I have started jogging, why am I not loosing weight ???

Hi looking for some advice please. I have started jogging and also been doing diet chef on and off for 3 month, but im not loosing weight at all. I dont understand.


  • scarletfever2005
    scarletfever2005 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm not sure what diet chef is. But weight loss is generally gonna be 80% diet. Clearly what you are doing is not helping you achieve your goal. So I'd look at my diet, and make reasonable changes until I found out what worked for me.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    We are going to need a lot more information than that to really help....

    You need to create a calorie deficit to lose weight. If you are jogging but eating as much calories as you are burning (not just from jogging but from the jogging and everyday life) then no, you won't lose weight.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I had to Google Diet Chef. It's home-delivered "diet meals", right?

    You should still be tracking those calories/meals and keeping track of what goes in your mouth. You have to balance what you're taking in with what your putting out through exercise. If those meals are keeping you on a really restricted calorie intake, maybe you need to supplement them with more calories - like adding in fresh fruit, veg, low fat dairy, etc.

    But, without knowing more, there's not much advice we can give! Your diary is set to private, so I have no idea what you're intake is.

    I hope you find a comfortable solution for yourself! Dont' give up.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Doing diet chef "on and off" doens't really sound like you're sticking to any real healthy eating program either. Unfortunately, and I learned this the hard way too, you have to be consistent, committed to this, and make yourself and your health a top priority.
  • aprylkemper
    aprylkemper Posts: 123 Member
    What you need to know is: how many calories you are taking in and what your BMR to know how to many calories you are burning. If you know these two things, you will know what you need to do to create a deficit, which is what is required to lose weight. Getting your nutrition on point will be a great place to start and then once you understand what is going on with the nutrition, start to exercise, knowing that you cannot out-exercise a bad diet.
    I also noticed that you said 'off and on' and when it comes to losing, consistency is key.

    Hope that helps get you started, let me know if you would like any other info :)
  • shelley234
    shelley234 Posts: 150 Member
    Yes diet chef is a home delivery diet, i get all my meals delivered, they have been counted up (cal, fat) . I eat healthy eating the 1500 cal that im ment to, with fruit and veg. I ment on and off by sometimes diet chef and some times a calorie counted diet.

    Im a bit stuck, I feel like I am doing as much as I can too loose weight but not getting any results.

    Aswell as the healthy eating, I started exercise classes (zumba) and built up to jogging continuesly for 15min stopping 2 min then jogging 15 min again. zumba 1 a week and jogging 2-3 times a week.

    being doing this for 12 weeks. help help help
  • aprylkemper
    aprylkemper Posts: 123 Member
    So what is your BMR though? And what are you hoping to lose? How often are you weighing?

    If you have been doing this and not seeing results, it's time to troubleshoot. If you are getting fruits and veggies as well as the portion controlled entrees, what are the fruits? Fruits are definitely not bad but depending on how much of them you are eating, it could be causing you to beak even. If you knew what your BMR was along with your activity level, that would give you a good idea of what your maintenance level is.
    Also, cardio alone makes it very difficult to lose weight, especially if you've yo-yo dieted and don't have a lot of muscle (which burns more calories and more efficiently)

    If you search 'BMR Calculation' on yahoo or google, it will bring you to a calculator where you can put in your weight and height and will ask you your activity level, which you should probably put at sedentary (usual for a desk job). That number will give you a calorie number that will be an estimate of what you burn on a typical day. If you aren't creating a meaningful deficit to that number, the scale will not move.

    Would be glad to answer more questions, send me a message or add me as a friend if you'd like. The bottom line is that you can do it, now is the time to troubleshoot why it isn't working because once you understand the why, the how is much easier
  • shelley234
    shelley234 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi im new too all this iv just worked out my bmr is 1494 and im close to that or under day to day. Im not too sure what you mean by trouble shoot.

    How do I work out it all out, Do I eat 1494 cal every day, as I find it hard some days. or other days im just not hungry.

