
Hi everyone! I am new to this website, but have been using the app for a couple of weeks now. My name is Kassie and I am 31 years old, mother of 2 boys. I have had weight issues off and on my entire life, but spent my late teens and entire 20's being obese. When I turned 30, I decided that my life needed a change. I went from 220 pounds down to 170. However, since February I haven't seen the scales nor the tape measure move. It's beginning to get depressing, but I am trying to not loose hope. Since I began using this app on my phone in late July, I do occasionally go over my intake limit, but that is rare. I use an elliptical machine 30 minutes a day 4-5 days a week, pushing myself to the max. Typically I burn 400-500 calories in 30 minutes. Also, I walk and take stairs daily at my college just to get that extra little bit in. I try not to each much sugar, no white bread or flour, and limit any fried foods. I hope that one of you guys can help me figure out what it is that I am possibly doing wrong or what I can do to make the weight start back coming off.
Starting weight:220
current weight: between 167-170
goal weight: 130
5'4", 31 year old female


  • judyfletch
    judyfletch Posts: 9 Member
    If you add me as a friend I could look and see what you are doing and maybe help out if I can....
  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    Your routine seems to be the same all the time and if you food is also repeats sometimes your body just gets used to the same old same old. I know I went through that and then I decided to take a weekend off of the exercise and still watching what I ate. I then went back at it changing my eating and do different exercise and it seemed to pump it up again. Interval walking is also good, fast for so many minutes then slow then repeat. Also I found that if I did not eat enough protein I also stopped losing. Not sure if that helps but anything is worth a try. I also swear by apple cider vinegar pills, they have made a big change in my weight lose.
  • smcassaro
    smcassaro Posts: 123 Member
    I'm sending you a friend request now! We seem to have alot in common & I would love to support you on your journey. :)