Grrrrr...Any menopausal weight loss advice?

I haven't logged here in a while. Got a new Fitbit, and I've logged off and on there. Logging food on FB today, I realize I've definitely been over-estimating my intake.


I've also gone from zero to near-daily exercise for the last six weeks. I do 45 minutes a day on elliptical, and twice a week I add weights and sometimes a second cardio session. I've cut out Cokes (was drinking 1-2 most days) and beer (maybe 4-5 a week). I have lost a grand total of .5 pounds. My overage isn't huge, and I'll correct that part, but golly, shouldn't 250 calories burned minimum and a reduction of 120-200, help over the course of 6 weeks. Although I was over on calories, I know it's significantly less than it had been because I've also cut out most sweets.

Are we just destined to struggle after age 50?


  • geyerdon
    geyerdon Posts: 1 Member
    I am also struggling with the age weight thing just don’t know where to start
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    At least we aren’t alone!
  • gdionelli
    gdionelli Posts: 7 Member
    I last lost weight when I was 50, pre-menopause. I lost 2 pounds/month, over the course of 20 months, by logging everything and exercising regularly. I kept most of it off, but a month after my last period I put on 4 pounds in a week. Still managed to maintain all but 10 pounds of the weight loss until age 58, when I badly damaged an ankle that led to surgery and all manner of foot problems. It was SO much easier to gain all that weight back - it took me 30 months to gain back what had taken me 30 years to put on previously.

    That said, I've been back at the weight loss gain for the past 2 months - and have lost 7 pounds the exact same way. Calories in/calories out. It sounds to me like you may have to be a bit tougher on yourself about the calories. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news - but the good news is that it IS possible post-menopause.
  • abihewitt
    abihewitt Posts: 1 Member
    I feel your pain ladies, I went through early menopause at 41, now 45 and 2 stone heavier! I run, I go to the gym but it just won't shift. Time to really look at the calories going in
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member

    That said, I've been back at the weight loss gain for the past 2 months - and have lost 7 pounds the exact same way. Calories in/calories out. It sounds to me like you may have to be a bit tougher on yourself about the calories. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news - but the good news is that it IS possible post-menopause.[/quote]

    This helps! Thanks!
  • tampagirl1965
    tampagirl1965 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi guys! I'm 52 at my highest weight ever! I need a buddy or two.😉😉
  • nataliew12
    nataliew12 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Lots of good advice thank you!
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    @kimny72 Your comment is spot on as usual. You continue to provide needed insight to every discussion you enter. Thanks.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I lost a total of 106 pounds. I lost around 18 pounds in my 50's but lost the rest from 59 to 61. I still have the odd hot flash so I guess although it's late for it I'm still menopausal. So it can be done. The first year I lost the most but the last 20 pounds took a year! So if you're close to goal weight it is much harder to lose because the deficit is smaller. I guess basically I just wanted to say it can be done and don't lose hope. Take your time and be consistent. You'll get there.
  • blewbell
    blewbell Posts: 30 Member
    I'm rowing in the same boat. Two weeks in and keep fluctuating the same two pounds. I am doing light strength training (can't do what I used to - I have glaucoma so higher reps/lower weights). It can't all be muscle. I'm feeling 'squishy' in my middle though and pants seem to come up over easier. Are you experiencing that at all?

    I'm doing 16:8 intermittent fasting but might have to quit because I'm getting very hungry in the mornings, I start work early and work in IT and need my brain to work. It will be tough to spread calories even longer.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Awww, thanks @Rocknut53 :blush:
  • evergreenlakegirl
    I am 59 and loosing weight happens when I’m accurate about my food intake. It’s surprising how easy those calories add up! That being said- I’ve tried carb cycling in the past and it helps boost your metabolism. Look for the book: Choose to Loose by Chris Powell
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,113 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Put your stats into MFP, determine your calorie deficit for 1 lb per week unless you have 75+ to lose, then log accurately and consistently. I lost 150 lbs at age 59 by doing this. I highly recommend walking and strength training also. Then quit telling yourself that "it's harder" because of your age. It doesn't matter, you can still do it. "Older" women have the life experience to make a decision and stick with it through the hard times.

  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    hhorst, I have twins, too! I had them at 40. 50 and menopause just feels different. I'm starting to log again, so thanks to you guys who recommended that. I am doing weight training, but just 2-3 times a week because those are the only times I can. I'm set for 1/2 pound a week, and my goal is to lose 10: 130 down to 120, 5'3".

    I do feel being older has a few advantages, mostly that I'm more disciplined and better at managing my time so I can fit in exercise. Yes blewbell, I get the squishies, too, before a weight loss shows on the scale. I'm not scale obsessed, but I haven't seen much other change, maybe a tiny bit tighter.

    Like I said above, I feel better overall, and that's something positive. I appreciate those of you who said you did it and it can be done!