    I apprieciate all your advice thank you.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Hi im new too all this iv just worked out my bmr is 1494 and im close to that or under day to day. Im not too sure what you mean by trouble shoot.

    How do I work out it all out, Do I eat 1494 cal every day, as I find it hard some days. or other days im just not hungry.

    I apprieciate all your advice thank you.

    Think of it this way. BMR is what your body needs to run all systems and it is what you would need to consume in a day to keep everything working. It's also based on a day where you did no physical activities.

    If you are logging your workouts (even walks that you take) and you're falling too far below what your body needs you are not going to lose weight. The calorie allotment that MFP gives you each day has a built-in deficit. If you fall below that on a regular basis (after logging every bite of food and every workout) you will not lose weight. Your body will not let go of any weight if it is not getting what it needs to run.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Your BMR is how much you'd burn while laying in bed all day. You have to add your normal activities (work, home life) and then your exercise. THEN you subtract the deficit you want, which should probably be about 500 calories a day.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Yes diet chef is a home delivery diet, i get all my meals delivered, they have been counted up (cal, fat) . I eat healthy eating the 1500 cal that im ment to, with fruit and veg. I ment on and off by sometimes diet chef and some times a calorie counted diet.

    Im a bit stuck, I feel like I am doing as much as I can too loose weight but not getting any results.

    Aswell as the healthy eating, I started exercise classes (zumba) and built up to jogging continuesly for 15min stopping 2 min then jogging 15 min again. zumba 1 a week and jogging 2-3 times a week.

    being doing this for 12 weeks. help help help

    My guess is you are not eating back your exercise calories to MEET the goals MFP gives you for the day (not falling below your calories suggested per day to lose 1-2 lbs/per week. 1-2 lbs/week is suggested by medical professionals because that way you do not harm your body and you are more likely to keep the weight off for good.

    The best advice I can give is pre-plan your food for each day. And pre-log those workouts to spread those calories around during the day in the form of healthy snacks.
  • keola64
    keola64 Posts: 207 Member
    Jogging doesn't help if you aren't eating rite,and keeping to a diet plan,watching your calorie intake,the types of calories you are taking inn and the amount of jogging you do including distance,speed,ect.,so a lot of factors play into this topic,there is no quick fix to losing weight it takes a lot of will power to follow a proper plan! By the way diet chef is lame that's a lazy attempt at weight loss sorry to sound rude but study up on some nutrition,& exercise,even when I was sedentary,I lost a total of 97 pounds in 8 months have been at my current weight for several months and am a very low % of body fat ,knowledge is power and you need to study up! You shouldn't rely on lazy man's diets for success come with a price,will power and motivation to see your goals through,the want to lose some weight isn't enough,you have to earn it plain and simple!
  • Rajrand
    Rajrand Posts: 13
    there has been lot of good advice here but this is what i am doing right now. I have seen for a long time that i have been working out both strength and cardio i have been unable to loose weight or body fat. Ofcourse body fat should be your goal since body weight does not differentiate between muscle weight (desireable) and body fat weight (undersirable).

    I have mostly relied on veggies and fruits and beans for my nutrition but since last few weeks i finally decided to measure so that i can have some educated information on where i am going right and where i am going wrong and since last few months more wrong than right.

    So, this is what am doing. I figured out my desired caloric intake (20% deficit from my maintainence level), then i fixed my marco nutrients to 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat (using MFP for all these tracking). If things move along well (1 to 2 lb) of fat loss then i need no change. But if things are stuck for 2 weeks with no progress then i change one of two things - increase my workout (add one more per week) and if still no change then reduce carbs, increase protein by say 5% or 10% per day. This experimenting will continue until i start to see 1 to 1.5 lb of body fat loss. I think i am not losing any more this week, so over next week i will add one more additional workout or increase it by say 5 or 10 minutes per workout. if that does not help will reduce my carb from 50% to 45%. As much as i do not like eating meat, my body seem to respond better to it than carbs