Creepy stories, anyone?



  • Monika135
    On a mountain herding sheep with Carl. Now that is creepy.

  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    On a mountain herding sheep with Carl. Now that is creepy.


    He is just bitter after I rejected his "I can`t quit you" line.
  • sej1990
    sej1990 Posts: 96 Member
    yes kids are more prone to see spirits then actual adults although i did see a couple when i was little and just at 15. That is really sad the 7 year old must of had a dream about it or a premonition and i believe those are true. I love all the stories :^)
  • sej1990
    sej1990 Posts: 96 Member
    Six years ago, my mother was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. Terminal. Chemo let her have 9 more months with us, but she finally began to fail one Friday evening. Her cat, Smokey, hadn't been allowed in the house since her treatments started because she had little to no immunity against germs. I was holding one hand, and Dad the other when she took her last breath. At that exact moment, on the front porch (nowhere close to the bedroom) Smokey let out what I can only describe as a scream of mortal pain. I went to see if some animal was on the porch hurting him, but it was only Smokey, and he was jumping on the doorscreen, about 5 feet up, then launching himself to the floor and doing it again, all the while howling like mad.

    I believe he felt my mother leave us, and was expressing his sorrow the only way he knew how.

    this made me tear up :^( animals are very connected to certain people and can feel sadness and pain. whenever i cry my cat runs right up to me giving me all the attention i need to feel better.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Mine isn't scary-creepy, but it's just weird and it happened yesterday...

    Yesterday marked 4 years since my friend Will was killed overseas during war. I dread August 16th every year now. I wanted to get my mind off of things, so I went out and ran some errands. On my way home, I stopped by Wendy's to get something to drink. Shame on me, but that's besides the point. Anyway, there was a soldier behind me in line. It gave me chills and I felt like Will had sent him there. To show him my appreciation, I bought his lunch. In return, he invited me to sit with him while I drank and he ate his meal. We sat and talked for awhile about everything under the sun, including Will. Before we left, he gave me a hug, said thanks, then proceeded to tell me his middle name is Will and that he hadn't said something sooner because he didn't want to freak me out. I thought he was just pulling my leg, but he verified it. I literally broke down in the middle of the parking lot. That's just.... unreal.

    Wow! This made me awesome?!!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    One time, I was babysitting and this guy kept calling, asking me if I had checked the children. I did and they were fine, but he kept calling back. I called the police, and they said they would trace the call. They called me back and said that the call was coming from inside the house, so I ran out of the house and bumped into a really ugly cop. SO CREEPY.

    The kids died, by the way. I can't remember what happened after that.
  • sej1990
    sej1990 Posts: 96 Member
    I have a couple, I call them angel sightings. 1. We were in Seattle andd got in a car wreck a lady smashed into our side and we went sideways and hit the car in the next lane. Our car was squished but driveable. After we got checked out at the hospital my husband decided to try to drive us back to his parent's house. The car started smoking so he pulled off to the side of the road. A man stopped to help him, after about a minute, the guy grabbed Joe and pulled him away from the front of the car. Our car was hit from the rear and smashed us into the man's car in front of us. Then the man matter-of-factly got into his car and drove away. It seemed like he only stopped to save Joe's life.
    The other one happened when I was about 5. I was home alone, my mom was visiting with the neighbor across the street. I was a very depressed little child, I didn't feel love and had actually tried to figure out how to hang myself but couldn't figure out the right way. I was in the basement and started walking up the steps, I was crying and said no one loves me. Right then I saw in front of me a nice looking man and woman, they reached down and touched me and told me that they loved me. I never felt unloved again.

    i really wish i could have an angel sighting i have been depressed almost all my life since 7 or 8 years old
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't know if this qualifies, but the image still haunts me to this day, usually in my nightmares.

    I was about 11 years old, sitting cross-legged in front of the tv watching cartoons. My mom was in the kitchen. My dad was outside grilling, and my 2 year old brother was playing near him. The sliding glass door to the back was next to the tv stand. My mom came over to check on the food. I heard her scream bloody murder and start running. I hopped up to look outside to see what happened. I saw my brother floating in the pool, upright but completely submerged, hands above his head, eyes bug wide, as my mom was leaping into the pool. He was fine. He later said he was too scared to breathe. But if my mom hadn't checked on my dad and the grill at that precise moment, my brother probably would have drowned. My father obviously didn't hear him slip in and wasn't aware that his son was mere feet away, about to drown. I don't like the memory of seeing him, with his eyes so wide and terrified, floating there. But I'm so glad he's OK. When my mom surfaced, she told my dad to go get a towel. He was just standing there, dumbstruck with his grilling tools in his hands. I thought to myself, I can go get the towel. That's what I can do to help. I grabbed every single towel we owned out of the linen closet.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    My friend wanted me to post this creepy story:

    "I hooked up with a girl one night at the bar. I was fall down stupid- I mean, BLIND drunk. We went back to my place I'm pretty sure we had sex. But in the morning SHE WAS STILL THERE!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!"

