t function through uni. I’m trying to drop some weight before October 7 for a wedding to fit in my dress I ordered online will it affect me even if it fits in my calories and I work out four times a week for forty minutes ?


  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    It shouldn't be a problem if you log it, unless it makes it harder for you to stay within calories.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,165 Member
    What kind of iced coffee do you drink that you are so worried about calories?
    Except for the ice a hot coffee and an iced one should be the same amount of calories, if you count the sweetener and/or the milk or cream.
    I drink iced coffee in the summer, sometimes, and it is black coffee, Splenda and ice. Between 2 and 5 calories. No worries there.
  • robbhull
    robbhull Posts: 8 Member
    Plain black coffee over ice has zero nutritional value. Use some Splenda to sweeten it up.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    I use cold brew coffee, jordans skinny syrups, 1 serving of half and half and plenty of ice- delightful!!!
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    I drink Starbucks bottled cold dark roast, ice and some 0 calorie chocolate syrup every morning. Hasn't bothered my weight loss yet.

  • brandy_losinit
    brandy_losinit Posts: 21 Member
    I also love the coffee! Depending on how you drink it may take a 0-5 calorie beverage and turn it into many more. I drink mine with skim milk or black and add splenda or stevia. My coffee used to be loaded with sugar and cream.
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    Cbean08 wrote: »
    1 a week? Jeez, I drink 4 energy drinks in a day.

    Unless your iced coffee is a squirt of coffee and 2 cups of heavy cream, I don't see there being a concern with calories.
    Even if it were - not that I think it is - 2 cups of heavy cream is 828 calories. Spread that over a week, it's 118 calories/day that OP would need to "save up."

    A Starbucks 12-oz Iced Coffee With Milk, which is probably much closer to what OP is actually drinking, is only 80 Calories. Much easier to budget for (and much more palatable), and OP could easily drink one every day and still make her goal.

    (Now I want an iced coffee... :) )

  • Cbean08 wrote: »
    1 a week? Jeez, I drink 4 energy drinks in a day.

    Unless your iced coffee is a squirt of coffee and 2 cups of heavy cream, I don't see there being a concern with calories.

    good lord theres a reason they say on the label not to consume more than so many a day. I drink one a week. I was having 2 a day. no more than that though
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Cbean08 wrote: »
    1 a week? Jeez, I drink 4 energy drinks in a day.

    Unless your iced coffee is a squirt of coffee and 2 cups of heavy cream, I don't see there being a concern with calories.

    good lord theres a reason they say on the label not to consume more than so many a day. I drink one a week. I was having 2 a day. no more than that though

    I'm completely addicted to caffeine but I don't see the same effect that others seem to. It's really strange. Without caffeine first thing in the morning, I'm a mess. And I need it through out the day too, or else I start to crash. Even drinking caffeine at night doesn't impact my sleep. I'll drink a Monster at 10pm and still be asleep at 11pm.
  • happytree923
    happytree923 Posts: 463 Member
    edited September 2018
    Iced coffee can be quite low calorie even with sugar and cream. Most coffee places (including Starbucks) you can just tell them how many pumps of syrup you want and ask for 'light cream' or dairy alternative of your choice and it should be under 100 calories unless you're asking for hummingbird-food levels of syrup. Or just ask for it black and unsweetened and add what you want yourself.

    I wish I was disciplined enough to stress over one coffee a week.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I have a 16 oz. coffee every day, usually hot but sometimes iced. I have it with half and half (called half cream in the UK), and sweetened with stevia. 3 Tb of half and half is about 60 calories. It's worth the 60 calories to me. Iced coffee is served unsweetened at my local Starbucks unless you ask for syrup. I bring my own bottle of liquid stevia.

    If by "iced coffee" you mean the drinks with all the syrup and whipped cream on top, you can learn to enjoy a real iced coffee, light on the ice, with zero cal sweetener and milk or half cream added. That's how I like mine. If you like flavored syrups, your coffee shop may have sugar-free syrups, or you can buy a bottle and take a container of it to your coffee shop.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It depends on how you like your coffee. If you put too much sugar and cream, try to cut down. I don't like black iced coffee but will ask for just one pump of syrup at DD (instead of 2 or 3) and some skim milk.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    edited September 2018
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Do you understand how weight loss works? It’s all about calories.
    If the iced coffee fits in your calorie goal, how could it prevent you from reaching your weight loss goal? What would be the reason that you were concerned about?

    QFT. If it gets you through the week (or day), go for it.

    edited to fix quote