Master Cleanse Fasting help

akarmiloff Posts: 11 Member
edited October 1 in Food and Nutrition
My mother and father a few decades ago under direct supervision of acupuncturist did a master cleanse for 10 days. They each lost 10 kg during that period, and kept it off for over 2 years. If it wasn't for their unhealthy lifestyle with eating junk and smoking, they probably would have kept it off longer. I tried a water fast for 7 days, and ended up getting sick, weak and lost only 2 kg of water weight. Obviously I did it wrong. But I'm still determined to do a master cleanse. I have read plenty on it, and feel that it's important for people to do it at least once a year. My problem is I don't have a mentor, and paying few thousand for a guided fast is a little steep for me. If you have done a Master Cleanse, how did you do it? Did it work well? Did you spend a fortune and was it worth it?
Any advice would be immensely appreciated :flowerforyou: .


  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    just pants
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member

    I am on that cleanse right now. I have done it 4 other times in the past =) I love it! if you want you can message me with any other questions you have and I also have a lot of info I researched on it if you would like to see it add me! =)

    To answer your questions: I do this cleanse with just the lemonade drink and water the whole time. I am doing it for 7-8 days this time around. I normally do 7, but i have done 10 days once and also 16 days once before. It has worked well for me and always makes me feel refreshed and renewed!! I haven't spent a ton of money on it. I went to a warehouse store and bought my lemons in bulk. (10 count bags for $3.80 each), I bought a few of those as well as a 32oz jar of the maple syrup which lasts me about 4-5 days depending on how many cups per day i drink and how much i use. And of course the only other thing you need is the cayenne pepper. I believe its worth it to me! I do it for weightloss but also to clean myself out and have a fresh start once in awhile.

    Hope that helps a little. Like i said, message me or add me if you want more info =)

    Good luck!!
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    just pants
    oh, you got here first. i second pants
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I use Mr Clean.
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    The Master Cleanse is a total crock of ****... Stick with eating healthy and exercising.

    Quoted from webmd
    "Of course, weight loss is inevitable when you stop eating and drink very few calories. But this kind of diet can also be dangerous to your health. Nutritionists point out that the Master Cleanse diet plan is deficient in all the essential nutrients: calories, vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat.

    Exercise is not part of the diet prescription, probably because physical activity would be difficult on a starvation diet."
  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    just pants

    Totally agree!!!!!
  • Rtrue18
    Rtrue18 Posts: 45
    First of all I can't believe you did a water cleanse that is SO unhealhty for you! I am all for cleansing and do them a lot but that is just terrible please never try that again! The last cleanse I did was a juice cleanse. I did purchase it through an organic juice store here in NYC but I got a coupon so it was 1/2 off. Another great cleanse I have done is I actually purchased a Juicer for about $100, and just made my own juices using veggie and fruits then also drank lots of uncaffeinated teas and hot lemon water and mixed my own 'master cleanse' of water, syrup lemon and cayenne. But do NOT do only the lemon/cayenne master cleanse it is so incredibly unhealthy for your system, you need some nutrients which a juice cleanse gives you. You will feel so much better mentally as well. You can also buy unsweetened prune juice and unsweetened apple juice and add those in as well which makes it cheaper. Juicing is a LOT of work though.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Most people are going to scoff at this thread - with good reason. Have you really done any research on the detimental outcomes and side effects of a liquid diet with no nutrition for 7-8 days? I doubt you will find much support for cleanses on this website - might want to rethink this and try the MFP plan where you limit your calories to create a deficit and lose weight in a healthy manner.
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    just pants
    oh, you got here first. i second pants

    3rd for PANTS!!!!!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I use Mr Clean.

    I spray WD-40 on my fried chicken since it's a degreaser.
  • Last year I started a 10 day Master Cleanse and ended up going for 30 days. I lost a lot of weight and felt great. I feel it is perfectly safe and beneficial. My problem was that mentally I was missing the junk food really bad and ended up going right back to the habits that got me overweight to begin with. Weight loss aside I did feel like my body was enjoying the time off and basically repairing itself and I have planned on doing the the 10 day once a year for the rest of my life once I get my mind set on a true lifestyle change. As part of that, on my current plan, I include a 36 hour cleanse once a week.

    All my opinions aside, you can get all the free help and inspiration you want right on this site...

    I found it very helpful to blog about the experience and chart my progress. It seems really hard at 1st but if you stick to one day at a time the days fly by...good luck!
  • akarmiloff
    akarmiloff Posts: 11 Member
    I do know there's a lot of animosity toward fasting in developed countries. The reasons unfortunately are unfounded. I've even heard people say that you can die if you don't eat for a few days, and I'm sure that's what McDonalds would like you to believe. But the way I see it, fasting is a part of every religion, animals do it when they get sick, even doctors recommend it for certain ailments. I also know people that are overweight, eat junk all day and are malnourished due to their food lacking in nutrients. I want what's best for my body, and from what I have read fasting is a must. (FDA excluded:noway: )
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Cargo pants
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    You've convinced me. I will go back to eating **** every day, and then I'll do an annual cleanse and that will make me all healthy and stuff.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    "Cleansing" is totally unnecessary and has no proven benefits. Can be dangerous if done wrong.
    Just eat a proper balanced diet.
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    Last year I started a 10 day Master Cleanse and ended up going for 30 days. I lost a lot of weight and felt great. I feel it is perfectly safe and beneficial. My problem was that mentally I was missing the junk food really bad and ended up going right back to the habits that got me overweight to begin with. Weight loss aside I did feel like my body was enjoying the time off and basically repairing itself and I have planned on doing the the 10 day once a year for the rest of my life once I get my mind set on a true lifestyle change. As part of that, on my current plan, I include a 36 hour cleanse once a week.

    All my opinions aside, you can get all the free help and inspiration you want right on this site...

    I found it very helpful to blog about the experience and chart my progress. It seems really hard at 1st but if you stick to one day at a time the days fly by...good luck!

    Wow, 30 days is a long time! I dont think I could go that long, but I did well with the 16 days I did once before.. now its just that the flavor bothers me too much to do it that long. I used to like it though. But I can still handle it and always feel better after doing it! Congrats! =)
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    You've convinced me. I will go back to eating **** every day, and then I'll do an annual cleanse and that will make me all healthy and stuff.

    I'll just *kitten* Tinkerbell for that kind of magic.
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