  • sej1990
    sej1990 Posts: 96 Member
    One time, I was babysitting and this guy kept calling, asking me if I had checked the children. I did and they were fine, but he kept calling back. I called the police, and they said they would trace the call. They called me back and said that the call was coming from inside the house, so I ran out of the house and bumped into a really ugly cop. SO CREEPY.

    The kids died, by the way. I can't remember what happened after that.

    woh they died while u were there? or did they get murdered or something while u were not there? thats creepy
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    I have a few. The most memorable one was when I was home on leave after graduating from my Air Force Technical training. I came in late one night, and my brother was asleep on the couch. He jumped up out of a dead sleep, and asked me if I saw the man standing in front of the T.V.. I told him it was his imagination, and to go back to sleep. I went to bed, and got up during the night to get myself a drink of water, and as I started to get out of bed I saw an older man in my room, and he was wrapped in an american flag. I continued to move towards the kitchen, and the man ran away. I walked into the kitchen, and saw the man run through the wall. The next day I asked my brother about the man in front of the t.v., and he said it was older man wrapped in the flag, and he was just staring at him. Later on that day I walked down to the cemetary down the street, and I saw that a veteran had recently been burried there, and I thanked him for looking over me.

    The second one was right after my grandfather died. My daughter was headed up to her room to put some stuff away, and she started screaming. I ran up there and asked her what the problem was. She told me that there was a man in her room, so I asked her to describe this man, and she described the much younger version of my grandfather. She had never seen any kind of pics of him when he was younger, so the only way she could describe him was by actually seeing him. I had told her the next she see's him to tell him she loves him, and we are ok. Every once in a while I can hear her say "I love you grandpa, we are ok".
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    When my brother was little, whenever we would go to our grandparents' house, he would sit in this corner, look up and just laugh for hours. The dogs would also bark at the same corner all the time for no reason. One day I was watching my brother laugh and he turned like he was following someone, and then he started looking at a chair. He began laughing, and the chair started to rock on its own. Maybe it's true that children can see spirits. Makes sense to me.

    My son started seeing these 2 children outside his bedroom window pointing in and laughing at him. When I asked why I couldn't see them, he said they disappear when adults come around. So, I asked my neighbors if any kids had ever lived next door, the older lady said yes.... "a nice couple with 2 small children... so sad, the little boy got hit by a car while getting off the school bus...killed... right in front of the house." We're still not sure who the little girl is though.

    I stopped doubting as soon as she told me that.

    My mother used to have experiences too, but I never thought it was weird (and unfortunately can't ask her now because she's been dead since 1995 - and, yes, I've felt her presence once). I've also had my own experiences, but nothing too crazy (just got very ill - cold sweats, shakes, dizzy when I entered a haunted mansion nearby. It stopped as soon as I left the house. No one else felt anything, so I chalked it up to allergies - until my son started having his experiences - and then everything made total sense. :wink:
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Bump...I like reading creepy stories:huh:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    One time, I was babysitting and this guy kept calling, asking me if I had checked the children. I did and they were fine, but he kept calling back. I called the police, and they said they would trace the call. They called me back and said that the call was coming from inside the house, so I ran out of the house and bumped into a really ugly cop. SO CREEPY.

    The kids died, by the way. I can't remember what happened after that.

    woh they died while u were there? or did they get murdered or something while u were not there? thats creepy

    I think it was while I was still in the house.
  • kpersons1
    One time, I was babysitting and this guy kept calling, asking me if I had checked the children. I did and they were fine, but he kept calling back. I called the police, and they said they would trace the call. They called me back and said that the call was coming from inside the house, so I ran out of the house and bumped into a really ugly cop. SO CREEPY.

    The kids died, by the way. I can't remember what happened after that.

    That sounds like a movie i saw once.
    woh they died while u were there? or did they get murdered or something while u were not there? thats creepy

    I think it was while I was still in the house.
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    What is weird is this thread. I had a friend pass just 11 days ago and feel like he is trying to tell me something. There are so many things that have been happening that really make me think he hasnt crossed over. I cant say that I have never thought about spirits and if they wander around, I have. Now I think he is one of the shadows that I see. God Bless him!
  • *Nikki*
    Seriously creepy stories guys!!!!

    One of the creepiest stories ive been told is from one of my old collegues, her step daughter 31/2years (and her mum) had moved into a new house, the little girl was sitting at the kitchen door which was open at the time played with her doll and looking out into the back garden, she the suddenly froze and just started staring, her mum walked over and asked if she was o.k. The little girl just kept staring. Her mum then touched her on the shoulder and she snapped out if, she then asked the girl whats the matter. the little girl then pointed out into the garden and said whys that man all wet. The mum was shocked thinking someone had got into the garden so she looked arroung (it was a small garden so not many places to hide also no side gate and the back gate was locked shut. she then said to the little girl sorry huni but theres nobody there. The girls then looked to her mum and said Hes gone now mummy he was dead, she then carried on playing with her dolls as if nothing had ever happened.

    I also used to work in a shop that was built over a bomb shelter than was hit in the 2nd world war, There are many stories from there that i could tell you.

    I often was in the shop alone before we opened and i cant count the amount of time i would go up to the stock room and find items in the middle of the floor that werent there before, they couldnt have fallen down as there was nothing arround to fall off. Many of the girls working there saw and old man and a young girl on multiple accasions.

    When my manager was cashing up one evening (she had let all the other girls go home) she turned heard someone walk outside the office door she turned arround wondering what was going on and she saw a tall girl with black hair standing the other side of the door, she was gone after a few seconds but my manager never wanted to be left alone again as she had a very bad feeling from her.

    I was replenishing stock one evening on the shop floor (very small maternity shop) and i was standing right near the door, I suddenly felt very cold i thought i was a draft from the open doors so ignored it and carried on what i was doing, then i saw this old man walk up behind me i turned arround to ask if he was o.k and there was nobody there i looked outside the shop and all arround the shop floor and i couldnt see anybody, the next day i told one of my collegues and before i could explain the whole thing she decribed this man exactly as i saw him (i can still picture him now) The weird thing is when this happen i wasnt scared or anything i felt so calm and peaceful, it was like he was just protecting us. i dont even really know how to decribe it. I saw him about 2/3 moer times after that only for split second but it was really amazing.

    I could go on but ive written and essay already xxx
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    OK. This happened to me today.

    Last night the kids all slept over at my moms. I had forgotten to give my mom my oldest sons puffer for his asthma and he was a bit wheezy. I was out with a friend so my mom went to my house and grabbed the puffer. When I got home, The kids doors were wide open and my cat had peed all over the bottom bunk in the boys bedroom. I didn't think anything of it because I usually leave the kids doors open unless they are sleeping.

    I was grumping about it to my mom this morning and she just froze and said, "I closed all the bedroom doors because I didn't want the house to get too cold."

    Gave me a chill but I'm sure there is some kind of explanation for it.
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    My mother told me this experience she had when I was a newborn baby ... When I was first born my parents kept me my crib in their bedroom and one night, in the middle of the night my mother woke up, hopped over my dad and without even turning on any lights she picked me up and( I think she had me kind of upside down) wacked me on the butt. All of a sudden a hard chunk of formula came out. According to my mother I had stopped breathing and was turning blue. My dad never heard a thing and my mother swears to this day she didn't hear anything and has no idea why she woke up and did what she did! She chalks it up to mother's instinct!

    Moral of story.. if your mama wacks your *kitten* she's doing it out of love :) lol.
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    I also have a story about my sisters gaurdian angel. On October 23rd 1993 my sister as involved in a very bad car accident. My mother and I where in another town watching a baseball game, and she told me we needed to leave. She had a feeling that something had happened to one of her children, but she didn't know what. We got home, got in the house, and the phone rang 30 seconds later. It was my dad, my sister had been involved in a very bad accident, and we needed to get to the hospital immediately. We learned from the police officer that the driver of the car she was riding in with her friends had lost control of the vehicle, that they hit a concrete light pole, which then fell, and caved the side of the car she was on by 3ft or more. They where shocked that she even survived the accident.

    A few days later my sister woke up from her coma, and couldn't talk. She had wrote down on a pad that she wanted to know what happened to her, so my mom told her everything. My sister then wrote that she wanted to thank her friends for telling her to put her head between her leggs while the car was spinning. Problem is that all her friends claim that no one told her that. We later found out that my sister was sitting on the side of the car that was caved in, and if she would not have put her head between her leggs she would have died because the pole would have hit where her head would have been.